~Chapter Four~

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Katie's P.O.V

I was analysing over some reports, although was questioning why I was even still at the station so late. Guess I was just far too committed to my job. Everyone thinks being an officer is all action packed, full of thrill and risks. Don't get me wrong, it is. Some of the crime scenes we see are outrageous, some heavily upsetting and some just pointless. But nobody ever realises the more quiet, boring side to it all; the amount of paperwork and analysing that is involved is insane. Also makes me feel like I could be going insane at times, honestly. Drew had left a little while ago to go discuss some case he's been working on with Hanna, leaving me alone to look through all this shit. Now, if my so called partner was here, this would all be getting done a lot quicker. But nope, just me, alone. I glanced at the clock that was situated on the office wall, showing that it was 9:37pm. Overtime better be worth it.

"Why the hell am I still here?" I mumbled to myself, whilst my eyes stared aimlessly at all the papers spread across the mahogany desk, the only source of light being from a single desk lamp.

I shook my head and stood up, stretching my arms out as I let out a tired yawn. I ventured out of the cramped office, heading straight to the coffee machine that was outside - that's exactly what I need right now, that'll give me some form of boost. I slid some cash into the machine and tapped my foot slowly whilst I awaited for my coffee.

"Christ sakes! I swear, you and Sarah have been on this goddamn case for too long and it's going absolutely nowhere! What the bloody hell am I paying you guys to do? Sit on your arses all day while innocent men, women and even children risk dying?" I heard a loud voice scold, but I tried not to be nosy and keep my attention to the coffee machine.

"Well?! Answer me, you fool!" I heard the voice yell again once they didn't get a response, myself soon realising who the voice belonged to. Chief McConaughey. He sounded livid, angry and well, pissed off to the max.

"N-No, sir. You're not," Another voice finally spoke out, a more low and quiet tone.

I couldn't help but to see what all the commotion was about, so my dainty hands grabbed hold of the coffee cup and my eyes lurked over to where the two voices were coming from, revealing what/who Chief was pissed at.

Officer Wes.

His brunette locks hung across his face, a look of worry swooped over his features. He was obviously another member of the force, at the same rank of myself, Harry and Drew, etc. Although, he's been on the force a little longer than I. Chief had a scowl plastered over his lips, wrinkles across his forehead were evident.

"Then what the hell are you playing at? You're supposed to be one of the best on the team, Wes. God damn it, I knew I should have assigned this to someone else," He yells, waving his hand in the air. He turned his back to the wall of evidence and images of multiple crime scenes. I didn't really know much detail about this case, but it's been covered hugely by the media and news reports. Now, by the seems of it, another life has sadly been taken. That brings the victim count up to 6, 6 innocent people. Each brutally murdered in some horrific way. It's extremely sickening and upsetting in more ways than one, although I don't exactly know the precise details. I only know as much as what other people know from listening to the news.

"Oh, please! You know I'm the best thing you've got on this force, I'm clearly the one for the job. I've just- it's just, eh... just a rough patch, we'll get past this! You need me. It's not like anyone else could do a better job than me." Wesley snapped back, McConaughey looked at him dumbfounded at his sudden attitude change. A laugh then followed from his lips prior to a complacent grin appearing.

"You know what? You're kicked off the case, Wesley." He spoke calmly, shrugging his shoulders a little. Wesley's eyes widen, that definitely not being the response he was expecting.

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