Chapter 27: Going Further

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Carolina's POV

You know why I can't stand Tuesdays? Because Tuesdays are the second days after the Mondays, which are the worst days of all the week. And Tuesdays always are harder after the Mondays, because you have to do homework. But this Tuesday was the worst Tuesday of all the Tuesdays I had so far here, in America. 

"You have ten minutes, students!" Mr. Morris announced. 

Pop Quiz. Two little, horrible, terrifying, absolutely evil words, which can make your life crumble to pieces in a matter of seconds. And not just any Pop Quiz. A Pop Quiz of American History class. All the dates, people, events, causes, documents... And you have to remember them all. No, that was not for me. My brain's hard disc doesn't have that much memory. 

"Five minutes, everyone!" 

What? It was ten minutes left, like three seconds ago! I grasped my pencil tighter and looked into the sheet. And only thing I saw, was hieroglyphs of some dead language. My brain was absolutely malfunctional at this point. 

"Two minutes!" Mr. Morris walked around the classroom with a smirk. He knew we weren't ready for this. He knew, we didn't know anything. 

He was getting closer to my desk, so I just formed a barrier with my hand and scribbled down my best guesses. Either I was screwed or screwed big time. It only depended on, how stupid my answers was. 

"Okay, the time's up! Put your sheets on my desk and wait for the bell." he said, smirk never leaving his face. He was one of those teachers, who was purely evil. All the hard work we did in his class wasn't satisfying enough for him. 

The bell rang and all the students hurried from the class, before one of them got called by the Evil Master. 

"Miss Carolina, not so fast." he stopped me as I was about to exit the torture room. I slowly turned around and walked up to his desk. It just wasn't my lucky day.

"Yes, Mr. Morris?" I fake smiled. 

"I saw you struggle with the quiz today." he looked up at me through his fancy-ass glasses. "My duty as a teacher to offer you some extra work, to improve your... Knowledge." he smirked faintly. Oh hell no. 

"Maybe some extra exercises or extra literature would help you." he debated with himself. "Or maybe a tutor should be useful?" 

"With all the respect to you, sir, I don't really think it would be necessary. I just didn't read the sheets you gave, carefully enough." I tried to get away somehow. I didn't need more extra work. 

"Is that so?" he eyed me suspiciously. "Well, with all the respect to you, I think it'll be good for you to have a tutor. And I think, I have a perfect person for that job. Come back here, after the school." he lowered his gaze to the one of the history books. I walked out of the classroom still shocked. 

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