Chapter 73 Never again

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Hinata sighed and stared at the stack of papers on her desk. She had never known that being the head of the family included so much desk work. How had her father managed  it?
There were official reports, but also the wages of the household staff, names and numbers of the Hyuuga family, scrolls with information about their legacy Byakugan. And the mark of the caged bird. That was one of the first things she had changed. No member of the Branch House would ever be forced to wear the mark again, unless they chose so themselves. It had caused too much strife in the past. She didn’t want her family to be divided anymore.
She had also found a copy of the marriage certificate of her father’s younger sister to the Fourth Kazekage, along with a letter from her aunt to her father. She wrote about how much she missed Konoha, but how the birth of her daughter had made her happy.
Hinata had put the letter aside. Perhaps Neji could send it to Taryn with his next letter. She was sure her cousin would like to read it.
Hinata bit her lip as she thought of Taryn. Even though she had forgiven her cousin for protecting Sasuke, it didn’t mean she liked it.

A knock on the door made her look up. “Hanabi? What is it?”
“Are you almost done?” her sister asked, “you’ve been in here all day.”
“I have work to do, Hanabi-chan.”
“No one expects you to be perfect, nee-san. And you don’t have to do everything on our own. Even father had assistants.”
“Neji is helping ne,” Hinata said, “when he’s not busy with his duties to the village.”
Hanabi sighed. For a shy girl, her sister sure was stubborn. “Come on,” she said, “let’s go eat something. I think I saw Naruto enter the ramen bar earlier.”
“N-naruto-kun?” Hinata stuttered and her cheeks turned red.
Hanabi smirked to herself. She had found the key to making her sister listen not long ago. It worked every time. “Yeah, “ she said, “but you’re busy, so…”
“I .. I can t-take a break,” Hinata said and put down the form she had been filling out. She pushed back her chair and headed to the door. “A-are you coming or not?”


“Hey, how did it go?” Daro and Hiro ran up to their friend excited.
Kuro smiled. “It was good. I’d never been to Kirigakure before. But I’m glad to be back home.”
He looked at Daro. “Tai told me to say hi.”
Daro blinked in surprise. “He remembers who I am?”
Kuro nodded. “How are things here?”
“Same as before,” Daro said, “Uchiha being a jerk, shinobi going in and out.”
“Do they know yet who it was that attacked sensei five months ago?”
Hiro shook his head. “Not yet. How about you? Did you hear something?”
“No,” Kuro said, “but there’s something else.” He had a concerned expression on his face. “I need to talk to Gaara-sama.”


Day 9 of the seventh month
First year of the Great Peace
From the Council of Iwagakure
To all the Great Nations


We regret to inform you that Oonoki, Third Tsuchikage, has passed away quietly three days ago. Hanade Tokari has been appointed Fourth Tsuchikage in his stead. Please be assured that the treaty will stay intact



“Is there really nothing else I can do?” Naruto complained.
Kakashi sighed frustrated. “you can assist the delegation that came from Kumo,” he said, “they’ll be staying for a while. I need someone to guide them to their apartments and escort them across town.”
“Aren’t we at peace?” Naruto questioned, “why do they need an escort?”
“Because they’re still shinobi from another nation,” Kakashi clarified. He didn’t want to tell the boy his ulterior motives, that they still didn’t know who had attacked Taryn and Sasuke. If he could find out even the smallest lead, he would use it.
Naruto sighed. “Fine, I’ll do it.” 
“Good,” Kakashi nodded, “take Sai with you.” The young ANBU member would know what to do and the two had become friends.
Naruto nodded. “Alright.” He looked at Kakashi hesitantly. “Have you heard from her yet?” 
Kakashi shook his head. “No. Nothing.” 
Naruto gave him a sad smile. “She’ll write,” he said, “she’s probably just busy, you know, with her baby and all.” 
Kakashi nodded. “Yes. Of course.” He gave Naruto an encouraging nod. He knew the boy was just trying to make him feel better. “You should go now.” 
Naruto nodded. “Okay.” He gave one last glance at his former sensei before walking out the door.

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