~Chapter Thirty-Two~

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By the end of what I explained, tears were streaming down my face. I kept my head hung low, hiding my tears away from Harry. I hate showing my tears and any form of broken emotion, but I couldn't control the tears at this moment. This is the first time I've spoken about Evelyn and the incident to anyone, nobody knows apart from family. Yeah, okay, so maybe this happened over 10 years ago now... but that doesn't mean it doesn't still haunt me. I'm the reason behind my sister's death, I couldn't protect her. I failed her.

I sniffle quietly and wipe away my tears that had fallen down my cheeks. Remaining like that for a few more minutes, I finally look up at Harry. He looked like he was in so much shock and that he was genuinely speechless. His mouth was gaped open, but no sound or words had come out. Once he noticed I was looking at him, he didn't say a word and instantly pulled me into a hug, squeezing me so tight. He ran a hand through my hair and kept me in his arms for what felt like hours. Neither of us said a word, silence surrounded us as we just sat there.

"Kat- I-... I had no idea, I- I-... I'm so sorry." He breaks the silence, whispering quietly into my ear as he kept hold of me.

"You're the first person I've told this to, nobody besides family know. I just... it still haunts me to this day. I have to live with the constant guilt of knowing that I'm the reason behind my little sister not being here anymore." I mumble out, trying to hold back anymore tears falling.

"Once my parents found out what happened, they blamed me too. That's why my relationship with my parents were so estranged when I was growing up from then on, hence why I always tried to be that straight A, innocent, goody two shoes teenager..." I say, sighing softly. "Thinking that if I was the perfect child, that they may be proud of me or that I go back into their good books, it was like I was trying to earn their love back, sorta thing. Or that's what it felt like anyway." I admit, cuddling into his chest. He made me feel so secure in arms, so safe and somewhat calm.

"You poor thing, I'm so so sorry for all what happened. I honestly don't know what to say, Katie. You really have left me speechless.. I-... why didn't you tell me sooner? You know that you can tell me anything right?" Harry replies, tangling in his fingers within my blonde locks, twirling a piece of hair around his index finger.

"Because nobody ever listens, I've learnt that. So I thought it's always been best to hide as much dark and bad things away from people. Simple as that." I respond, my tone suddenly being quite defensive and bitter.

"Well, I listened and I will continue to listen. Since, guess what? I care." He says to me, still refusing to let me go out of his arms.

"That's a first," I reply, puffing out a sarcastic laugh. "Nobody has ever properly listened to me before, it's like I'm just another brick in the wall."

"You're not just another brick in the wall to me, Kate. You're something special, always have been, always will be." His tone was soft and sincere, Harry finally lets me go and looks me straight in the eye. "I always listen, even when you don't think I am, I'm listening."

"Whatever you say, Harry." I sardonically chuckle lightly, shaking my head.

"Need proof? Okay," he starts. "How about that I know your favourite colour is baby blue? Your favourite food is Chinese, you have a birthmark the shape of a tiny love heart near your ankle, when you were 11 you were on a sun lotion commercial showing off your bum," he pauses, laughing slightly at the sun lotion comment. "You hate when people crack their fingers, you absolutely hate Donald Trump when he isn't even part of our countries politics, but that's okay because I hate him too. The first time you properly got drunk, you ended up in the hospital because you fell, by believing you could fly and cracked your head open, thus needing stitches. Your favourite show is either American Horror Story or The Vampire Diaries, although you hate Game of Thrones... which I still don't understand how." He looks at me with a raised brow, but I remain quiet in the attempt to hide my smile.

"Need I continue?" He shrugs. "You don't like cheese, yet you love Pizza. Your eyes light up and dazzle every time you talk about something you're passionate about and honestly? You're one, if the not the most, beautiful woman I have ever known, both inside and out. See, you're truly something special, Katherine." He finishes, a smile making its way to his lips.

Woah, he really does take notice. I stay quiet for a few minutes and mess with my hands, just trying to think of how to respond. He really has just made me feel all warm and giddy inside, along with increasing this growing foreign feeling I have for Harry. Never have I heard anyone note so many things about me.

"You... You really do pay attention, don't you?" I finally reply, looking at him with a faint smile.

He nods in response. A tinge of redness hits my cheeks, causing me to look down quickly to hide it. Harry takes this opportunity to cup my cheeks with his hands, causing me to look directly at him. He squashes my cheeks together a little, in a playful manner.

"It's okay not to be okay sometimes, aren't we all slightly broken? Some more than others. It just takes the right person to come along and fix the other, that way, the two people will fix one another." He tells me, a small twinkle in his eyes showing.

"And you, Miss. Jones... well, like I said, you're something special." He adds, his smile widening and I can't help but to return the sweet smile.

With that, he leant in and hesitantly planted his lips onto mine; his hands still cupping my cheeks. I was taken aback by this impulsive move, but I didn't think twice about returning the tender kiss. Our lips moved in sync, whilst my arms wrapped around his neck. His hands moved down to my waist, holding my hips tightly. After what felt like a lifetime, we finally pulled away for breath. Neither of us said a word, we sat there staring at one another as a happy grimace remained on our faces.

*silently screams bc karry kiss*


Karry make me so happy and just. Yeah.
What will this mean for them now? How much longer are they gonna deny that they have any feelings for one another? Bit hard to do that now, don'tcha think?

Thanks for reading, as always, you're amazing.

Mwah mwah,

- Double K
     x x x

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