~Chapter Thirty-Seven~

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Katie's P.O.V

Morning had risen, but the sky was a dark grey filled with countless clouds. Which reflects a representation of me, in a way. Life is like a constant nightmare, not just a fleeting shadow on a sunny day. Where it's there one day, then the next it's not. Bullshit. It doesn't work like that, the pain and misery is always there. Or at least, that's what it feels like. The strongest people are those who can fake smile, who can act like they are okay; when in reality they're gradually breaking piece by piece on the inside.

But all it takes is for that one little thing, or that one person who can make such a difference in your life. Right now, I've came to conclusion that I've been blind this whole entire time, realising that Harry is that person making that difference for me. He makes me feel so much love and fondness, it's such a warm feeling - something I've never really experienced before. That's definitely something special, that I know for sure.

I glanced over at Harry, he was still fast asleep as he had me wrapped up securely in his muscular arms. I felt protected and safe, like nothing could ever harm me. Like his arms were a form of barrier from pain, it was soothing and reassuring. I went to unravel myself from his arms and shifted slightly to get up, but that only made Harry tight his grip around me more.

"And where do you think you're going?" He mumbled, his eyes still shut as he proceeded to hold me. "To run away from you, obviously." I replied, a faint chuckle escaping my lips. Harry's eyes suddenly opened, his eyebrows narrowing together and the expression on his face was blank. "Run away?" He repeated, his tone being quiet and a frown arched across his mouth. "I was joking, silly." I told him quickly, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Well, you don't even have a choice to run away or not anyway." He stated, his voice raising to a normal tone again. "Oh really? And why's that, Styles?" I question, a cocky tone evident.

"Because," he started, suddenly letting me escape from his grip but soon pinned me to the floor instead. "I won't let you and because I said so." He added, a smug smirk finding its way to his lips.

"Because you said so?" I replied, shaking my head. "You're not in charge here." I returned the smirk, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Oh, but I am, doll." He stated coolly, his voice turning into a whisper and the hot breath hit my neck causing a shiver to run down my spine. He lowered his head, beginning to trace little kisses down the exposed skin of my neck. He nipped at the skin in a harsh manner, as I felt a grin against the area. "I'm pretty impressed by that," he complimented his own actions, referring to the red/purple bruise-like mark that was left behind on the skin. "Just marking what is mine and what belongs to me." He whispered into my ear, my breathing hitched slightly as he then continued to move further down, his left hand soon rested on my thigh whilst the other kept my hands above my head.

The hand that was rested on my thigh, he used to push my legs away from one another as he used this opportunity to slide inbetween them. He moved his right hand away from my arms and used it to hold himself up as he hovered over me, prior to him pressing himself as close against me as he could. He moved his free hand under my shirt, softly tracing shapes along the skin; resulting in my flinching from the coldness of his hands. I soon rested underneath his touch and completely relaxed, before he slid the shirt off of my smaller frame and tossing it to the side of the tent. Lust seemed to be taking over the pair of us, the need for each other growing as he moved his hips against mine; a developing hard on evident on him. But that's when it me. We don't have time for this.

"Harry," I muttered, gazing downwards at him. But he appeared to be a little occupied elsewhere, fumbling with my bra and swiping it off me before tossing it along with the shirt. Within an instance, he attached his mouth to my breast, tracing small and light circles with his tongue. "H-Harry," I muffled out, a bit louder this time.

"Mhm, that's a good girl," he replied softly, thinking I was moaning his name or something. "No, Harry-" I stated again, trying to shift my position but he held me down. "That's it, say my name again baby," he whispered lowly, moving his mouth from my breast down to my lower stomach, leaving soft and delicate kisses along my waistline. Fuck. My breathing was increasing to hitch and become unsteady, the lust and need growing with every passing second. But other things were more important right now.

"No, the c-case, damn it!" I finally managed to blurt out. "W-we gotta work on the c-case," I added and looked up at me with a smirk. "Yeah and? Your point is?" He shrugged, quirking a brow upwards.

"We need to track that Liam guy, some Yvonne woman and of course, the devil herself, Addison." I told him, trying to regain my breath and calm myself.

"Katie," he chuckled, shaking his head. "At this moment in time, I couldn't really care less... besides sex in a tent is apparently fucking intents." He said, chuckling at his own joke before leaning his head back down and kissing along my skin once more.

"H-Harry, we... we need to think professionally and that pun was terrible-" I mumbled, biting down on my lip.

"They can wait, we have time. Calm down..." He replied, tugging at the waistline of my trousers and effortlessly sliding them down.

"But Chief will kill us, I can't deal with getting in more trouble and oh my god, we could lose our job and everythi-" and with that moment, immediate bliss ran through my body and my mind went to mush. A soft moan fell from my lips and a smirking Harry soon sent me a cocky glare.

"Just shut up about it, Kat." is all he said, laughing gently whilst he proceeded to continue with his hand action. Slipping two fingers in and out of the area where I'm sensitive most, at a slow and steady pace. If anything, it was teasingly slow and only made me forget about the case. My mind was now concentrated on Harry and the current bliss that I was experiencing. I bucked up my hips, while he began to move his fingers at a quicker speed; earning more moans to escape my mouth. It felt like my whole body went vulnerable under his touch, pleasure running up and down me. My teeth sink into my lower lip, whilst mine and his eyes remained locked on one another. He leant down to press his plump lips against mine, gentle and soft, but full of love and passion.

Soon enough, I felt his fingers remove themselves from me as he pulled away from the kiss. A smug expression was slapped across his face, smirking down over me. I returned the look with a pout, narrowing my brows at him. "That's... that's not fair!" I exclaimed, causing a deep laugh from him. "What isn't?" He responded, playing dumb and clearly acting oblivious. "You didn't let me finish," I blurted, the pout still arched on my lips. The smirk remained on his face and he simply shrugged, rolling over to his side and wiped his hand.

"We have a case to work on remember? Because you know 'chief will kill us and we could lose our job and everything!'" He mimicked me from earlier, shooting a quick wink in my direction.

"But I-" I started, but was soon cut off. "Now now, Katherine. Be a good girl. No tantrums." He teased, sticking out his tongue. I huffed and crossed my arms, before sitting up and reaching over for my clothes that were on the other side. I grinned a bit as I glanced back over at him. "Well, what you gonna do about that little guy?" I taunted, gesturing down to his bulge.

Harry looked down and a tint of red spread across his cheeks, then looked back towards me; sending me a glare. "Shut up, he isn't little. As you already know." He replied coolly, while giving me the middle finger. "However," he started as he rolled back over to me. "this..." He mumbled, placing a kiss just below my earlobe. "is to be continued..." He whispered in my ear, slowly placing a few more kisses down my neck before finally pulling away.

"Now come on, we've got work to do."

Sorry that I've been the reason why this story hasn't been updating as much as usual, despite USA K nagging me to write and motivating me, but I'm in the middle of my exams that determine whether or not I get into university. EEEK. USA K most likely also has her exams/finals/whateveramericanscallthem cx But all in all, we will continue to try and write as much as we can. Thank you for your patience bbys :*


- Double K
      x x x

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