The Ending

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Harry's POV

It was now the ending of the case we have been on for forever. We were finally gonna crack the criminal and lock them away. We had arrived at the building, Katie's bump on full view. I told her she shouldn't have came but she was persistent on coming, so I let her.

We had just rounded the corner of the criminal's hiding spot and he was standing there, gun in view. I motion for Katie to get behind me. "Drop the gun," I command and catch his attention. Boss?

He chuckles and shakes his head, aiming the gun at me. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do, I'm your boss." He states pointing the gun at me still.

"All this time, you've been hiding and lying. How could you?" Katie speaks, coming from behind me. I look at her and worry strikes me.

"Shut the fuck up," He tells her and pulls the trigger. Except it wasn't at me. It was at Katie. Before I could jump in the way she gets hit by the bullet and falls to the ground instantly.

"NO!" I yell and collapse next to her. Our chief laughs and smirks before walking off, only to get taken down by the other cops we brought. I give them a quiet thanks and instantly call for an ambulance. I was doing everything I could to stop the bleeding. Nothing was working.

The baby, Katie... This can't be happening. I think to myself as the emergency responders arrive and I don't even have the energy to stand up. I stay there, tears coming down my face and I watch her get taken away.

**At the hospital**

I had arrived only to be told that she needed a heart. I breathe in the air and I look at the doctor in hopes he's found someone. He shakes his head as to know what I'm thinking. "Fuck," I say and sit in the sit, running my hands through my hair. "What about the baby?" I ask and look at him.

His face drops, but then raises again. "The baby is okay, for now. But we need a donor quick." He shortly explains. I don't even think before I speak.

"I'll do it." I tell him and he gives me a look of surprise. "I'm serious... Anything for the love of my life and child. If I have to die for them to live, then I am doing it." I tell him and he bites his lip. He sighs and realizes I have a point. He nods and tells me when surgery is.

Within the time between now and the surgery. I write Katie a letter:

To my Babygirl, Katherine.

Lots of Love, H. xx

"I don't even know where to start. We've been friends since high-school and throughout our college years. We've gone to the same classes since day one and here we are today. Standing in place as the officers who cracked and solved the biggest and one of the worst cases possible. Here in our lovely, but a little bit crowded office room. That desk takes up too much space, but the pictures on the desk don't help with anything, haha.

You must be wondering why I'm writing a letter. I guess you'll figure that out whenever, well, it happens. I swear it has meaning, it has a lot of it, honestly. Trust me on this, continue reading, love. Anyways, let's start again.

Remember when we met in our second to last year of school? I sure do, it was the night of the party at Sam Lowe's house, damn that kid knew how to throw the best parties. l don't even know how he threw the best ones in school. But he sure did throw them. I was a part of the football team, star quarterback, if you wanna call me that, haha. Well, you weren't how you are today, but you were willing to be risky and take a couple of new chances. Take a few risks and learn how to have a really, really good time.

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