Pretty Impressive

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I woke up to Jack holding me closely against his chest, much closer than he used to. Our legs were tangled together and somehow we had managed to switch sides of the bed again. We really had a weird talent for that. You would think we would realise during the night and quickly go back to our normal positions, but we didn't. Either we just didn't notice or didn't feel like moving because we were already very comfortable.

I checked the clock and saw that it was 11 am. We had been asleep for at least 13 hours. Going to bed that early was a one time thing, or was probably going to be a one time thing. Normally we would stay awake until 2 am before thinking about going to bed, but this time we were so fatigued and exhausted that we had fallen asleep really early.

Jack's grip around me was pretty tight, but not tight enough for me to be stuck until I woke him up or he woke up himself. I carefully moved his arms off of me and got up before making way way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I knew my way around this place like it was my own; I didn't have any trouble finding things I needed from the cupboards. Jack probably didn't even know his own kitchen as well as I did.

I look out a box of the first cereal I could find and poured into a white bowl. When I was nearly done I felt some arms snake around my waist and some lips touching my neck. Soft kisses were placed up and down as I melted into his touch. I put the box down as Jack started making his way up to my jawline.

"This is really weird," I squirmed as his fingers tickled my sides.

"Oh," Jack froze and stopped what he was doing, "you don't want to do this?"

I quickly turned around so I was facing him, "no, no, no, no. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that we have been friends for such a long time that it's different to suddenly act around each other like this. This also is, like, my first relationship thing, I guess, in my mind, so I don't exactly know what to do. And I'm just messing everything up."

Jack chuckled and shook his head, "You're rambling. It's ok, you just made up for it by confessing your feeling."

"I did not confess my feelings!"

"Ah, so there are feelings."

"Stop messing with my mind! And yes, there might or might not be any feelings, I wouldn't be ok with you kissing me otherwise, would I?"

"Hmm, I think it will be ok to ask you to be my girlfriend then." Jack looked at me with hopeful eyes and a smirk. He actually wanted me to be his girlfriend? Why would he want that! We both didn't do relationships, we hadn't been on any dates together. How did we know that this wouldn't result in a break up in a matter of days! He also wouldn't want a girlfriend, he likes one night stands too much. Jack wouldn't give that up to be with one girl. Was he playing a joke on me right now?

Apparently I had been quiet for way too long because Jack started stuttering, "I- I guess we could also stay best friends. That would also be ok, right? That would be fine. I mean, I don't mind."

"Jack?" I cocked my head to the side, "How long have you, umm, had feelings for me?"

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें