Chapter 1: Admission

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Your P.O.V.

I just finished doing my chores, so I decided to take a little break. I plopped down on the couch in the living room and started munching on Honey Buddha Chips.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an Otaku Gamer and a Single Pringle. I have no love life whatsoever, so fanfiction and Otome games it is!!!

My oldest brother, Aaron came back into the house after he retrieved the mail. My second oldest brother came down the stairs and skipped all the way to Aaron.

"Whatcha got there Arlo? Some love letters?" My second oldest brother, Kriss, asked in a sing-song voice. He loved teasing Aaron of that dreadful day. It's because Aaron accidentally said his name was Arlo to his friend, which is now his girlfriend, right in front of all of us.

Kriss was still single, being the oh-so-famous singer. It really pissed me off whenever the door bell rang or if the phone rang, because it was very often his fans. Screw that, I hate it whenever there are visitors and callers.

Both of them graduated from high school and are currently attending one of the schools in the Ivy League. Tch. Muggles. I, on the other side wanted to attend a special school, like the school in Magic Kyun, or Hogwarts!

Kriss was older than me by 2 years and Aaron was older than me by 4 years, which makes a two year difference for each of us. I am currently 15 right now.

"[Y/N], you got mail from... Synthia Academy?" Aaron said slowly. My ears perked up.

Oh, Synthia Academy? Nice choice lil' sis! You did take it upon yourself when I recommended it to you eh?" Kriss smiled.

To be honest, I took the school because I really looked up to Kriss. Whenever he made music, acted, or sung, it was the shining moments of my life. I've always wanted to do something that makes people happy, yet, I'm the opposite of an optimistic person.

"Huh? Really?! Oi, let me see!" I exclaimed, trying to snatch the letter. I failed miserably and fell off the couch, banging my head on the edge of the coffee table. Aaron waved the letter to rub his victory in my face and he took it with him. I rubbed my head and glared at him.

Operation: Get that letter.

Once everybody was asleep, or so I thought, I silently crept towards Aaron's room. I pushed the door swiftly and slithered in (lol). I then stopped for a moment and remembered what happened the last time I tried this.


I tried my best to be a ninja, but I didn't expect that there were legos on the floor. I realized that as soon as I stepped on a pile of them.


I silently cussed then proceeded the mission. Aaron stirred a bit and I froze there like a deer caught in headlights. He then did the one thing I least wanted him to do.

Turning the lights on. In the dark room, I could see his arm reaching for the light remote, so I took the leap of faith and flopped on him.

"AH! WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed. I ripped the remote out of his hands and tried to run away, grabbing the letter in the process. Aaron got out of his bed and stepped on the little castle I made out of legos.

Ouch. Aaron cussed and rushed towards the door and shut it, locking it in the process. He turned the lights on, and glared at me.

"What the ACTUAL FUDGE AARON??!!! HOW??!!! HOW ARE YOU NOT DYING FROM STEPPING ON THAT LEGO CASTLE? WHAT IS YOUR SECRET??!!" I demanded. Aaron said nothing and charged after the envelope I had. Quick witted, I stuffed it into my shirt. Aaron's eyes widened and he seethed.

"You wouldn't dare..." I whispered. He rolled his eyes and bent down to pick the letter up.

"You missed."



But that was the last time. This time, I got it. I quickly escaped the room and went to the living room. I sat down on our piano chair, (since it was the closest and near a window so I could see better) and took the letter out of my pocket.

I stared at the envelope. It was a fresh, baby blue colored envelope. I flipped it and read the other side.

To: [Y/N] [L/N],
From: Synthia Academy

I flipped it over and over again, and reread each sentence carefully to verify that my eyes were not betraying me. It was official. It was a letter from the academy I wanted to attend.

During summer break, I was motivated to attend a school that I took an entrance exam. I took it because the school was one of the top ten school's in Vocaloida City, and it focuses mainly on the Fine Arts, which includes drama, art, music, and so on.

I took a deep breath, followed by a gulp as I grabbed a letter opener and cut the top open. I took the letter out and instantly, a whiff of [Favorite scent] came by as I opened the letter.

I took the letter along with some other papers too, gently, inhaling, exhaling, then started reading it.


I slammed the letter on the coffee table. Say no more. I know I got admitted, but hey, it wouldn't hurt to read more rightttt???? I went back to reading back at the beginning.


Congratulations Miss [L/N], we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Synthia Academy of the Fine Arts.

The form of your Complimentary Courses is also in the envelope, along with a list of supplies needed. Your schedule will be given to you on the first day. Please send your Complimentary course outline as soon as possible as we will need it to print out your schedule.

Headmistress Relodia.

I mentally squealed real hard and started doing my happy dance around the living room, until I stubbed my toe.

"Tell me again why we have these stupid things called toes! All they do is jam into every single furniture you have and it causes you absolute pain! OH YEAH, I need toes to balance. PAIN, YOU HEAR ME??!!!" I cussed, then clasping my mouth.

"What the hell [Y/N]?! It's 2am in the morning!!! IF I FAIL TOMORROW'S EXAM, I WILL FREAKING BURY YOU ALIVE!!!" My older brother screamed from his room. I quickly put the letter back into the envelope and pocketed it.

My second older brother came down and dragged me upstairs, and threw me on my bed, then shut the door. Note-to-self, Kriss is a sass when he is sleepy. I safely tucked the letter in my drawer and went to sleep.

I can't wait.

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