Chapter 29

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~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

I woke up, feeling warm and safe in Hunter's strong embrace. I looked around because I don't remember what happened last night. I looked up at Hunter, who was smiling down at me. "Good morning babe." I said. "Good morning baby." Hunter said. "Hunter when did we come home last night, all that I remember is that we left Dan's house and we got in the car and drove off. I don't remember anything after that besides waking up here." I said. "Umm I think we got home around 11:30." Hunter said. "Ok, thanks." I said. "Don't worry about it." Hunter said with a smile. "Hunter, we've been dating for 6 months and you've still never met my dad. I think it's about time that should change. I booked us two tickets to Wisconsin for tomorrow!" I said excitedly. "Really?!" Hunter asked. "Done deal!" I said giggling a little. "What are we waiting for? Lets get packing!" Hunter said. "Ok it looks like somebody's happy today!" I said.

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

It's finally happening! I finally get to meet Cassidy's dad! "Is it cold during the Fall/Winter in Wisconsin?" I asked. "Well yeah it is!" It's always cold except for summer, but even then it still gets really cold!" Cassidy said. "Ok so I take it dress warm?" I questioned. Cassidy just gave up with me because I was annoying her. "Cassidy wait, you never answered my question!" I said laughing. "Hunter you want to dress a lot warmer than you do here!" Cassidy yelled from down in the kitchen. "Ok!" I yelled back.

~Then next day~

In Wisconisn

We walked off the plane and into the airport. "Cassidy, you didn't tell me it was this cold here!" I said shivering. "Oh, sorry, Hunter it's cold in Wisconsin!" Cassidy said giggling. "Now you tell me." I said. "Daddy!" Cassidy yelled when she saw her dad. She dropped her bags and ran towards her dad. I walked behind her, with both of our bags. "Oh Daddy, I missed you so much!" Cassidy said into his shoulder. "Cassidy, I've missed you so much! The house has been so empty since you left for Nashville!" her dad said. "I've missed you so much Daddy!" Cassidy said pulling away from her father. "Dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Hunter Hayes." Cassidy said with a smile. "Nice to fianlly meet you Hunter, I'm Ryan." Cassidy's dad said. "Hey Ryan. It's finally nice to see you. I've heard so much about you!" I said. "Ok kids, lets go to home." her dad said.

~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

We arrived at dad's house and I instantly remember everything about it. I leaned over to Hunter and whispered in his ear, "I remember this house like the back of my hand." Hunter just looked at me like he was nervous. "Are you nervous my dad dosen't like you?" I whispered in Hunter's ear. Hunter nodded slightly. I just laughed

We got out of the car amd carried our bags into the house. "Dad I remember this house like I never moved away." I said. "I wasn't going to move any of the furnitature, because I didn't know if yo would ever come back." Dad said with a smile. "I'm glad I came back then." I said smiling "Daddy, I'm going to show Hunter around the house, call if you need anything." I said "Ok dear." Dad said. I turned to Hunter and said, "I want to show you my room first!"

We wwnt down the stairs and headed to my room, which was located in the basement. Once we reached my room, the door was closed, I opened the door and walked in breathing in the very stinky air. I started coughing and said, "I don't need quite that much air I guess." Hunter just laughed at me and then he noticed my drawing from when I was seven. "When did you draw those?" Hunter asked. "I drew these when I was six, and those when I was seven, right before my mom moved to Nashville after the divorce." I said. "I see. What happened to you mom?" Hunter asked. "Once she moved to Nashville, she got lukiamaia. My mom didn't last long, the cancer spread really fast. The doctors did all they could to save her, but nothing would work..." I said feeling tears forming but keeping them from falling. Hunter didn't say anything, he just hugged me. We didn't say anything, we just stayed like that. I finall looked up at Hunter and said, "I love you Hunter Easton, forever and always." "I love you too Cassidy, forever and always." Hunter said as he leaned down and kissed me. Hunter deepened the kiss by liking my bottom lip. I gladly accepted.

"Come on, I was to show you the rest of my house!" I said with a smile.

~Hunter's P.O.V.~

"Come on, I want to sow you the rest of my house!" Cassidy said smiling.

I followed her. We walked into the living room downstaris. It was painted grey and had stars and a moon on one wall and on the other wall was a sun and clowds. "This is where my sister and I used to play all the time." Cassidy said smiling. "Does your sister live around here?" I asked. "No, she moved to Airzona with my cousin Jenessa and her husband Jamie. I guess ever since I left with my mom and she left for Arizona, we haven't talked." Cassidy said. "So you moved to Nashville with you mom and your sister moved to Arizona with your cousins." I said. "Yeah, lets go upstairs, there are no more rooms down here." Cassidy said. I followed Cassidy up the stairs. Cassidy walked into the kitchen where her dad is. "Hey dad, do you ever talk to Jessica?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah, I just talked to her yesterday, do you want to call her?" her dad said. "Yeah I haven't talked to her since you and mom got divorced." Cassidy said. "Ok here's her number." Cassidy's dad said pushing a piece of paper towards us. "Thanks Daddy!" Cassidy said as we ran down to her room again.

~Cassidy's P.O.V.~

"Hunter, Im scared. What if she dosen't remember me?" I asked worriedly. "It'll be fine. What sister would forget their little sister." Hunter said while wrapping me in a hug. "Thanks Hunter." I said as I started to dial the number written down on the paper.

"Hello?" somebody on the other line said. "Hi is Jessica there?" I asked nervous. "Yup she is. She will be right there." the person on the other line said. There was about a minuet pause until somebody picked up the phone. "Hello?" asked the person."Hi, Jessica? This is Cassidy, your sister." I said nervously. "Cassidy, is that really you?!" Jessica asked surprised. "Yeah it is me." I said feeling a little better. "Well hey little sis, hows life treating ya?" Jessica asked. "Pretty good actually." I said smiling. "Anything new since we last met?" "Yeah, surprisingly yes. I have a wonderful boyfriend. You probably know him as Hunter Hayes." I said waiting for her reaction. "No way!" she screamed into the phone. "How did you meet eachother?!" Jess asked. "Well, I went to his concert in Nashville and went to his meet and greet. I asked to sing with him, and he surprisingly said yes!" I said excitedly. "No way, my sister sang with Hunter Hayes!" She said screaming. "Yeah and then he asked me to be his opening act for his crazy tour! Can you believe that?!" I asked. "Wait do you guys come to Arizona?!" Jess asked. "Yeah I think so why?" I asked. "I went to that concert! I knew the opening act looked familiar, and you name sounded familiar too! You are amazing!" she said. "Thanks Jessica! But wait there's more, I got a record label with Atlantic Records this summer!" I said. "No way my little sister is a country star!" Jessica said excitedly. "Yeah!" I said. "I want to come visit you and Hunter!" Jess said. "Well come visit us in Nashville! Hunter would love to meet you!" I said. "When is a good time though? Is next month ok?" Jessica asked. I asked Hunter and he nodded yes. "Yep next month will defiantly work!" I said excitedly. "Ok great! Oh yeah I should probably tell you that your an aunt!" Jessica said. I was speechless. "Really?!" I finally managed to get out. "Yep I had twins 3 years ago, Kati and Eli. Do you guys want to say hi to aunt Cassidy?" Jess asked the twins. I guess they said yes because the next thing I hear is "Hi Aunt Cassidy!" I think Eli said. "Hi Aunt Cassidy!" Kati said. "Hi you guys!" I said. "I want to say hi to Hunna!" Kati said. "Ok I'll put him on!" I said then handed Hunter the phone. "Hi Kati!" Hunter said smiling. "Hi Hunna!" Kati said. "Hi Hunnta!" Eli said. "Hi Eli!" Hunter said laughing a little.

We talked for about 15 more minuets before Jessica had to go. It was already 8:30. "Hunter I'm tired. Lets go upstairs and say good night to my dad." I said. We walked upstairs and said good night. Then we came back down to my room and went to bed.

Today was a good day. I finally got to see my dad since the divorce, and I got to speak to my sister and niece and nephew. I hope tomorrow is as good as today was.

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