~Chapter Fifteen~

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Katie's P.O.V

What was just about to happen? Whatever it was, Harry found it awkward and quickly pushed me off; once he realised what he was doing.

I nod as he suggests looking for stuff that could be evidence and I brush myself off before walking towards the bookshelf, snooping around to look for anything. We both fell to silence again, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.


All of a sudden, loud noises occurred. Harry and I immediately looked over at each other, our eyes widening before we both reached to our holsters to grab our hand guns. Seeing as we've just found a severely injured victim, the victim did say there was only a couple minutes until we found him. Meaning that the killer could have been around, but we figured they would have made a quick escape once they realised we were here. Perhaps not.


My gun was now aiming towards the door, Harry had his raised as he slowly began pacing forwards towards to the door also, before indicating for me to follow behind him.

"Keep close, keep quiet," he whispers to me, his voice deep and quiet.

I nod, following him as we walked together. Holy shit, what if it's the person behind it all? What if we actually catch them? What if we've finally solved this case? So many what if's.

Just as we was about to open the door, a low mumbled voice could be heard; footsteps began to get louder and louder, like they were echoing through the whole dwelling.

"Shit, they're coming here. Quick, hide." I stated, stepping backwards.

Harry nods in response, rapidly moving into a hiding place whilst I moved to crouch behind the sofa. The sound of a turning door knob was soon present, like they were struggling to open the old, wooden door.

Soon enough, the door creaked as it swung open and hit the wall. Myself and Harry jumped up, aiming our guns to the door once again.

"Freeze! Put your hands u-" Harry shouted, before his mouth gapes open. "Oh." He said, his deep voice now sounding deflated.

Chief McConaughey ventured in, narrowing his eyebrows at Harry and I. He had one hand up in the air, whilst his other one rested on his holster.

Ah, fuck.

"You two need to up your game." Is all Chief says as he puffs out a small laugh.

"Sorry, sir. We thought-" Harry started, but was interrupted.

"Thought that I was the killer." Chief finished for him.

Harry sheepishly nods, letting out a slight sigh. Chief shakes his head a little, wandering further inside the room anyway.

"What are you even doing here alone then? Also, what were those loud noises?" I questioned, lowering my gun as I placed it back into my holster.

"Alone? Who says I'm here alone?" He replies, shrugging his shoulders. "That was me, I was shooting." He adds.

"Well, seeing as you're here on your own, I'd say you were alone. Duh." I sassed slightly, before arching up a brow. "Shooting?"

"Watch who you're speaking to, Katie. Watch your tone. I'm not here alone." He responded, his croaky voice speaking in a stern attitude. "I had to shoot a bolted door open, I shot the bolts." He said coolly, rolling his eyes.

That's when I got made to look like an idiot, since Chief wasn't here alone at all. In fact, he was with most of the whole damn force. Officer Drew and Wes waltzed into small room, appearing behind Chief.

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