~Chapter Two~

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Katie's P.O.V

We walked into the building, of course Harry holding the door open for me. "Such a gentleman," I joke and send him a playful wink. He laughs and walks in behind me. He asks for a table for two and we get led to it.

"So what are you getting?" Harry asks me as he glances up over his menu at me. I shrug and look at the menu some more.

I think about it and say, "I think I'll get my usual, what about you?" I ask as I set the menu down. I fold my hands together and rest my elbows on the table.

"I am probably gonna get my usual as well," he replies. I nod my head and watch as he checks his phone like he was waiting for a call. He looks at me and smiles softly, before locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.

"Who are you waiting for?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "Who are you waiting to call or text you, is what I'm trying to say," I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Oh! Just a friend," he replies. I nod my head and shake the thought from my mind. Our waitress comes over and takes our order and hands us our drinks that we ordered like 10 minutes ago. I sip from my drink, tapping my fingers on the glass. I set the drink on the table and look around, taking in everyone's faces.

Out of the corner of my eye, Harry checks his phone. Again. "H, who are you waiting on?" I ask and stare at him. "If you need to, just go call them," I tell him and motion for him to walk away. To my surprise he actually stands up, pushes his chair out, moves from it and walks off, leaving me here alone. "Why do I suggest things again?" I question as I take my phone out and scroll through it, while I wait.

I look up about 20 minutes later as he walks over and our food gets delivered. "About time," I joke, but a part of me meant it. He laughs and we start eating. As we eat, of course we throw some bits of food at each other and joke around with each other, like normal.

Afterwards, we left Nandos and got back in the car. I guess now would be a good time to ask him about the phone call. I wait for a little as he starts the car and heads back toward the station so we can get in our own cars and head home for the day.

"So, who were you chatting too?" I ask and look over at him, then out the window at the passing scenery. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him open his mouth then close it. "Well?" I ask and rest my hands in my lap.

"It was just a call to a friend, that's all," he responds, focusing on the road. He glances at me quickly before looking back at the road. I nod my head and make an 'o' shape with my lips.

"I see, I see," I reply and go quiet. It was quiet the rest of the way there, besides the fact that Harry's terrible, terrible singing echoed through the whole car. It wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't on pitch or the right note at that.

Finally about 30 minutes later, we arrived back at the station and got out. "I'm gonna go in and check if we have any new cases; you don't have to stay," I tell him, waving slightly. He nods his head and says his goodbyes, before rushing off to his car.

"Weird ass," I mutter and shake my head. I wave as he drives off and head into the station. I go to my office, passing Drew. I smile lightly at him and a faint blush appears on my cheeks. I walk into mine and H's room, sitting at the desk.

I look through the papers, before looking up as a figure appears at my door. I see it's Drew. "Hey," I greet, my voice soft. The memories of the time on Drew's desk.... They're unforgettable, damn. I snap out of my thoughts as he leans his hands on my desk, looking at the cases in front of me.

"How's the case with Hanna?" I ask him, speaking about one of my best friends. He was partners with her and well, they couldn't figure out this one case of a death in the Chambers house.

He runs his hand over his face and sits across from me in the other chair. "Don't even mention that case, it's nearly driving me insane!" He admits and laughs lightly. I roll my eyes and rest my chin in my hand, waiting to hear more of it.

"So, you see here. Hanna and I have been on that case for nearly 3 weeks now, and guess what. We haven't even gotten close to cracking and finishing it! Like you would think a murder case with 3 witnesses would be completed within 5 days, but no. Not this one. Like, we questioned the witnesses, but only 1 of them gave a good answer. The other answers were like, 'I saw it happen, but I didn't see the killer's face.' Or for example, 'It was so and so, no it was actually so and so." These responses have gotten to the point where it is like, 'Oh a unicorn did it!'" He stops speaking and I try holding back my laughter.

I fail at containing the laughter and I burst out laughing. Drew looks at me and narrows his eyes at me. "It's not funny Kat!" He whines, causing me to laugh more. I shake my head and just stare at him. Man, he was good looking. I'm so thankful I got some of that.

He snaps his fingers in front of me and I blink, "You good?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. His voice was full of concern. "Did you even hear what I asked you?" He adds on, chuckling.

"Sorry! I got distracted, oops. No, I didn't. You said something?" I ask, completely confused as to what he said.

"I asked, how are the cases with Styles?" He repeats his question. I look at him and then at the folder. Nearly all of the cases were solved and completed.

"Well, it's only gonna get better isn't it?" I ask. What I didn't know was that it was gonna get harder and by harder, I mean nearly impossible. But everything is possible, right?

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's Double K! We hope you're enjoying our story, voting, commenting your suggestions and criticism, and just overall being an awesome group of people and sharing our story!

We plan on updating probably 3 times  a week, as there are two of us!

Dun, dun, dun....

We might reveal who we truly are IF this book succeeds on Wattpad!

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting!

Once again, please share our story on every social media possible!

(In the picture, that my friends, is Officer Drew).

Sincerely, your authors:

Double K♥

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