On the other side

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........... I changed into a cute top and pair of shorts hell if I wasn’t going to get to go out with him it didn’t mean I couldn’t’ make the effort to look good I put on light make up and looked a the box it was huge. I hope to god he wasn’t smuggling drugs or shit like that I paced the floor. Waiting for the phone to ring I picked it up and walked back down the stairs the shop filled with the normal bikers and guys hanging out.

“So?” Brae looked at me

“He’s coming here” I watched Pete and Joe fidget a little “Hey you guys said it was okay and he’s pissed that his Father drove by”

“You told him” Pete spluttered

“Why wouldn’t I he’s a friend” I narrowed my eyes at him


“Be nice” I shook my head as my phone rang I looked at Brae he put his hands protectively over his ass as I answered it

Me * Hey

Seth * I’m outside

I looked up and saw the Black SUV parked across the street

Me * I’m coming

I hung up Pete was already at the door

“Down boy” I said moving him aside as I walked down the steps and crossed the street as Seth got out his smile lit his face but didn’t reach his eyes as they flicked to the shop where Joe had now joined Pete on the step. “Hey” Okay was I supposed to hug him or just say hi or what. He looked from them on the step to me and the smile lit his eyes as well

“Miss Remus” he took my hand and kissed it I giggled yes a real girly giggle as he did it. He reached back into the SUV and pulled out a deep purple freesia “For you” he reached up and tucked it into my hair behind my ear his fingers lightly touching the side of my face as he moved his hand away

“You know I’ll get used to the smell of these and then come winter you won’t be able to get them” I smiled as I wiggled my index finger a little stirring up the breeze wafting the scent over oboth of us.

“We shall see” he chuckled “Are you sure I’m allowed” he looked to the shop

“I’m sure if they have a problem then they deal with me” I took his arm “Anyway I need to know about the package because it is killing me”

“Is it really bothering you?”

“Did you not get the naked hot guy analogy” I smiled as we crossed the street

“I did and have you ever…” He stopped as Pete stepped out

“That Mr. Vandes isn’t a question you ask a lady” I laughed “Pete”

“I’m her protector Immortal and I will do what I have to”

“I understand and” Seth reached behind his back and pulled out and ornate knife and held it out to Pete “I’m now unarmed apart from my power but as you know I cannot hand them over”

“Still not progressed to Guns” Joe let out a laugh

“I do not like guns to noisy to do the job correctly” Seth cocked his head irritation in his voice

“Boys we promised Star we’d be good” Brae walked from the back of the shop and put his hands on Pete and Joes Shoulder. “As you can see Seth we are in number here”

‘I see” Seth nodded “But I have given my word to Star I will not hurt her but I will defend her from people out to make things difficult”

“Okay Time out” I groaned letting go of Seth’s Arm “Quit it for five minutes it ain’t going to do anything you all trying to out swagger each other I will but each and every one of you in time out” I clicked my fingers producing a small crack of lightening “Now Seth and I are going to go talk and no you are not invited, yes we’re going to my room, no I will not keep the door open and Trust me” Pete and Joe backed off a little. Brae looked from me to Seth and nodded a short curt nod “Thank you” I stepped back to let Seth go first he shook his head

“Ladies first” I smiled as him even face to face with guys that wanted to kill him over and over for just being here he was still a gentleman. I walked into the shop with Seth following me. We went up to my room I closed the door behind us He walked over to the package that was still sitting in the middle of my bed.

“Sorry about them”

“It’s nothing more than I was expecting” he looked over his shoulder at me and smiled “You look tired” I held up a hand

“I am but I don’t need you to send me to sleep again”

I promise I won’t and I will only do that if you are getting to the point where it will be the only thing to calm you” he chuckled “may I?” he gestured to the bed… oh hell yes my mind screamed As long as you strip… okay slam the door on those thoughts I’m not ready for that with him well not right now. “Star” he caught my attention

‘Sorry I was miles away” I sat on the bed the box between us

“So this package?’ he patted it

“Hmmm” I nodded

“I have an apartment in Paris” I raised my eye brows “I like to escape there if I need to have some time to think” He pushed his hair back “Well I spent a lot of time there at one point” he looked at me and swallowed “I want you to have this and I’d like you to come with me to a Ball tomorrow night”

“A ball?’ I choked “I take it you didn’t mean Ball Game” he smiled at me and shook his head

“No It’s at the opera house a charity event that my Father’s Company sponsors to do with the Children’s’ hospital” I nodded it was normally the elite of the city all swaning around in in costumes for a night “It’s a Masquerade Ball… I’d like you to accompany me to it”…………..

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