Chapter 28**

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Michael's POV:

"Thank you so much for watching the kids for us." I kissed my sister's cheek and hugged her tightly. "I really needed a break."

"I saw something was wrong, so I just decided to help my big bro out." I invited my sister in, but she turned it down and left. She was probably anxious to get home to rest. I appreciate her taking care of Conner and Sophie because I know they can be a handful.

I turned to see Micah on the living room floor playing with them. Seeing my wife interact with our kids warmed my heart. I took a deep breath and walked over to them. I wrapped my arms around Micah's belly and held her close to me as she leaned back against my chest.

"I missed you and them so badly. While I was in that room, you guys were all I could think of." Before I could answer, I saw a blur fly by me and land in front of Micah.

"Oh gosh, Micah! I'm so sorry, I was angry and being unreasonable and I wasn't thinking and I love you so much!" Micah hugged Blaise to shut him up and I got up to give them a minute. Blaise really looked like he needed a moment to find peace with the whole situation.

"You look whole again." I turned to Gabe who was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"I feel it. I love my baby girl and I'm not ever letting her leave me again." He pushed off of the wall and walked next to me.

"I feel the same, that's why I'm going to do it, man." Gabe pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and showed me the beautiful gold and silver wedding band. I smiled wide, genuinely happy for my best friend.

"Congrats man, when are you going to do it?" He smiled coyly.

"Actually, right now." He walked over to Blaise and whispered something into his ear. Blaise looked confused, but stood up and Gabe went down on one knee.

"Blaise, you're it for me. I love you and only you and I can't imagine life without you. I want to make you mine officially. Will you marry me?"

Short, sweet, and to the point. Just like Gabe.

Blaise stared slack-jawed at Gabe on his knee and even though my friend was really good at controlling his emotions, I saw the nervous fidget and smirked. "Uh, Blaise?" He seemed to snap out of his reverie and dropped down to his knees.

"Of course, I'll marry you! Oh god, I love you so much!" Gabe visibly relaxed and hugged Blaise tightly to his chest.

"For a second I thought you were going to say no."

"Gabriel going soft? I'm shocked." He shot a fake glare in my direction and I was happy to see my best friend that in love.

"Just make sure I'm your best man."

"Of course, who else would do it? Nobody likes this annoying guy, anyway." Gabe elbowed Blaise and I laughed.

"Congrats you two, now get out so I can have some alone time with my wife." I wiggled my eyebrows and they got up, clutching each other as if life depended on it.

"At least try to make it back to your houe without devouring each other!"

"Can't make any promises!" I faintly heard Gabe say and I laughed loudly.

"I knew there was a reason I befriended that guy." I shook my head and walked back over to my wife who was smiling sweetly down at our kids, simply glowing.

Life was finally getting settled and I loved it.


Its really short and if you cant tell, this story is coming to its end. Tell me ANY and EVERY loose end you guys want covered and I'll do my best to get it done before I finish the book! 

So Gabe finally proposed! 

Picture on the side of the rings! :)

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Love you guys! :P

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