~Chapter Twelve~

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Katie's P.O.V

The next few days at work were horrendous, dreadful and I honestly think we've gotten nowhere with the case. Both Harry and I are stubborn as hell, another thing that we have in common, hence why the pair of us are refusing to break our silent treatment we're giving to one another. I was so annoyed at him; mostly shocked. His words kept repeating themselves in my head, over and over again.

"You're a mess, Katherine,"

"You and your slutty ass are on your own,"

"You're nothing but a whore,"

All these comments played on my mind for days non-stop. He made me feel so weak, so belittled, so vulnerable. Each word he came out with stung like a bitch, like they were stab wounds to my chest. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said, but he deserved it. Everything I said to him, he deserved. To think I thought he was the only person who truly somewhat cared about me. Ha, how could I have been so stupid. Nobody has ever cared about me, nobody ever gives a fuck about me. I'm just another brick in the wall, always have been and always be. There's no changing that. I've always appeared to be that happy-go-lucky, bright eyed, joyous girl. But nobody knows what happens behind closed doors, nothing is ever what they seem. A fake smile is easy to hide, but it takes some skill to fake one for so long. Whatever, this a story for another day - not that I'd tell anyone anyway, what's the point in telling someone when they couldn't care any less?
Another day, another dollar. I walked into the station, greeting and waving at some co-workers and other officers. As I was venturing towards mine and Harry's office, I felt a large hand tapping my shoulder which causes me to turn around. Drew.

"Kates, I got you covered. Just like I have been for the past few days." His deep voice chirps, holding out a polystyrene coffee cup towards me. He's been buying me morning coffee for the past couple of mornings, like he's noticed some sort of change in me or something.

I take the cup off him, smiling as a thank you. He's so sweet, one of the nicest workers in this whole damn place. If not the nicest.

"Thanks, Drew, pal. Is this becoming a daily routine now? Think I could get used to this." I chirp, giggling softly as I took a couple of sips.

"If you want it too, I don't mind." He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. "So, you gonna tell me why you're so moody coming into work?"

"Just tired," I said, sighing.

"Yeah, you look just like you did after that time we were in my office." He winked playfully. "Though I must say, you really did look good naked on my-" He tried to add, but was cut off by another voice before he could finish.

"Katherine has been naked on many desks, for many people, don't think you're anything special." The voice says and I instantly knew who it belonged to. Harry.

Harry patted Drew's shoulder as he spoke, shaking his head before shooting me a quick glare. I return the deadly glare, looking at him in disgust. Twat. I don't fire anything back, one of us has to be mature here. Instead I just sip my coffee then turn my gaze downwards. Drew laughs it off, before Harry forms the biggest fake smile towards Drew and venture off into our office.

"Well... I'm guessing you and him are gonna be having bundles of fun in work today." Drew says sarcastically, chuckling softly.

"I know right? Tell me about it." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You'll have such a great time. Anyway, I've gotta get back to Hanna to work on that drug deal case. Don't kill Harry and have fun, ha..." He says, waving me goodbye before trotting off in the opposite direction. I then turn around, taking a deep breath before reluctantly walking to Harry and I's office. I turned the door handle slowly, opening the door a little before sliding through the door and refuse to bring my gaze to his. I head straight to the file cabinet, digging out paperwork for the serial killer case we're currently on; we still didn't manage to find that Rob guy and we had no more ties to whom it could be. Our main suspect is still on the loose and we've got nowhere, literally nowhere with it. I lowkey glanced at Harry, but he was too busy writing something down. An eerie silence engulfed the entire room, an awkward tension surrounding the pair of us. I definitely think a partner switch would be so much easier. My feelings for Harry are so confusing, I used to think that perhaps we could have been something more but that was awhile ago. A long time ago. But now? Everything ever good I felt for him has just drained. He's a complete dickhead, there's no changing that.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when I heard the office door slam shut, myself thinking that Harry left the room. To my surprise, it wasn't infact Harry exiting, it was our Chief barging into our office and by the look on his face, he wasn't too pleased.

"What the bloody hell are you two playing at?" He blurts out straight away, not even greeting Harry or I.

A look of confusion spreads across my face, Harry looked quite bewildered too.

"Well? Say something, damn it!" He adds, his voice was so stern and forceful.

"What are you talking about, sir?" Harry finally asks, tilting his head to the side as he hands rested on the mahogany desk.

"What am I talking about? What am I fucking talking about?!" He repeats, his voice only getting louder and the expression on his face turning to anger.

"How's the case? How's the main suspect? Managed to get answers out of him and arrest him?" He says, his tone now being sarcastic as well as angered. "Oh wait, stupid question to ask. I know. Why? Because your main suspect? He's been found dead in a fucking ditch." He snaps once more, throwing a new file on the desk; a loud slapping noise happening as it lands.

Did I just hear him correct? That the guy we thought was the murderer is dead? Well, shit.

"What?" I question, my eyes widening. "I honestly thought we had him, shit-" I mumbled, wandering over to the desk to grab the file.

"Shit indeed, Katie! You promised me there would be no more murders because YOU two would have it solved!" He yells at me, the wrinkles by his eyes now evidentially showing. He crossed his arms over his arms over his chest, exchanging stares between me and Harry.

"W-we thought it was him, fuck. We're really sorry, Chief." Harry quickly apologises, his tongue darting across his bottom lip to wet them.

"Well, sorry doesn't cut it. I want this solved, ASAP. Don't make me do a Wes and Sarah on you guys, I'm not afraid to kick you off either." He snapped before turning around and leaving the office, the door loudly slamming once it shuts.

Myself and Harry remain there silent, don't really knowing what to say. I keep my focus away from him and quickly analyse over the folder, narrowing my brows in my concentration as I read details.

"Name: Robert Malcolm Kirkby
Age: 26
Last time seen: 3:04AM, leaving Club Lenzo, 19/02/16.
Date/Time/Location of dead body: River Arden, right side ditch @ 9:12AM, 19/02/16.
Cause of death: Severe blood loss from multiple stab wounds in chest and stomach. (From suspicious circumstances: murder.)
Other implications on deceased: Major blow to the head, skull fracture. Class A drug; cocaine, found in bloodstream. Alcohol also found in bloodstream, possible state of being at time of death; intoxicated/drugged up."

Well, we're screwed. Our main suspect, is no longer a suspect but instead, a victim. Time for more investigating, however, how's that possible when me and my partner aren't even wanting to co-operate with one another right now. I think this case is much, much, much harder than what we initially thought...

Dun, dun, dunnnnn. As you most likely guessed, we gave another double update. (Double K: double update.)


Which leaves the question of; who is the serial killer?

Is it somebody we've already met? Or is it someone who we haven't yet...

Lalalaaaaaaaa, who knows. (k & k do, duh)


Till next time,

Mwah mwah,

- Double K x x x

Police 101 ~H.S. AU~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang