Chapter 12

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"Come on, baby." His voice rings through my ear, making my body shiver.

"Please just let me go." I beg. I'm pinned to the bed and his hands are slowly trailing up my dress.

"No baby. You agreed to the date so now we're gunna have some fun." He presses his hand on my breast and I cry and scream and no one can hear me.

"STOP!!" I jolt out of my sleep and sees is all over my body. Thank god that was just a dream.

But it wasn't a dream, that all really happened to me. This is going to be something that I'd have to deal with for the rest of my life.

I feel tears in the corner of my eyes and I throw the blankets off of my body to try to get some cool air. I'm out of breathe and try to keep telling myself that I'm okay and that won't happen again.

I look over to my alarm clock and it reads 5:23am. I still have two more hours until I have to get up for school. I get the intention that I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep so I get out of my large bed and grab clothes and go to my bathroom.

After I finish my shower I put on my pale yellow, black flower print dress and blow dry my hair so it isn't frizzy. When I get back into my room I grab my converse out of my closet and put them on.

It's now 6:15am. At least I only have about forty-five minutes until I have to leave.

I hope this day is better than my weekend was. I'm a little nervous to see Harry, will he even talk to me? I think I deserve an explanation for why he acted the way he did.

After grabbing my bag and the house keys off of my dresser I walk out of my bedroom closing the door behind me. I hear faint noises coming from downstairs and I recognize them as my parents.

"Not yet, it's not the right time." I hear my mother say to my father.

"We've waited long enough," my father says back to my mother. I walk quietly down the steps and they notice my curious gaze.

"Is everything okay?" I ask while going to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice. A cup is already on the counter so I fill it up in that.

"Everything is fine sweetie. Your father and I have to go, we won't be home for dinner but there's money on the counter." I nod and smile in understanding.

"Actually, here." My mother puts down more money on the counter. "Please get some new shoes." I look down at my converse, then back up and nod. They walk out the door and I'm alone.


The bike ride to school wasn't such a good idea, it started raining . Good thing I was almost at school. Once I got to the school, I parked my bike and ran inside the building to where I see Tiffy at her locker.

"Hey!" I call out. Her head snaps in my direction and she smiles.

"Hey, Bethany right?" She asks but puts her attention back to her locker where her mirror is on, fixing her eye liner.

"Uh yeah. How are you."

She puts the eyeliner down and turns her attention back to me. "Fine I guess, you?"

"I'm good, thanks." I feel like this conversation is awkward and she doesn't feel like talking to me. Just as when I was about to answer Liam comes around the corner, with Abby.

I say goodbye to Tiffy and make my way over to my friends.

"Bethany!" Liam calls and comes to give me a hug.

"Hey!" I say to both of them. They at me and I get the impression that they've become really close over the weekend.

"Look, I gotta get class. I'll see you guys later." Liam says and looks at Abby and winks. Her face turns a little red and I giggle.

"Awwww." I mockingly say.

"Oh shut up!" She playfully pushes my arm.

Abby said she'd walk me to my first period class, which is art. She talks about how her and Liam have been talking a lot more and that they've went out to dinner after her last night shift at the CD shack. I have to admit, they'd look adorable together.

Wen I get to the art room I give her a hug goodbye and walk into the room. I don't make any eye contact with anyone but just take my seat in the far back. Just as the teacher was about to begin Harry rushes into the classroom.

"Mr. Styles, why are you late?" She asks.

"Why does it matter? You're lucky I'm even here." He bites back.

She ignore his comment as he goes to take his seat. Just as he throws his bag on the floor he looks at me and clenches his jaw.

During the class we all had to make an inspiring piece about alcoholism awareness.

I grabbed a blank canvas and painted is black and glued broken glass prices surrounding the entire canvas. At the end of the class we had to present it. It was my turn to present my project so I grab it off of my desk and walk to the front of the room.

I turned my canvas around for the class to see. "My painting symbolize the power that alcohol has over a person. The broken glass pieces are symbolized how much alcohol can shatter you as a person and have control over everything that you do."

"Mrs, Edwards.-" the etcher calls over. "This is an excellent pice of work., great work!" The whole class claps except for one person. Harry. He's still looking at me with those dark eyes.

"Harry,-" the teacher calls him up to go present his project.

"I didn't do it." He simply states.

"And why is that?" She puts her hands on her hips, trying to look intimidating but fails.

Just before he could answer the bell rings. I grab my bag and walk out the door.

The next couple of periods were boring but went by pretty quickly. I stop at my locker and grab my lunch.

Just as I sit down at the cafeteria table, someone strolls over to my table and sits down across from me. When I look up, it's the last person I'd thought of see. Harry.

He doesn't say a word but opens the cap off of his Gatorade bottle.

"Hey." He says after he takes a sip of his red beverage.

I choose not to answer him and open the container that holds my turkey and cheese sandwich in. I take a bite and he lets out a deep sigh.

"The silent treatment? Real mature." I can tell he's getting impatient and mad about me not answering. I don't answer again and he clenches his fists.

"That it, c'mon, get up." He stands up and drop my sandwich back into the container and look up at him.

"No." I say and take another bite of my sandwich. He grabs my bag and starts pacing out of the cafeteria. All eyes are on us but he doesn't pay any mind and walks out of the double doors of the back of the cafeteria that leads to outside.

"Give me my bag!" I yell at him and he turns around.

"I'm trying to talk to you. This is the only way you will." He holds my backpack behind his back, making it impossible for me to grab.

"Well what do you have to say?" I say not making eye contact.

"I'm sorry for yesterday." He shifts his head to try to meet my eyes but I look away again.


"Okay? What the fuck does that even mean?"

"Does every word that comes out of your mouth have to be foul language?" I ask.

"Answer my damn question." He orders.

"You said you're sorry and I said okay."

"So that's it? All you're going to say is 'okay'" my eyes shift to meet his and he stands up straight.

"Well I don't want to say anything for you to get angry at me. Seems like everything I do or say, gets you mad." He hands me my stuff and makes his way back into the cafeteria.

"Can I come over today? We can talk more" he asks on while putting his hand on the handle that leads to the sounds of student chattering. I nod my head and he walks through the doors, leaving me alone outside.

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