Chapter 25: Halloween

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Carolina's POV

Friday night was the night of the Halloween dance in the school. I stood in front of my mirror, admiring the outfit me and the girls picked out couple of days ago. They asked me, well, more of a pressured me to buy, this outfit. It was a decent, and by decent I mean not slutty, Little Red Riding Hood costume. I applied a thick line of eyeliner, to make my eyes stand out and a red lipstick on my plump lips. 

"Oh, you look gorgeous!" the twins squealed. "He's gonna get hard for sure!" Michelle smirked. I rolled my eyes and fixed my hair quickly. 

Valary was wearing Blue Sailor Girl costume, with long, red boots and a tiny sailor's hat. Her hair was left loose and wavy. 

Michelle was a Mystic Gipsy. She had a dark makeup on, 'creating the mystery' as she told herself. 

The piercing signal of a car honk echoed through the empty house and three of us rushed down the stairs in a second. 

Matt was already waiting in his SUV. We greeted him quickly and jumped into the car. The guys didn't want to go to the dance at all, but Valary managed to get them to agree. And the reason why - this was my first dance. At all. 

"So, Kay, ready for the fun?" Matt looked through his rear-view mirror. 

"Eh, kinda." I shrugged my shoulders. Truth to be told, I didn't want to go to this thing. I didn't know how to dance, and I didn't want to be humiliated. But everyone insisted me to go. 

"Oh, don't be like that! It's gonna be great!" Valary dropped her arm around my shoulders. 

"And which part should be great?" I asked. 

"Everything!" Michelle chirped in. I sighed deeply and Matt chuckled at my response. I shook my head lightly. I had a feeling, that this night would change a lot in my current life. But I'm not so sure, if it'll be changed into better. 

The loud music was heard outside the school, as we arrived. The girls dragged me out of the car and into the building, Matt following behind. 

"Your names?" P.E. teacher Mr. Logan asked us, bored already. 

"Please, don't tell me, you don't recognize us." Michelle rolled her eyes. He looked up form the stack of papers and chuckled. 

"How can I not recognize you all?" he smiled friendly and marked something in one of the papers. "Enjoy the party!" 

We walked down the school corridor, 'till we reached the gym's door. Valary quickly opened the heavy doors and dragged me in. The space was filled with a mass of people. I quickly spotted Zacky by the snacks. Where else you could find him? I slid my hand out of the Val's and made my way to him.

"Hey beautiful." he smiled and kissed my lips gently. 

You might be wondering why in the hell, Zacky was kissing me. Well, I didn't break up with him. And honestly, I can't explain my actions. I just couldn't break his heart. I just couldn't end up everything. And as I look back at the conversation we had two weeks ago, I might know the reason why, I did what I did.


"Zacky, can I talk with you?"  I asked gently. He nodded his head and both us left the kitchen. I slowly walked down the hall, Zacky trailing behind, anxiety killing us both. I painfully slowly opened the sliding door and entered the backyard of Seward's household. Stepping over the cans and bottles of alcohol, I walked over to the lounge chairs and sat down on the one of them. He did the same, facing me. 

I kept my gaze low. Tears already threatened to leave my eyes. I didn't know how to start this conversation. I didn't know what to say. I felt so vulnerable, so drenched emotionally, that I lost ability to talk. 

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