Chapter Extra C-rank mission

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“Where are we going again?” Hiro asked.
The three of them were following Taryn through the desert. All four of them were wearing cloaks to protect them from the weather and the sand.
“Lightning Country,” Taryn said, “we have to intercept a messenger from giving information to the enemy.”
“What enemy?” Daro asked.
Taryn shook her head. “Our spy didn’t have the specifics. Only that there would be a transfer. It is most likely a scroll, but we should be prepared for anything.” She knew her students were nervous. It was their first time outside the village and it was a long way to the Lightning Country. She didn’t expect any trouble though.
“Have you been there before, sensei?” Kuro asked, “in Lightning?”
Taryn nodded. “Yes, but that was long ago.” She gave them a serious look. “We have to be careful when we’re there. We’re not currently at war with Lightning, but we’re not allies either. We can’t draw attention. Understood?”
They nodded. “Hai, sensei.”
“Good,” Taryn said, “now, while on this mission, there may be times when we get separated. Keep paying attention and keep your guard up.”
“Shouldn’t we think of a password? Just in case?” Kuro asked.
“No. Passwords are not as safe as you might think. An enemy may be hiding an overhear. Some can use mind control jutsu and gain the password without you knowing it. Or you may be taken prisoner and forced to tell. They can disguise themselves as your comrades and you might still be tricked.”
"Then how will we know they are who they say they are?” Daro asked.
Taryn smiled. “Do you remember the first assignment I gave you?” The boys nodded. “It is very important to know your teammates,” Taryn continued, “someone might impersonate your friends, but only those who have fought beside you will know you well enough to see the difference. I’ll admit that it is not easy. But if you are clever enough, you will be able to figure it out. Did you three study the information on Lightning Country?”
Kuro nodded.
“Yes,” Daro confirmed.
“Uhmm…,” Hiro scratched his head.
Taryn stopped and gave him a stern look. “What did I tell you?”
“Sorry,” the boy muttered, “I was going to, but I forgot. We only had an hour to prepare and I had to pack.”
Taryn sighed. “You’ll just have to read along the way then when we have a break.”
“When are we taking a break?” Hiro asked in a small voice.
Daro punched his arm. “We’ve only been walking for an hour.”
“We’ll pause when we’re out of the desert,” Taryn said and kept walking. She glanced at the sky. It would be dawn soon. In the daylight, temperature would rise quickly. Yes. It was better to cross the desert soon. She hoped this mission would go smoothly. Of course she had been on missions before since her return to Suna, but this was the first time leading a team of Genin. She liked being in charge, but skilled as they were, her teammates were children. She couldn’t let anything happen to them. The only way to achieve that was to prepare them as good as possible.
She glanced at them. The three boys were talking to eachother in hushed voices. Taryn smiled. They would be fine. They were raised in Suna. This was just a simple mission. How hard could it be?


Taryn closed her eyes and took deep breaths as she performed a low series of taijutsu. Her team was watching her intensely. They had never seen her train before. When she trained with them it was different. Then she adjusted her jutsu to be compatible with their skills. She trained herself alone. Or with her siblings. But here, out on the road, she would have to train. As team leader she needed to be ready for anything.
She lowered her arms and breathed out. They had set up camp for the night close to the river. A few more days and they would reach their destination.
Taryn bit her lip. She had to be careful while moving through that village. What she had told them was true. She had been there before. But that was while she was still in league with Akatsuki. She might be recognized in the village. No matter that she was re-established in Suna, they would remember.
She sat down on the ground and leaned back against a tree. “Sensei, you’re awesome,” Hiro gasped.
“Years of practice,” Taryn shrugged. She glanced around carefully. It was still daylight and no one was in sight. They could risk making a fire. “Why don’t you go gather some fire wood?” she asked, “take Kuro with you. Keep aware of your surroundings and don’t go too far.”
“Hai sensei.” The two disappeared into the forest.
“Won’t a fire make us conspicuous?” Daro asked.
“There’s no one around,” Taryn told him, “and we will put it out by nightfall. It is warm enough. Always look around to make sure no enemy will spot you. But in this case it’s alright.” Daro nodded. “Come on,” Taryn said and walked towards the river, “let’s catch us some fish.”

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