~Chapter Twenty Five~

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Harry's P.O.V


My hands were cuffed together, whilst I remained sat in the back seat of the police car. My thoughts were everywhere, like I couldn't think straight. How did they get me as soon as we landed? There's no other logical explanation besides that Katie told the force, but I don't want to believe that she did that. I really don't. Or was this her plan all along? Was she told to come find me, knowing that she is probably the only person who can get some sense through to me? I never thought Katie was like that, she's always had my back... or so I thought.

"You're in deep shit, Styles." An infuriating familiar voice spoke. "Like, how the hell could you be so brutal? You killed four innocent women and two innocent men, just... just why?" Wes says, looking at me through the mirror as he was driving.

"I didn't do shit." I bluntly defended myself, looking right back at him.

He let's out a loud chuckle, rolling his eyes. "You're nothing but a sick, twisted, psychotic individual. You're gonna rot in a jail cell for the rest of your days, but I wish we had the death sentence. You deserve that for what you've done, you sick fucking bastard." He snaps, his words being so cold and harsh.

"Shut your face." I replied, in the exact same attitude as him.

"No wonder Sarah cheated on your ass. Who did she cheat on you with again? Oh wait..." He continued, but paused for a brief couple of seconds. "Me!" He puffed out, a smug smirk slapping right across his face.

"I said, shut your face." I repeated, my tone now being slightly stern whilst trying to remain somewhat calm. God, he was so fucking annoying. If I was behind all these murders, he sure as hell would have been a victim.

"Why, what you gonna do? Kill me too? Try it and see what happens, sicko." He replies, glancing at me through the mirror once again before he stops outside the station.

He turns off the ignition and gets out of the vehicle prior to walking to the backseat door.
"Out." He demands, gesturing with his thumb.

I slide out of the car, which is actually quite hard considering my hands are cuffed. I managed to get out and Wesley's hands automatically grip onto me as he prods forwards, dragging me beside him; whilst heading inside the station. But instead of the usual surroundings that I'm familiar with when I'm here, I was taken down to the complete opposite.

The cells.

Never did I ever think that I would have ended up in a cell, yet here I am, being locked up in one. Wes opened a grubby looking cell, a sly grin lingering on his face as though he's just cheated his way to victory. After he finally uncuffed my hands, he roughly pushed me forwards, causing me to stumble into the cell. Locking it shut behind me, I instantly turned around and gripped the cell bars, sending Wes a daring glare.

"You can't do this. I haven't even had my one phone call, haven't had contact with a lawyer or even had any form of questioning. Talk about being unprofessional." I spat, my glare still focusing on the little pompous imbecile, also known as Wesley.

He puffs out a small chuckle, whilst shrugging his shoulders. "Oh, don't worry. You'll get all that, when Chief gets back and says so." He says. "But for now? You should probably shut your cocky little face before I shut it for you, murderer." He adds, which only makes my blood boil.

"Fucking asshole." I groan, trying my hardest not to retaliate by shouting and yelling. With a large a huff, I turn back around and flop onto the extremely uncomfortable poor excuse of a bed, trying to rest my eyes.

A wide smile was plastered right across my face, I don't think I've ever felt this happy in my whole entire life. Just me and the girl who I treasure so dearly, lounging around and eating excessive amounts of junk food. This is how I want all my lazy Sunday's to consist of.

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