~Chapter Twenty~

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Katie's P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since evidence came up against Harry and that I blurted out to the whole force that he could have been a suspect and more than likely the murderer; it scares me to think he could be behind all of this. He's always been that quiet, lovely, down to earth guy. I don't want to believe it, I really don't. But everything matches up. The thing is, which only makes him look even more guilty, he hasn't shown up at work since the day he walked out...

Everyone has been looking for him and nobody could can find him; they had checked everywhere. Except his house (don't ask me why, because I don't know), maybe he was there? Which is stupid because he's more than likely there, that's usually the first place we all look when there's a suspect, so why haven't they checked yet? I walk out of his and I's office, before heading towards the door to the station.

"Jones, where are you going?" Chief's voice questioned me. I turned and the strands of my blonde hair followed behind me.

"I'm gonna go see if Harry is at his house, since for some stupid reason, nobody has checked there yet." I mumbled, my tone being quite sarcastic. "Y'know, just question him, beat him around a bit," I explain. Chief nods his head and asks for me to be careful. I shrug then proceed to head out to the now cleaned out car. I get in the driver's side, buckle up, and start the car.

I take a deep breath and begin to drive toward Harry's place, multiple thoughts wandering through my mind about where he was and everything. It all seemed to be true; the evidence found in the car, sudden mood swings, the incident with Sarah, now him not showing up or being seen anywhere for the past two days.

I don't know where he was, this isn't like him. He isn't the kind to run away from problems, but honestly? I don't even know who he is anymore. He has changed from being that cheeky lad who I adored, to being a complete ass and never speaking to anyone anymore. Maybe he finally snapped, or maybe, he's never been the person I thought he was. Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors; looks can be deceiving, clearly.


After a short car journey, I had soon arrived at Harry's place. I parked up against the curb, before my eyes stared out the window. What if he's in there? What if he turns on me and I'm the next victim? At this moment in time, it wouldn't surprise me if he goes against me. He's constantly snapping at me and whatnot, plus I can tell he's never really cared about me. I've always just been another brick in the wall to him, like I was invisible. That kinda hurts to think because I think the world of him and I can't currently get rid of this one feeling, it feels so foreign to me and I just cannot shake it away from me. The feeling only keeps increasing, although I don't know why, or what the feeling is exactly; it's certainly something that I've never felt before, that's for sure.

After about five minutes or so, I finally get out of the car and slam the door behind me. My legs carry me over to the front of his door, in which I turn the door handle, but it's locked. Thus I tried knocking as well as ringing the doorbell.

"Oi, Harry, open up. It's only me. Katie." I yelled, whilst continuing to knock.

But nope, no answer.

"Right, didn't want to have to do this, but you're stupid. You're forgetting I know where the spare key is, silly Harold." I added, laughing softly.

I ventured around to the side where the small plant pot was, lifting it up and retrieving the key. Smirking to myself, I move back to the door and slide the key in, thus unlocking it.

"Harry?!" I exclaim as I walked in, but no response was received.

"If you come out of hiding, I'll suck your dick," I add, laughing softly. "Jokes, not really... but seriously, get your ass down here. You can't run and hide forever."

Yet again, nothing but silenced. I sighed heavily, glancing around the surroundings before waltzing into the kitchen. Something grabbed my attention; a piece of paper lay on the dining table. I walk over, grabbing the paper in my hands as I noticed it was addressed to me.

"Dear Katie..." I read out loud, scanning my eyes down the paper (the letter can be seen back in chapter 18, when Harry wrote it).

He's gone to America. What. He really has taken running away from your problems to another level, hasn't he? But he also claims how he didn't do anything... well, of course he is bound to say that. I don't even know what to believe anymore, I really don't. I need to get ahold of him, talk to him properly before the rest of the police and force do.

I urgently grab my phone out my pocket and quickly find Harry's contact, soon clicking the call button.

"Sorry, but the person you're trying to contact is currently unavailable. Please try again later or leave a message at the tone. Beep."

Fuck sake, Harry. Answer me damn it. I try again a few more times, but I was still getting no answer. What's the point in having a phone, if you don't bloody answer it?! I attempt one more time, but that was when I finally got an answer.

H: "... hello?"

K: "About fucking time, what are you doing?"

H: "Well, hello to you to, Katherine."

K: "Hihihihi, straight to the point, what are you playing at? Just leaving like this?"

H: "I'm guessing you got the note then, eh? You don't understand. I had to go, get away for awhile until this all blows over."

K: "All blows over? Are you an idiot? It's not gonna just 'blow over', you fucking killed peop-"

H: "What? You think I did it?"

K: "I just... no, but-"

H: "You think I did it. Wow, just fucking wow, Kat. Of all people, you think I did it. Thanks a whole bunch, love."

K: "No, Harry. Let me explain. YOUR blood was found on a murder weapon, YOU apparently 'violently attacked' Sarah, a dead body was found in OUR cop car and I sure as hell didn't do that..."

H: "And you believe all that? Ha, some fucking friend you are."

K: "Well, if you didn't do it, why the hell are you running away from it all instead of proving your innocence?"

H: "I don't need this conversation right now. Believe me or not, I'm not gonna force you to believe me. But seriously, thanks really."

K: "I don't want to believe it, Harry! I really don't, it sickens me! But the way you're acting only makes you more suspicious, I'm just trying to warn you and perhaps help you... that's all I ever do but you never notice."

H: "Goodbye, Katherine."

K: "Harry, wait-"

Just like that, the conversation was cut short. I don't even know what to think anymore; I don't want to believe it but he's not making it any easier for me not to.

I let out a groan and sit at his table. I reread the note and finally decide what I should do.

There's not gonna be one London police officer in Pennsylvania...

There's gonna be two.


Hey, hey! Oh no, Katie's found the note and is headed to Pennsylvania!

How many of you guys are from Pennsylvania? Probably not many, right? Right.

What do you guys think will happen once she arrives in PA? Will her and Harry talk? Will they work it out?

Thank you for the reads, comments, votes and so much more. You guys have done this all for us and it's amazing.

We love you guys so much!

Stay tuned, there might be another update, but who knows?

~Double K

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