~Chapter Forty-Nine~

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Katie's P.O.V.

Two weeks have gone by since the last time H and I had sex.

I woke up feeling violently ill, hopping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I lift the toilet seat up and throw up. I hear shuffling around as I continue to puke, then feel someone's hand on my back and a hand holding my hair back. I turn my head slightly and see Harry, worry in his eyes.

"Are you alright...?" He asks me, I give him a look that says "Really?" and he quickly apologizes. I turn back to the toilet and throw-up some more before finishing and asking H to grab a cold wet towel. I reach up and flush the toilet, still leaning over the it just in case. Harry hands me the towel and I wipe my forehead off, and then dab the rest of my face before starting to stand. Harry reaches out and helps me up, the look of worry still present in his eyes. I give a small smile and turn to wash out my mouth in the sink. As I do that, I feel violently ill again. I turn back around and collapse next to the toilet before feeling faint and starting to overheat. I throw-up once again and then feel my eyes shut... that's the last thing I remembered.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was woken by Katie being sick, now I'm rushing her to the hospital. Something wasn't right. I carry her body out of our home and to my police car. I open the door quickly, setting her on the seat and leaning the seat back as far as it would go (which wasn't very far due to the bars in the police car). I buckle her up and shut the door, before hopping over the hood of my car and sliding into the driver's seat. I turn the ignition on, turning my siren on and start speeding. That's the good thing about being a cop, you get away with everything, mostly when the sirens and lights are on.

Cars move out of the way, some probably thinking they were in trouble or something; Nope, just my girlfriend is unconscious in my passenger seat. As I arrive at the hospital, I turn the lights and siren off. I park in a no-parking zone, but fuck it! Imma cop, what are they gonna do, arrest me? I turn the car off, grabbing my keys and shoving them into my PJ bottoms, fuck! I look down at myself and realize that I'm shirtless. I look around and grab a sweatshirt I had in my car. I throw that on and then get out, hurrying to Katie's side, opening the door, unbuckling her and picking her up. I close the door with my foot and rush into the emergency entrance and I instantly get helped because I'm a cop (;.

"What happened?" The doctor asks me, as we rush Katie into the emergency room.

"I don't know... She woke up, got sick, was fine, got sick again and passed out on me. Not a good start to my morning!" I explain as we get into the emergency room. The doctor puts her on a heart monitor and sees her heartbeat is kind of uneven.

"Interesting," he says before starting to examine her and what not. Meanwhile, I'm freaking the fuck out and pacing back and forth in the room. One of the nurses looks at me and asks, "Can you stop pacing, you're causing a breeze." I glare at her and she smirks before going back to helping the doctor. I pace a few more minutes before sitting down and putting my head in my hands.

I close my eyes and keep my head in my hand, hearing so much beeping and machinery pushed around. I block out the sounds and try and relax. I succeed in relaxing and I open my eyes to the doctor doing an ultrasound, "What the hell are you doing?" I ask him and stand up instantly. He looks at me and then motions for the blood to take blood from Katie.

"What the hell is happening? Can someone tell me, Jesus Christ." I groan and walk over to the side of Katie. I take her hand in mine and kiss her forehead, "Whatever is happening to you right now, babygirl, just know I'm not leaving your side." I whisper in her ear and rub my thumb on her hand. The nurse walks off with the blood, I'm assuming for a blood test. I stand by her side, letting the doctor continue looking, seeing nothing at the moment. I close my eyes and start praying silently.

**An hour or so later**

It's been an hour, maybe two, and I still haven't left Katie's side. I was still in the position I was in earlier. Her and I were the only ones in the room at the moment and I was waiting for the results of the blood test. Her heart rate was back to normal, but she still wasn't conscious. I look at her and cover up her body with the blanket provided. I kiss her hand and then go and sit down in my chair, twiddling my thumbs impatiently.

**Another Hour goes by**

Finally, after three hours I finally see the nurse walk back in. She has a smile on her face, but it's not really promising. I stand up and open my mouth to speak, but get interrupted by Katie waking up. I rush to her side and kiss her forehead. "I'm so glad you're alright..." I tell her, taking her hand in mine. She looks at me, smiles and then looks around her.

"Where am I?" she asks, completely befuddled. I look at her and at the nurse.

"You're at the hospital babe," I tell her and bite my lip.

"What? Why?" She asks me, her eyes wide. I respond by shrugging and then look at the nurse as she starts to speak.

"We did a blood test on you, sweetheart. You came in passed out and overheated. Anyways, your red blood cell count is very low, lower than normal. This meaning you have anemia..." She pauses and Katie raises an eyebrow. Katie doesn't say anything, but looks at me, worry flashing through her eyes. I look back and then look at the nurse, waiting for her to continue. "You're also slightly underweight for this next part I'm about to reveal!" The nurse claims and then looks between the two of us.

"What is it?" Katie and I ask together.

"Well, you guys are expecting." She states, a smile on her face.



Author's Note:

Heeeeeyyyy, I'm back at least. British K has been going through a rough time, please pray for her! Buttttttt. SURPRISE! There's something on the way, guess what it is?

A baby (:

American K

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