Chapter 37: Too Much Wine

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Carolina's POV

For some unknowable reason, these people decided to unpack the Christmas gifts in the evening. It was around seven in the evening, but it was already dark outside and still snowing heavily. I was leaning on the windowsill, looking at he dancing snowflakes behind the window. 

I really enjoyed this chilly air, knowing that in a couple of days we will be heading back to the Huntington Beach. It made me feel closer to my home. 

Everyone decided to gather at our suit, because it was the most spacious out of all the rooms. We had a green Christmas Tree in the corner of the living room, decorated in red and white glass bubbles, snowflakes and garlands of lights. A bunch of boxes - big and smaller ones, wrapped in a colorful paper were nicely put under the tree. The lights in the room were turned off and only a the fire of the fireplace was the only one light source in the room. It looked magnificent. A real Christmas vibe. 

The adults were drinking hot wine and chattering loudly, the younger kids were squatted in front of the tree, their eyes glued to the presents. Some of the guys were in the kitchen, trying to swipe some sweets, others just sitting on the couch, talking nonsenses. 

I let out a sight and turn around to focus my attention back at the glorious sight of the winter. 

"Here, have some." Brian stood next to me, handing me the hot wine. I thanked him silently and sipped on the warm drink. 

This weird 'relationship' that we were having, was... weird. The guys noticed, that we stopped bickering and being complete immature people. And they were guessing, that it was the Christmas time, that did some effect on us. 

But that wasn't the case. Me and Brian agreed to be friends with benefits, FB's as he called. I wasn't ready to be in any kind of relationship still. I was scared to get hurt again, because Brian was a man with a big commitment issues. I didn't want to get involved in a serious thing, being lied and left broken. That was the least thing I wanted for sure. 

"You alright?" he asked, looking concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking." 

Brian was still my best friend, even tho' we were constantly making out in the most randomest places we could find, trying not to get caught by anyone. We didn't do anything sexual yet, but I could see, how frustrated Brian always gets, when the heavy make out session ends up. 

"About what?" he continued looking through the window. 

"My home." I lied. "It's weird not to see my little sister running around the house like maniac with the presents and my mom yelling about how idiotic we're acting, and my dad trying to watch the TV, during this Christmas madness at our home." I smiled, remembering the last Christmas back in Lithuania. Brian wanted to say something, but was cut off by his dad.

"Alright everyone!" he clapped his hands together. "Present time!" 

As those words left his mouth the little ones - McKenna, Matt B., and for some reason Brent with Chris, attacked the presents. We all were looking at the sigh with and amusement written all over our faces. 

"Our oldest sons are an idiots." Brian Sr. commented, making Nick chuckle. 

"I got it!" Brent jumped around holding a medium-sized box.

"Me too!" Chris joined him, with his smaller box.

After this little show the guys put on, others took their presents, too. Everyone were happily showing their presents to others, getting involved into the conversations.

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