Chapter 75

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(Hey guys! So sorry for not updating when I said I would on Saturday. I was super busy with Easter and such and I didn't want to squeeze writing in to make this a sucky chapter!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter & let me know what you think!😃)


Beth's POV

I lay in bed. My own bed now.

The light that shines through the small opening where my light pink shades didn't cover blinds me. I turn over to the other side and let out a deep breath.

It's been two weeks since that horrible nightmare. The thought of seeing myself in the dream, the way I looked won't get out of my head. I know if I told more people they would just tell me to get over it and just be lucky that nothing too extreme happened to me. But it has, if harry hadn't come up there to get the guy off of me who knows how far things could have gotten.

It was my mistake and now in paying for it.

I've stayed at Harry's for a couple days out of the week just to get more sleep then I could here. When in with him, I still have somewhat of the nightmares but way more sleep. When I'm alone in my bed I barely sleep and the nightmares seem more realistic and dramatic.

A light knock taps on my bedroom door and before I can answer, it already opens.

My mother comes into view. Her hair slicked back into a tight bun and her black dress hugging tightly around her body.

"It's almost 11" she tells me.

"I know." I didn't actually know. I didn't realize how long I've been just laying here thinking.

She walks in and closes the door behind me. The weight on the bed shift more towards the left when she sits down. I shift myself a little over to the edge so I don't roll towards the middle.

"You can't just lay in your room all day."

"I'm not feeling well." I lie.

"It's been two weeks. No fever." She puts the back of her hand on my forehead to check for any type of over body heat. "What's going on?"

"I told you. I'm not feeling well."

I sternly repeat. I throw the blankets off of me and sit up against the headboard of my bed.

"Okay," she agrees.

My mother hasn't been so much on my case lately anymore. She has never excepted my life choices but she is willing to deal with it.

"You staying home tonight?"

"I don't know." I answer simply.

"I thought maybe Jalissa and Nathan could join us for dinner? Gloria has some new recipes"

I don't answer for a couple seconds. After what seems like a while, I just shrug my shoulder.

I'm not upset, I'm not depressed I'm confused. I'm..annoyed? I don't even know how to put things into words how I'm feeling.

I'm scared.

That's it.

I'm scared.

I don't want to be like the girl in my dream. I want to be able to smile and know that I'm smiling because I'm living normally. I want to be able to fall asleep without having harry by my side almost every other night. But I can't, for some strange reason I get more sleep when I can feel him next to me.

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