~Chapter Forty-One~

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Chief's P.O.V.

I watched as Katie and Harry walked out, I've literally just been told. "What the fuck just happened?!" I ask the force, looking at them all. God, I was pissed. I could murder someone.

"Chief, I think Katie, just told you," Drew states, shrugging slightly. I look at Drew and narrow my eyes.

"No shit, diphthong. Shut up and go back to work, all of you!" I command, as they walk off to their offices.

I walk to my office and yank the door open, slamming it shut as I enter. I pace around my office and sit down in my chair, looking up the case-file they were on. I go through all the suspects and the victims that have died and or are targeted. I smirk slightly at one of the targeted victims and write their names down.

Wesley's P.O.V.

I had gone back to my office whenever all what just had happened finished. Damn Katie is a sassy bitch, I love it. Maybe I should make her mine, yeah. That's a good plan. I think about how to make her mine, but then get distracted when Sarah strolls in, her black thong showing from her uniform pants.

"Hey," she greets, a small smile on her lips. She moves her hair off her shoulder slightly revealing a tattoo she just got. I look at the tattoo and nod my head.

"Where'd you get that done at?" I ask and look at her. She was so sexy and damn was she fantastic in bed. I needed to get laid, simple enough. If I don't I might have to drug and rape some bitch at Lenzo.

"I got it done at the tattoo parlor down the street," she explains and twirls a piece of hair on her finger. I watch as she licks her bottom lip and takes it between her teeth.

"Fuck, what are you doing to me?" I ask her and lean forward, my elbows on my knees.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She replies, smirking slightly at me. I point to the door and she stands up, closing it, locking it and pulling the blind down over the window. I stand up and walk over to her grabbing her arm and leaning her over the desk, "Be prepared baby," I whisper in her ear.

*****30 minutes later*****

Sarah walks out of my office, her hair now in a messy bun. I clean off my desk from all her sweat and sit back down in my chair. I take my laptop out and pull up a map. I look over the map and raise an eyebrow at some things. I smirk as I see a certain room and I mark it with a check.

I close down my laptop and put it away, resting my elbows on the desk and thinking about how long the case Harry and Katie are on has been going on.

I shake my head at the amount of people that died and I sigh softly. So many people lost their lives and they just keep losing them. Harry and Katie are onto something, but it's just going too fast for them. Maybe they need some help? I think and grab my phone, clicking Katie's number and putting the phone to my ear.

It rings three times and then she picks up, "Yeah, Wes?" She asks. There was water running in the background and a fan.

"Sorry, did you just get out of the shower?" I laugh and listen to her speaking.

"I did, yeah. What did you call me for?" She questions and the fan shuts off.

"I was wanting to know if you needed any help with the case, since so many things are happening really fast," I explain and wait for her response.

"Har-" She gets interrupted by a big crash. "I was about to tell you not to touch that!" She finishes and laughs.

"Harry? You're with Harry still?" I ask and rub my chin.

"Yes, the doofus is staying the night because he locked his keys in his car, so he can't get in his house or his car. What an idiot," she explains before answering my question. "Sorry, anyways. I don't think we need help physically, but we need a little bit more information on the Tomlinsons. Our files on them aren't that grand," she states and I can tell she's frowning.

I write that down and nod, even though she couldn't see it. "Alright, I'll get right on that with Drew," I tell her and call for Drew. He comes in and sit across from me.

"Anyways, we're gonna leave you guys be. I'll have Drew text you the details we come across, alright?" I ask and look at the files Drew pulled out of the drawer.

"Alright, thanks guys! Cya," She says before hanging up.

I put my phone down and pull my laptop out again. I turn it on and put it on the edge of my desk so we both can see it. I pull up information on the Tomlinsons and start scrolling.

"Wait, wait," Drew says, stopping me. I stop scrolling and he pulls the files out, holding them near the laptop screen. "Both sources say that they know Chief and they have known him for 4 years," he explains and looks at me. "Isn't that weird that they know Chief, but they don't speak to him or even come near him?"

I  listen to Drew's reasoning and bite my lip, "Interesting, I didn't know that... " I admit and write it down. "Does it say anything about them having a bad past with him or anything like that?" I ask as I look through what was on the screen. Drew searches the files and shakes his head.

"Nothing, it's like someone wiped everything clean, everything." He states looking at me, with his eyes widened slightly.

"Shit." We both say in unison.

"Someone's, someone that we know, has wiped everything clean before we even  got to it," I mumble.

"I know who has the options to do that..." Drew states before the door opens. We look up and before we can do anything, we black out.

We now know who the killer is. But will anyone ever be able to find out? Harry and Katie: If you listen very closely and notice every little detail, you will be able to solve this case. I know it. So does Drew...  We have faith in you.


Dun, dun, dunnnnnn.... Oh no! What's going to happen to Drew and Wesley! They've figured out so much, but now they're in a bunch of dip shit.

Suspects are everywhere, it's hard to know who you should trust and who you shouldn't...

This was just a filler chapter, till Brit K is able to upload! I hope you liked two new/different point of views! It was interesting writing each of them.

Does Chief have the right to be mad at Katie?

Thank you for 1.8k reads! That's crazy! We are seriously really grateful for everything you guys have done for us!

Please continue reading, commenting your suggestions, theories, and more, and voting for us! We appreciate all of you!

Lots and lots of love!

~Double K

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