Chapter 15

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~Hunter's P.O.V.~

We arrived at the park and the first thing we did was race to the swings. "LAST ON TO THE SWINGS IS A ROTTEN EGG!" I yelled as I took off. Cassidy and I were the first ones to the swings then Julie then the slow one Matt. "Not fair!" Matt complained. "Is too! Cassidy and Julie said at the same time. "Fine fine you guys win!" Matt said in defeat. "Hunter can you push me?" Cassidy asked with her extremely good puppy-dog face. "Ok I guess I can." I said with a playful smile. "Yay!" Cssidy said with a smile.

We ended up staying at the park for I think 5 hours swinging, going down slides, and getting stuck in slides. We went out to supper at Olive Garden. Me and Cassidy shared a piece of lasagna and so did Julie and Matt.

"That was really good!" Cassidy said. "Yes it was!" I said. We made it back to the bus and we all went in. Matt and Julie went to Julie and Cassidy's room while Cassidy and me stayed in the living area. "I had fun today." I said as Cassidy laid her head on my chest. "Me too!" she said. "I love you Cassidy Makayla, forever and always." I said. "I love you Hunter Easton, forever and always." Cassidy said while smiling into my shoulder. We both fell asleep on the floor because the couch was to uncomfortable.

I woke up to the sound of a door opening. I opened my eyes to see Cassidy trying to sneak out and take a run like she does twice every week. I just let her go like I always do.

I ended up getting up anyways because I couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and went to the kitchen and saw a cup of coffee made just for me with a note that said,"Hunter I know you can't start you day without a cup of coffee so I mad you some when I got up this morning. Enjoy! Love, Cassidy :)" . She is offically the best girlfriend ever. I love her so much.

Cassidy got back about a hour later. "How was your run?" I asked her. "Good and refreshing." she said with a smile. "That's good! I got your note this morning." I said with a smile. "Oh did you now?" she said with a playful smile. Instead of answering her question, I walked over to her and stood in front of her for about 30 seconds before I leaned down to give her a kiss. I started to smile into the kiss and so did Cassidy. "Does that answer your question?" I ask Cassidy. "Definatly!" She said with her heart-warming smile.

~2 hours until showtime~

It's time for the meet and greet and me and Cassidy were ready and about to walk into the meet and greet room. "You ready?" I asked Cassidy. "Yes, are you superstar?" She said with a smirk on her face. "Of course I am! Now lets get going and not keep the fans waiting!" I said with a smile. "Ok lets go!" Cassidy said.

~1 hour later~

~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

Me and Hunter are sitting in my dressing room waiting for our last show to start. "What time is it?" I ask Hunter who is on his phone, probably checking twitter or facebook right now. "It's 6:55." Hunter said. "Ok and the show starts at 7 right?" I ask scarsticasticly. "Why wouldn't it?" Hunter said with a playful smile on his face. I leaned over and laid a light kiss on Hunter's lips. "I love you Hunter Easton, forever and always." I said with a smile. "I love you too Cassidy Makayla, forever and always." he said right before I left the room. I made my way to the stage. I stayed back there for about 2 minuets before showtime. When those 2 minuets were up I was running on stage singing 'Love Me', a song I wrote while I was on tour. I sang about 5 other songs before it was Hunter's turn for the stage.

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

After Cassidy finished her part of the show I went on stage with my guitar struming the chords to 'Storm Warning'. After 3 more songs I brought Cassidy back on. "Hey ya'll! It's great to be back out here!" Cassidy said as she came back on stage. "How 'bout we sing 'Wanted for these lovely fans!" I said into my mic. "Sounds great to me! How about you guys?" Cassidy said as she asked the crowd.

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