~Chapter Thirty-Three~

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Harry's P.O.V

I didn't know why I kissed her but I don't regret it... Should I though? We weren't even dating and this is the second time I've kissed her, the first time we ended up having sex and waking up the next day wondering what the hell happened.

I had a smile on my face and she had one too, but it just didn't seem right. I excuse myself and unzip the tent. Shortly after unzipping it, I crawl out of it and zip it back up. I walk away from the tent and rest my arm on a tree, leaning on it. Taking a deep breath in, I sniff up a bug.

"That's fucking disgusting," I mumble and blow it out of my nose. "Nasty," I add on, shaking my head. I hear a few branches crack, but ignore it thinking it was just an animal. I turn so my back was to the tent now. My mind was filled with the memories from the night Kat and I ended up having sex and then the memories as to back to the kiss we just shared.

While I was thinking of the memories, I hear Katie squeal and I turn quick on my heels. I see that the tent was unzipped and their was some random, muscular shadow hovering over Katie. I widen my eyes and think to who it could possibly be.

I step forward toward the tent and then jog over the rest of the way. Once at the tent I freeze in front of the door to the tent and see some guy trying to slide off Katie's shirt and kiss her.

"What the fuck?" I ask and instantly get jealous. I was also pissed off at the same exact time. Jealous and pissed off Harry is NEVER a good combination. "Who the fuck are you?!" I ask the man as his shoulders tense up and he turns to me. He smirks and shrugs, ignoring my questions. He then goes back to feeling Katie up and I instantly snap.

"You have three seconds to get off of my girl, or else you're going to have to deal with me," I threat the man that was feeling her up. He stops touching her, fear was written across Katie's face. "Do you even know her?" I ask him and pull him out of the tent.

"Please, Katherine loves me still," the voice replies; he was obviously a cocky bastard. He had stumbled whenever I pulled him out of the tent, but that dumbass smirk was still written across his face.

"No, I don't Jake!" She cries out, shaking her head. Jake turns to her and winks at her.

"That's not what you said whenever we were fucking while we were together for what, 4 years?" Jake's voice was only getting cockier and it was starting to piss me off even more than what I already was.

"Jake..." I say again and think about it. "Wait a minute. You're that boy that hurt Katie's feelings," I growl and look at him. "You fucking played her!" I add on, remembering what Katie told me whenever we were in high-school together.

This Jake, well. He was Katie's, I guess, first love and he fucked her over. He took her virginity, took everything of hers, he broke her heart, and he made her cry more than once. She told me about him before. I've never met him, till now. Nor did I ever want too meet him. Life's a bitch.

Jake just looks at me, the smirk still planted on his lips.

"Wipe that smirk off your lips before I do it for you," I warn him and step forward.

"What could you possibly do to me," Jake scoffs before laughing. "You're a wimp. You don't even have muscle," he adds on.

I take his body posture in and tilt my head to the side. "Yeah, I might not have as much as you do, but I know how to hurt a person," I speak, feeling courageous.

Katie looks between us both and looks at me desperately. I look back at her, but have nothing to say. I watch as Jake leans down and kisses Katie on the forehead. 

I narrow my eyes at Jake and shake my head, "Fuck off of her," I warn him again. I didn't wanna beat someone up that literally came out of nowhere, but I'll do what I have to do to protect Katie. Protecting Katie is my number one goal. I'll complete it too.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks though," Jake states before going back into the tent and pushing Katie onto her back. He starts making out with her and Katie was squirming underneath him.

And in that moment, I snapped.

I reach into the tent and yank Jake off of her, throw him to the ground. I hover over his body and look down at him. "You wanna know what I'm gonna do?" I ask him before pulling him up off the ground. I shove his shoulder back and he glares at me.

"What are you gonna do? Huh? You're pathetic, I don't even know how you got on the force," Jake fights back.

"Yeah, and I don't know how you found Kat, but that doesn't even matter," I state before punching him in the face. My anger was getting the best of me, oops. I don't even care.

He groans slightly, but shake his head and brings his fist up toward my face, only to have me catch his fist in my left hand and swing my right fist again hitting him in the gut. "She's mine," I tell him as he sandwiches over.

I grab him by his hair and pull his head up by the hair to look at me. "If I see you near her again, you better be ready to fight. You played a very gorgeous, caring, and intelligent woman. You took everything of hers and you threw her to the side after the years you've been together. You hurt her. You destroyed her and she sure as hell doesn't love you still," I tell him. I was fuming with anger.

Katie doesn't deserve a bastard like him. She deserves way better. She can do way better. Better than me, Jake, and any other guy that's hurt her.

Jake doesn't say anything because I personally think he was scared. He breaks free from my grip and laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask him and narrow my eyes slightly.

"You're one sonuvabitch, that's what's funny. You're gonna regret everything you've said and have done tonight," he threats before walking off and holding his head up high. The blood was dripping out of his nose and his jaw was bruising quickly.

What's that supposed to mean?

I look at Katie after my argument with Jake and my eyes widen. She was giving me a look that could kill. A look that was filled with surprise, fear, and lust.

"I just did something I shouldn't have done, didn't I?" I ask and bite my lip.

"You said something that you should've said many, many years ago," Katie simply replies before coming up to me and hugging me.

What'd I say? I didn't just admit my feelings for her, did I?

I think I just did. Oh shit.

Hey guys, I rewrote this, because I didn't like it was written before. I still don't but oh well.

Yeah, Jake was really random and out of the blue, but I'm sure there will be a backstory from Katie about Jake sometime in this story. I'm not sure though. I guess that's all I can say right now, because the K's still aren't sure what to write about. This story is probably gonna be like a million chapters long (hopefully not).

Anyways, let's look at questions.

Chapter questions now!
- Should Harry and Katie finally get together?
- What do you think about Jake?
- What has been your favourite part in our story?

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Love you guys!

~Double K

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