Chapter 41: Disappear

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Brian's POV

It was the last day of the January and me and the guys were super excited. We got to play a gig at some club-bar thing in the evening. We were waiting for this opportunity for a long time now. We only played at some parties and mostly Matt's parents' garage. This was a big step for us. Thanks to Val and her awesome managing skills. 

As I was about to start my car and drive out of the school's parking lot, my phone vibrated, warning me, that I got a text. I grabbed my cell and read the message. Kay wanted me to drive at her house. Probably she wanted to have sex. 

It was a long time since we did it. She was acting pretty weird, avoiding me or any of the guys. She was constantly hanging around that Beck dude. And it was driving me crazy. She said, that Beck was only a friend and we were 'friends with benefits' so she wouldn't be doing anything behind my back.

I shook my head and turned the car on, speeding out of the parking lot, almost hitting the jock on my way. The gig was at eight p.m. and Matt wanted to do one more rehearsal before it, so I had like two hours before the practice. A plenty of time. 

The drive was pretty quick. I parked next to the house, jumping happily out of the car. The doors weren't locked, so I let myself in, kicking off the shoes and shutting the door behind. The house was silent, meaning that neither the twins, nor the Nick and Debbie were at home. Just my luck. 

I walked into the living room, but she wasn't there. I did the same with the kitchen and the backyard, but it was the same. I quickly climbed up the stairs and opened her bedroom door. 

She was sitting onto her bed, facing the balcony. She didn't even flinched, when I closed the door rather loudly and it was weird. I climbed onto the bed too, wrapping my arms around her middle, kissing the back of her neck. If she wanted any action, we had to be pretty quick. 

"Brian." she said sternly, but I ignored it and kept on nibbling onto her skin. 

"Brian." she said once again, standing up and wrapping her arms around herself. I stood up, too, taking her face into my hands and kissing her lips passionately. She kissed back, but broke the kiss soon after, turning her face away. I dropped my hands and rubbed my face.

"Okay." I started coldly. "What's up?"

She faced the balcony again, looking through the glass door into the calmly waving ocean and didn't said a word. I stood behind her, waiting for her to say something, anything. The cold shoulder she was giving me lately was not usual for her at all. And it made all of us concerned. 

"Are you gonna say anything or just ignore me?" I raised my voice, tired of waiting. If she wanted to talk with me, then she should do something. 

She exhaled loudly, turning around, finally facing me. I looked at her eyes, that lost their sparkle. She looked really tired. I didn't understand what the fuck was going on. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words come out of it. She just stood in front of me, opening and closing her mouth couple of times. 

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ, just get on with it!" I yelled out, pissed off completely. 

It Must Have Been Love (Synyster Gates) ✅Where stories live. Discover now