Chapter 12

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~2 months later~ *Sorry for the time skip*

Hunter's P.O.V.

The tour is coming to an end. There are only 3 more shows left. This tour went by really fast with Cassidy along with me. "Can you believe that there are only three more shows left in this tour Cass?" I asked. "I can't believe it Hunter. It went by way to fast!" She said with a sad expression on her face, but it was soon replace with her heart-warming smile. "Gosh, your smile is beautiful, just like your personality." I said with a playful smile on my face. After I said that I leaned down and kissed her, her soft lips connecting with mine felt so good. I broke away and she said "Hunter, what is going to happen to us after the tour?" She asked with a blank expression. "Well, I was thinking about that and I was wondering if you would like to move into my house in Nashville with me?" I asked. "Really? Of course I will Hunter!" She said with her beautiful smile filling her face once again. "I love you Cassidy Makayla." I said. "I love you too Hunter Easton." With that we crashed our lips together again.

Today is Cassidy's birthday, and I want to make it special. So I'm going to take her to pick out another guitar. She has been saying how she has always wanted to go get another on because she loves the different types of guitars. "Happy birthday Cass!" I said as she walked out of the bathroom. "Thanks Hunt!" she said as she sat down next to me. "So how about you go get ready for today. We're leaving at 1:00 so you better get going.

~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

I only have 2 hours to get ready! "Oh and wear something casual!" Hunter said to me. Casual, I thought to myself. With that I picked out my dark washed skinny jeans and a teal Holister shirt, with the shirt I wore my multi-colored scarf and my Ugg boots.

For my hair I decided to straighten my long hair. I'm one of those people that gets bothered when my hair is not stick straight. I finish my face off with little make-up because it just feels gross on my face. I walk out to the living area to see Hunter already ready. "You look beyond gorgeous!" Hunter said to me. "Thanks Hunt! You don't look bad yourself." I said with a playful smile. Hunter smiled back to me. His smile can light up my world any day. With that we were off to I don't even know where.

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

We got into my truck that I have because we're in Nashville for the rest of the tour. I started driving to the guitar store. "Hunter where are we going?" Cassidy asked with confusion written all over her face. "It's a surprise." I said "Did I mention I hate surprises?" she asked playfully. "Yup about 100 times." I said with a smile. With that we drove in a comfortable silence until we reached the guitar store. The sign said 'Martin Guitars'. Once Cassidy saw where we were her face lit up like a little kid getting candy. "No way Hunter!" she said with a huge smile across her face. "Yup, now lets go get you a new guitar!" I said as I got out of the truck.

"There aren so many guitars here!" Cassidy said. "I know its crazy!" I said. "Look at this one Hunter!" Cassidy said after we looked through what felt like the whole store. "That one looks amasing!" I said. "I'm gonna get it!" Cassidy said as she started to pull out her wallet. "You're not gonna pay for that." "I am consider it your gift." I said with a smile. "Ok thanks Hunter!" she said.

I decided to take her to a park because she wanted to. "LAST ONE TO THE SWINGS IS A ROTTEN EGG!" She screamed with a smile on her face.

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