Chapter 30

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"I'm here!" Francesco said as he ran into Raven's fortress.

"Well, did they find anything new?" asked Raven.

"Not really. The police found zilch, and the only thing different was that they deciphered that the man was wearing armor, and the gross weight was up to 600 pounds. This guy could probably play pro football. It also seems that this guy was quite an adversary, but it sort of seems she did escape."

"How so?"

"The pepper stuff was used to blind him, she used the bat, and the marbles were used to trip him after blinding. You know what else? She went to the armory and picked up a tomahawk, bow, and arrows, and they were not in the house anywhere," Francesco replied.

"What else did they say about this man?" asked Bloodhawk.

"Well, the armor may weigh up to 250 pounds, and he may weigh up to 350 or more. The armor did not hinder him at all, and it seemed to be carefully made. This was a hunch of Monchiska, and we all know his gut is no liar. He said this was like clothes to this guy, and it seems he is abnormally strong and possibly covered head to toe in armor."

"My, my, it seems we are going nowhere fast, and there is no one I know of that could possibly be that large, strong, or possess armor. It seems both the Indians and we are going in circles. I have to say that Neiko Kidd is presumed dead unless she is found or returns home," Raven said sadly.

Bloodhawk's eyes widened. "Father, no!"

"I'm sorry, but there is nothing more we can do. You may have to move on."

"I can't, and I won't. I will not rest till I find her or her body! If she is dead, I'll avenge her by tearing this man to shreds! He may be a large man, but he is not a giant, and that armor will not save him from my wrath! I will never love another," Bloodhawk stormed.

"As you wish, and do you feel that the land of Hawote is partly responsible? If she was with us, then she would be alive today. Do you agree? They partly blame us and suspect we possibly took her, but we will show them."

"Yeah, are you saying that we can release our wrath on the entire land of Hawote?" Bloodhawk asked wiping away his tears.

"Yes, let's make them all pay, and we won't stop with the Seven Tribes, but every Indian!"

"Yes, let's do it!"

* * *

Neiko woke up and heard a clap of thunder. She looked out the window, and she saw it raining heavily. "That's just great. Well, a little rain never hurt anybody, and it'll slow down Ramses at least." She got up and walked into the main room.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Bronto.

"Like a rock," she replied. "Well, thanks. I think I'll head out."

"Are you crazy? The monsoons are moving in, and it will rain for days! Besides, there are floods, tornadoes, and dangerous lightning. Only a fool would travel in this. I doubt the Dark Pharaoh would travel in this," Bronto said, and Neiko looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "Oh, I didn't mean it literally, it's just a figure of speech. He doesn't even exist and just an old tale to make kids scared of the dark."

"Uh-huh, that's one heck of a tale to scare kids with. Are you trying to make your kids scared stiff?"

"Well, we usually say that thunder is him calling for his bride; lightning is him hunting for his next victim. If a child was disobedient or didn't eat their dinner, parents would say 'Eat up or the Dark Pharaoh will come,' 'You better obey or I'll tell the Dark Pharaoh on you,' 'Clean your room or he will tear your face off.' They would say to walk in a dark room with a candle because he may be in the closet or under the bed with his dagger drawn, and they will tell their kids not to wonder off, or he will carry you off and make you his slave. Some of the boys would scare the girls by hiding in the bushes and saying they're the Dark Pharaoh, and they are going to take you off and make you his queen. They usually used scary voices, jump out of the bushes, and scare the daylights out of them; I've done that in my younger days," Bronto said.

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