~ Chapter Thirty-Nine ~

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Katie's P.O.V.

It's a worrying thought to know that someone or some people could carry out the worse kind of behaviour that anyone could demonstrate; murder. Are people just born with a killer instinct or are they influenced to become that way? I personally believe it's nurture, rather than nature. Surely nobody is born with murderous instincts, it can all depend on many factors. Something that pushes someone so far to the edge, that they just snap and cannot control themselves from their sinister actions.

Now, I'm not saying that I sympathise with these people, I'm far from sympathetic. They're evidentially sick in the mind and need mental help, but what I'm interested in is why or how they became that way. Which is most likely the reason why I'm intrigued in this case. Of course, the primary reason for wanting to catch the person or people behind all these crimes is to prevent other innocent people from losing their lives. But I really want to find out what is going on in that person's mind, why that they feel it's right to snatch lives away, ruin and tear apart families. It's 2016, you'd think society would no longer experience such horrific murders. But then again, it's almost impossible to prevent someone's mind from just simply snapping. Perhaps everyone has murderous instincts, just that some can control themselves more than others.

Harry and I were currently heading back, but we needed to reach the only surviving victim, who may no longer be a surviving victim. From how it sounds, he's on his deathbed living on borrowed time.

As Harry was driving, I reached into the glove compartment and retrieved out a folder. The folder that consisted vital information, reports, evidence, victim profiles etc. I flicked to George Brookes profile, skimming over his facts in the attempt to find who he actually is, what he's like; maybe he has something in common with previous victims.

"What you lookin' at there?" Harry spoke, tilting his head towards me and the folder before returning his eyes to the road.

"Brookes," I replied, keeping my concentrated on the file. "He's 56... from Luton, East London. Married to Fiona Brookes, with whom he has three children. Ryan, Olivia and Connor." I added, continuing to read further down the file. It was a basic background over who George was, nothing exactly exciting but at least it gives us a deeper insight. "He was in the army when he was younger... oh wow, he was actually pretty attractive when he was younger." A faint chuckle passed my lips as my eyes scanned over the photographs, I looked up to see Harry sending a playful glare.

"I don't care if he's old now, but still. Shush. Pfft, I could pull off the army look way better anyway." He says quickly and let out a light laugh as he continued to keep his focus on the road.

"Oh yeah, of course." I told him, still sniggering slightly and shut the folder closed. "Do you think he's gonna make it though? George, I mean. He's literally our only hope to getting some answers." I asked him, a sigh falling from my mouth. Sure, we've asked that Liam guy some stuff, but he wasn't exactly a victim. This George is the closest thing we'll get to getting an accurate description, or even identifying who the person is.

"I hope so, I really do. Fingers crossed for him." Harry murmurs, knitting his eyebrows together in thought and concentration.

"What's the concentration face for?" I glanced over at him, then turned my gaze to the road. "I'm just thinking... like, what is it going to take to stop this guy? And why the hell is everything linking to Lenzo and just- I don't know. This is probably the first ever case that has well and truly fucked with my head." He responds and runs a hand through his hair as he continues to drive.

"Hey, we'll get it cracked, okay? Whoever it is will eventually get caught out, I'll make sure of it." I said with a smile, trying to seem confident and reassuring. But at this moment, I'm feeling the complete opposite.

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