Extra: Black Wings - Kuro

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Here's the backstory of Kuro before he became part of team Taryn. It ties in around the start of Crow's Feathers with the Chuunin Exams in Konoha. At that time, Taryn was still banished. 


It started off as any other day in Suna. His classmates were noisy, all nervous for their first day in the Academy. In a few years time, if all went well, they would graduate and start their training as ninja. But for now they were merely students.

Kuro sighed and stared out of the window. He had never been a very social person. It would be hard to socialize with his classmates, but he would try. He would have to learn how to work as a team if he wanted to become a ninja like his brother.

Suzaku was his idol. He served the Kazekage’s personal guard and he was only twenty-four.

Kuro leaned his head on his hand. Suzaku was in Konoha now. The Chuunin Exams had come around and he had to go with the Kazekage to attend the final round. It would be a while before he’d be back.

Kuro focused his attention on the blackboard. Kasumi-sensei was writing down a series of jutsu for them to copy and Kuro got to work.

For a while it was silent in the classroom.

Then the door opened.

Hojou-sensei walked up to Kasumi-sensei and whispered something. Kasumi-sensei froze and her eyes turned sad. She nodded. “Kuro,” she said.

Kuro looked up surprised.

Kasumi-sensei sighed. “Please go with Hojou-sensei. He will take you home.”

His classmates exchanged confused glanced and he could hear a few whispers. “Why?” he asked softly.

“It’s better if you hear it from your parents. Please go now,” she said encouraging.

Kuro slowly gathered his things and followed the male sensei out of the school. He had a bad feeling. He wanted to run and hide, anything to postpone what was to come.

Hojou-sensei pated his shoulder when they arrived at Kuro’s house. “Go on, kid,” he said and waited for Kuro to enter.

Kuro took a deep breath and stepped inside.

His mother was crying.

His sister Kimi stared in the distance, her face pale.

His father was pacing the room, clearly upset, while conversing with two Jounin that were in the council.

“Dad?” Kuro whispered. He barely noticed when Hojou-sensei left.

His mother looked up. “Kuro-kun,” she cried and pulled him in her arms.

“What’s wrong?” Kuro asked. His lip trembled. His family’s behavior scared him. Kimi was still staring and his father had sunk into a chair. “Mom?”

One of the council members turned to him. “There’s been an ambush,” he said calmly, “the Kazekage’s party has been attacked on the way to Konoha.” He pause for a moment.

Kuro turned white. He knew what the next words were going to be and he shook his head.

“I’m very sorry. There were no survivors.”

Kuro’s mother started to cry again.

Kuro blinked. He heard the words, but they didn’t make sense. Suzaku. Suzaku was in Konoha. He had to guard the Kazekage. “Where is Suzaku?” he asked distracted.

At his words, Kimi broke from her trance and started to cry too.

“He fought bravely,” the Jounin said, “but it was not enough.”

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