Chapter 7

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After the meeting, many people stayed and mingled for a while. Neiko and a handful of chieftains were discussing various topics.

"I wonder where the GHM went to in such a hurry. I wonder if he had another engagement to keep," mused Neiko.

"I don't really know, Neiko. He's been doing that a lot lately—he's just probably has a lot on his mind," Xartna replied.

"Well, I don't know—he seems like he's up to something, and I'm not really sure it's good, nor am I sure he's planning on our annual victory ceremony," Neiko said as she twisted her hair around her forefinger.

"Pah, poppycock! He may be moody, but he's as trustworthy as they come. No more talk about him; so, how is your cousin?"

"Okay I guess. She seemed fine to me, and she didn't mention anything negative going on between her parents since they've been having marital problems, so I guess everything's fine."

"Well, good—oh, well, I need to get home and so does everyone else for that matter. Well, see ya!"

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"Come on you sleazy Pharaoh, give me your best shot!" shouted Sandstorm at Ramses in challenge.

"You will die, Saracen dog, for insulting me! Eat lightning!" he shouted back and he threw imaginary bolts of lightning at Sandstorm, but he missed.

"Ha! Missed! You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, and you need to get your eyes checked, Ramsneeze!"

"Amanda, what are you doing? Why are you making so much racket? Melissa's trying to sleep and that wasn't very nice," asked Neiko's mom as she walked to the doorway of her room. "Are you playing with your toys again?" she asked sharply.

"Yeah—Oh, sorry, mom. I kinda got carried away because I'm playing with the Attack Pack," said Neiko.

"Well, okay, but you need to clean up this pig sty of yours. What have I told you about people your age playing with toys?" she asked sharply.

"Just a minute. I've got to the best part, and then I'll clean it up," she said, ignoring the comment about her age.

"Well, alright. Just get it done, and don't make too much noise," she said and left.

"Alright, now, where was I? Oh, yeah—" Neiko thought and resumed playing.

"You Pharaohs are all alike; hotheads with a poor aim, and Dark Pharaohs take the icing on the cake, you—" before he could finish, Ramses hit him with a lightning bolt and sent him crashing to the ground from his flying carpet. Sandstorm groaned and looked up, and saw Ramses standing over him with his sword drawn. "You were saying? Well, now I'll teach you respect, farewell, Duststorm!" he raised his sword ready to stab, and Sandstorm gulped.

"Stop right there, Chrome Dome!" cried a voice, and Ramses spun around. Phoenix, the new Pack leader who was a wolf-eagle, swooped down, slammed into him, and sent him flying. Ramses flew through the air and hit the wall.


Neiko was so startled she dropped Phoenix on the floor, and looked and listened; waiting for her mom to yell at her. Her mom said nothing. Then she heard the noise of her mom trying to find a pan.

"I can't believe she didn't hear that," she mused. "I can't believe this!" Neiko looked at him and swallowed hard. She walked over to where he lay and picked him up and looked at him. She flicked him a couple times. "Plastic. This is sooo weird. Hold on, plastic don't clang—metal does—how could—no, no, no! There ain't no way—never mind. I'll just clean this room and forget about the rest of what I planned, which is the boring stuff anyway." Neiko picked up each toy and tossed them in the box one by one, and listened for any noises. She threw in all of them, except Ramses and she did an over shoulder toss. She missed the box, and he bounced off.

"Owww!" said an angry voice. Neiko jumped and looked around horrified. She got on her hands and knees and studied him closely.

"Did you say 'Ow'?" she asked curiously. Ramses said nothing and stared blankly into space. Neiko shook her head. "I can't comprehend this! Here I am talking to a toy, and he just said 'Ow'? What's going on? I'll tell mom about this and see if anything else happens. Well, here goes nothing—hey wait, I'll wait till dinner."

"Amanda, dinner!"

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