Chapter 20: Worst Case Scenario

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Carolina's POV

I decided to skip my third period, just because I was so late. I left the restroom and quietly made my way to the school's back yard. I found a secluded place and sat down. I still couldn't believe what Payton told me just a couple of minutes ago. Matt didn't tell her anything. That idiot didn't tell her anything. I never thought Matt, the same funny, protective, sarcastic, honest, cheery Matt, could do things like that. I mean, how badly fucked up mind has to be, to do such a horrible things? 

One thing I knew for sure - I needed to teach the boy a lesson. I told it million times and I'll tell again - I was in a bad mood today and he's gonna feel my fury. 

I took my notebook out and started to draw random things. I had a half an hour before my fourth period and then - lunch. Best time of the day, in my opinion. I heard giggling not so far away, next to the building's wall.

"Well, how 'bout now?" a girl said seductively. I looked up from my drawings and saw Melanie almost dry humping some guy. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag and stood up. 

You just can‘t have some peace in this place. She noticed me and smirked my way.

"Oh, look what we have here, Drake." she started to make her way to me. "Carolina, right? "

"Wow, finally some visible effort! You‘re brain doing a good job by remembering names! What‘s next? " I fake cheered and rolled my eyes. 

"Where‘s your boyfriend? " she asked, ignoring my previous comment. "Fucking some whore? "

"You mean, someone like you? Nah, it‘s way too low for him. And he doesn't need anyone else, but me. He likes good quality, not some cheap fuck. " I smirked at her. She started to get angry and her face got red. The dude, which was standing next to her, started to slowly back away. Good choice.

"By the way, the zit on your forehead is really big. You might wanna cover it up with something. " I continued. "And your fuck just ran away. " I pointed to guy. Her shriek pierced my ears. She stoped away, screaming like maniac. Something's wrong with the chick. 

But it made me think. Me and Zack never gone further that heated make out session. And everytime he kisses me, I know he wants a bit more than that. But am I ready for that step? I like Zacky. A lot. But something tells me, that it's wrong. 

The ringing bell brought me back to Earth. I shook my head lightly from those thoughts and hurried to my last period before lunch. And then, then I'm gonna have a nice talk with Matt. 

"Were have you been?" Daniella asked as I entered the classroom. "Why did you skip the french class?" she questioned me.

"I had something to do." I lied. She looked at me sceptically. 

"I know you're lying." she narrowed her eyes. "But I won't ask you anything, unless you'll tell me." she sighed. I smiled at her and thanked. 

"Hello, kids! Let's start the lesson, shall we?" our art teacher Mr. Dale clapped his hands, in a cheery manner. "Grab your sketch books and let's start!" he took some chalk and wrote something on the blackboard. As he stepped away the word 'Nightmare' was written on the board.

"As you all know, nightmare is an unpleasant dream, that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind, typically fear or horror. It also can be a despair, anxiety and great sadness."

"Did you took this information from 'Wikipedia'?" Dani smirked.

"Actually, Danielle, I did." Mr. Dale laughed. He was an awesome teacher. Maybe because he was younger than all the others and understood us, teenagers, better that other old teachers. 

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