Chapter 34

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~2 months later~

~Julie's Birthday~

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

Matt: Hey meet me at the pier, I need to talk to you.

Me: Ok I'll be there in 15 minutes, can I bring Cassidy?"

Matt: Yes, I need to talk to both of you.

Me: Ok we'll be there.

~End of conversation~

"Cassidy lets go! We need to meet Matt at the pier!" I yelled upstairs "Ok!" She yelled back.

"What did Matt want?" Cassidy asked. "He needs to talk to us." I said. "Oh I think I know what it's about!" Cassidy said smiling. I just laughed at her.

"Oh thank goodness you guys are here. Julie's mom took her shopping so we could set up for her surprise birthday party, and I'm going to propose to her tonight." Matt said smiling. "No way really?" Cassidy yelled "Really?!" I yelled. "Yeah, don't you remember when we were at Dan's and I told you all? Well we better get going, Devo and Andy are there already setting up." Matt said.

"Guys! Quiet! I just heard them pull into the drive way!" Matt said. "Where is every--" Julie started. "SURPRISE!" we all yelled at the top of our lungs. "Happy birthday Jules!" Cassidy said as I got up and hugged her. "Thanks girl! Love you" Julie said. "Happy Birthday Baby!" Matt said "Love you Matt!" Julie said hugging Matt. I started singing happy birthday and everybody joined in, "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Julie! Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday Julie!" I said. "Thanks Hunter!" Julie said.

~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

We had cake and turned the radio on and started dancing. We were all dancing to a slow song, I was with Hunter, Matt was with Julie, Devo was with a bag of chips, and Andy was dancing with his girlfriend, Brittney I think her name was. "We really need to get Devo a girlfriend." I said laughing a little. "We do!" Hunter said.

About half way through the song, Matt and Julie stopped dancing. Julie had a confused expression on until Matt got down on one knee and began talking. "Julie, I remember the first night we met, on Hunter's tour bus. I have loved you from the beginning and I'll love you forever. Will you marry me?" Matt asked. "Yes! A million times yes!" Julie said. Matt jumped up and hugged her.

Julie ran over to me and hugged me. "Look at the ring! It's so pretty!" Julie yelled. "That is so pretty!" I said. 'I need to talk to you." Julie said.

We walked into Matt and Julie's room. "Can I ask you a question?" Julie asked. "Sure anything." I said. "Will you be my maid of honor?" Julie asked with a smile. "Of course I will!" I said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Julie said hugging me.

"Julie can I ask you something?" I asked. "Shoot." She said. "Do you think Hunter will propose to me?" I asked. "Oh he will!" Julie said smiling. "Thanks for always being by my side!" I said hugging her. "That's what best friends are for!" she said.

We walked back into the living room. I sat down by Hunter and Julie sat by Matt. "So when is the wedding planned for?" Hunter asked. Matt looked at Julie. Then Julie said, "I want it sometime in July or August." "That is a good time!" Devo said.

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

"Devo we need to get you a girl!" I said. "Why man? I'm perfectly happy with my bag of chips!" Devo said. I looked at Cassidy and saw her texting on her phone.

"Who you texting?" I asked. "Savanna." Cassidy said. "Is she single?" "Yeah she is her and her boyfriend jut broke up." Cassidy said. "Hey Devo, I think I found you a girl!" I said. "Oh yeah what does she look like?" he asked. "She has long blond hair with low lights. She is about 5'5" and is really pretty! Want to see a picture?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah bring it over here." Devo said.

Cassidy took the picture off of the shelf and brought it by Devo. "This is a picture from our graduation. I'll text her and tell her to come over!" Cassidy said. "She's beautiful." Devo said. "I know. She has always been the prettiest one of me Julie and Alex." Cassidy said. "That is true!" Julie said. 

C: Hey wanna come meet somebody?

S: Sure! Where?

C: 5445 W. Sherman street Julie's new house.

S: Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes

C: Ok see you soon!

"She's on her way Devo, better be ready!" Cassidy said. "Oh Devo better be looking sharp!" Matt yelled. "Shut up you guys!" Devo said.

10 minutes later we heard a knock on the door. Julie got up and answered it. "Savanna!" She yelled. "Julie!" Savanna yelled. "It's been such a long time since you left for Texas!" Cassidy said as she walked to the door. "Cassidy! I missed you!" Savanna yelled. "Missed you to baby girl!" Cassidy said. "Shut up! Just because I'm younger than you by 9 days dosen't mean you can treat me like a baby! But I still love you!" "Yay!" Cassidy said.

The girls walked in the living room and sat down. Cassidy sat next to me, Julie next to Matt, and Savanna on the floor. "Savanna, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Hunter." Cassidy said. "You... You're Hunter Hayes!" Savanna said in shock. "That's me!" I said smiling. "And this is my fiance Matt." Julie said.

"How did all of you guys meet?" Savanna asked. "Well, me Julie and Alex went to Hunter's concert when it was here. We went to the meet and greet, I sang with him, he asked me to be his opening act, I said yes. Then we started dating and now were here." Cassidy said smiling. "Julie how did you meet Matt?" "Well Cassidy took me along on the tour and me and Matt started talking. He asked me out. We dated for about a year, and now were engaged!" Julie said smiling. 

"Savanna, I want you to meet our good friend Devo." Hunter said. "Hey." Savanna said shyly. "Hey." Devo said. 

"I think we found Devo's girl." I whispered in Cassidy's ear. "I think so." Cassidy whispered back

We left around 9:30. Cassidy fell asleep in the car, like usual. Devo and Savanna went to Devo's house to hang out for a while longer. 

"Cassidy, were home." I said. "Carry me." Cassidy said quietly. I got out of the car and went around to the other side to get Cassidy out. 

I carried her inside and set her on the couch. I went into Kati's room and found her and Carrie asleep. Then I went to Eli's room and found him and Scotty asleep.

"Cassidy, wanna go out tonight?" I asked once I got back to the living room. "Sure, let me go get ready." Cassidy said as she dragged herself off the couch to get ready.

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