Chapter 28

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~Hunter's P.O.V.~

We arrived at Dan's place and Cassidy jumped out of my car and said. "Last on to the door is a rotten egg!" I caught her at just about the steps and beat her to the door. "I finally beat you!" I said with a smile. "I let you win." Cassidy said before she walked through the door. "Hey guys!" she said. "Hey Cassidy! Hey Hunter!" the guys yelled back. "Hey guys!" I said as I sat in the chair with Cassidy sitting on my lap. "Hey Matt, is Julie here again?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah she just went to the bathroom, she should be back here shortly." Matt said. "So Matt, when you gonna pop the question?" Cassidy asked with a smile. "Yeah Matt, when are you?" Devo and I said. "Well if you guys must know, I was going to ask her on her birthday." Matt said with a smile. "Good now she can keep me AND you under control!" Cassidy said smiling. "Hey I'm not as crazy as you! You're really crazy!" Matt said smiling. "Yeah yup sure, whatever floats you boat." Cassidy said with a small laugh escaping form her lips.

Just then Julie came back form the bathroom. "Julie!" I said as I hugged her "It's been way to long!" I said. "You two just saw eachother yesterday!" Matt and I said at the same time. "Yeah, so, what does that have anything to do with this?" Julie said laughing. "Come on lets go shopping! Hunter can you drive us?" Cassidy asked with her puppy dog face on. "You know I would!" I said. "Matt, Devo, want to come along? We're going to get food." I said knowing the can't resist that offer. "I'm in!" they both said.

We made our way to the mall and Julie and Cassidy went into Rue 21, so Matt, Devo and I went to go find food. I got a sub from subway, Matt got this Chinese food thing, and Devo got tacos. "Matt, do you have the ring picked out? Julie's birthday is in a month." I said. "No that's what I need help on, lets go to that jewerely store in here." Matt said.

We finished our food and went to the jewerely store. "Oh that one looks nice." I said pointing to the one I like. "Nah that's not her style." Matt said. "Hey Matt look at this one!" Devo said excitedly. "Nah that's still not the one." Matt said getting a little disapointed. "Matt what's Julie's style?" I asked. "Well it's not too blingy, more like a country ring." He said. "So kinda like Cassidy's taste?" I asked. "Yeah, maybe that's why they dress alike a lot of the time." Matt said.

"Matt, I found it! I think I found the ring you may be looking for!" I said with a big smile. Matt walked over by me and just stood there with his mouth open. "That. Is. Perfect! Um excuse me, I would like this ring here." Matt said with a huge smile. "Ok I'll get that for you." The lady said with a smile. "Hunter and Devo, thank you guys so much for helping me it really means a lot!" Matt said while giving us 'bro hugs'. "Matt, that's what were here for!" I said. The lady came back over and Matt handed her his credit card. the lady swiped the card and gave it back to Matt along with the ring. "Thank you so very much!" Matt said with a thankful smile.

I texted Cassidy and asked them where they were.

Me:Hey babe, where are you?

Cassidy: in American Eagle with Julie.

Me: K meet me and the guys at my car. we getting tired.

Cassidy: K. I'll get Julie and we'll be there. Love you😘

Me: K. Love you too😘

"Ok guys we're out of here! Let's get to the car, the girls are in their way!" I said.

Once everyone was in the car, we headed back to Dan's place. Cassidy and I were in the front, while in the back was Matt, Julie, and Devo. "Who's making dinner when we get back?" Matt asked. "Umm lets see, noes goes!" I quickly yelled as I put my finger on my nose. "Ha looks like Devo's making dinner!" Matt said. "Not fair you guys!" Devo complained.

We got back to Dan's place just as rain began to fall. Cassidy and Julie ran inside with their 25 bags of clothes, accessories and shoes. "Man, girls take shopping really seriously." I muttered to myself as I walked inside the house. I walked over to Matt and whispered a question in his ear,"Do you have the ring?" Matt nodded, while patting his coat pocket.

Devo began dinner. He was making his famous tacos. "Devo, I hope you know that your tacos are the bomb!" Matt said. "Yeah, I agree!" I said. Devo must not have paid attention to what we said because he was just cooking away. I looked at Matt and he gave me the same look and on the count of 3, we yelled, "DEVO!" Devo jumped and looked at us. "What was that for?!" he asked looking at us. "You weren't listening to us!" I said innocently. "Sorry, but you want good tacos right? Then I need to focus!" Devo said turning back to the cooking meat.

Me, Cassidy, Julie, and Matt decided to watch some Thursday night football. The teams that were playing were the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears. Matt really gets into football, so he likes to yell at the t.v. a lot! "Come on! He was wide open! Throw him the ball not the guy who is covered!!" Matt yelled at the Packers quarterback, Aaron Rodgers.

The next play Rodgers threw the ball to a wide open receiver, Jordy Nelson, who ran it the rest of the way for a touchdown. "Touchdown Packers!" Cassidy screamed as she jumped up off the couch and ran around the living room. "Sorry it's a tradition I do whenever I watch the Packers." Cassidy said innocently. Just after she said that, Devo yelled from the kitchen, "Foods done!"

We all ran into the kitchen and began helping ourselves to the tacos. "Thanks Devo!" we all said at the same time. "No problem you guys!" he said.

We finished our tacos and went back to watching the game. Packers were winning, 57-7. "The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck! They really really suck, yes the Bears still suck!" Cassidy sang at the top of her lungs. "Well somebody has energy tonight!" Julie and I say at the same time. "Well sorry, I really get into these games!" Cassidy said laughing.

"Well it's almost 11, we better get you home!" I said to Cassidy. "Yeah we better get going too." Matt said. "Bye you guys!" "Bye Hunter, bye Cassidy!" they all said. "Bye everybody!" Cassidy said before I closed the door. We walked to the car and got in. "I had fun today!" Cassidy said. "Yeah I did to!" I said before Cassidy fell asleep. "Goodnight baby." I said before I drove home.

We returned home and Cassidy was still asleep so I carried her to bed. I put her in the bed and went and got my pajamas on. Then I crawled into bed next to Cassidy and fell asleep, sound asleep. That moment was beautiful.

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