Here Today

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Today was the day- the day of their beloved friend's funeral. Dressed in black, George, Paul, Lizzy and even Linda, arrived at the same place they had been for Julia's funeral. Paul clinger on to Linda as of for his dear life. He didn't want to go in there, he didn't want to see his dead mate, his dead lover, his dead other half.

"Paul?" Linda coaxed him gingerly.

Paul had fear in his eyes as if someone was about to murder him.

"I can't." He whimpered.

"Paul, you have to. You have to speak in the ceremony." Linda told him.

Paul unwillingly went to the front row of seats in the room; to close for comfort to John's body. The ceremony began, John's few remaining relatives spoke, George and Liz spoke, and it was now time for Paul to speak. Paul walked to the pedestal slowly and his hands trembled. He cleared his throat and coughed to try to buy a little time. He looked at Linda who motioned for him to begin.

"Um... Good morning, my name is Paul McCartney and I was a close- er- friend of John. To most of you, John was a rather rebellious young man but what most of you didn't know was that John had another side to him, he was a lovely, beautiful man. He was more than a mate to me, more than a brother, he was a lover. He was my lover."

People looked at Paul in shock, reacting to the new news that John was not straight. Paul ignored the disapproving glares and continued.

"John was more than I could ever ask for and I would do anything, anything to have him here today. I loved him and will continue to for the rest of my life. Not a day will go by that I don't think about his almond eyes, his distinctive nose, his thin lips. I would sacrifice my own life so that you John could have stayed with you all. I just wish that everyone would've gotten to know John more and realize how amazing he was. John was not a fighter, he was a lover. He even left a whole book full of lyrics and poems. If John was here today..." Paul trailed off as he began to cry.

Everyone gave him a standing ovation and Linda had to get Paul down. Paul's hands were still shaking and his lip quivered. The ceremony started to come to an end and it was time for everyone to say their last words to John in his open casket. Paul went to the end of the line so that he could have the most time. George, Liz, and Linda were in front of him. George and Liz wept and Linda blew the unfamiliar man a kiss. When it came to Paul, he stood above his lover's body. His eyes scanned the auburn hair he had put his fingers through, the almond-shaped eyes that were once full of love for him and his thin lips that Paul use to kiss dearly.

"I'll love you forever, my love." Paul whispered. "I'll never forget you, Johnny, and that's a promise."

A tear fell from Paul's face into the casket. Paul kissed his own hand and then placed it on John's cold lips. Paul cringed at the feel of the lifeless body.

"I'll see you later, John-Love." Paul whispered and then slowly walked away.

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