~Chapter Fourteen~

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Harry's P.O.V

That was weird, we both spoke at the same exact time. I look away from her instantly, my face flushed and red. Myself or Katie have never came across a case like this before, no wonder it's been highly publicised by the news and media. I'm just used to dealing with low covered murders, petty theft, drugs, etc... never brutal serial killings. I thought it'd be easier and done within a week, obviously I've been proved wrong. I navigated my eyes back down at the file, not daring to look back at Katie. I guess the mood has lightened slightly, but that doesn't mean I'm not kinda annoyed still. What can I say, I'm a stubborn bastard and so is Katie.

The pair of us were still inches apart, her smaller frame next to mine. I finally looked away from the file, looking downwards at the blonde. She was stood on her tippy-toes looking over my arm to view the file. I licked my lips, allowing my thoughts to take over me. Now, my thoughts didn't consist of the case, but they consisted of her. Nothing else, just her. Why? Why can't I rid her out of my mind? Everything about her; those bright blue eyes that dazzle whenever she talks about something she's passionate about, her cute laugh and fuck, those luscious lips.

Wait, what am I doing?

I shake my head quickly, attempting to clear those thoughts out of my mind. I'm still pissed and love Sarah dearly. Sarah is my girlfriend, the one who I plan to spend the rest of my life with because damn, the way her mouth can suck things is to die for her. Oh and her body, shit, the way she moves on top of me or the way I get her moaning my name. So, yes, Sarah. Sarah owns my heart and will keep it for however long. Katie is Katie, my best friend, who makes stupid as hell decisions.

I bite down on my lip and walk toward the closet around the room we were in. I open the closet and shine my flashlight into the small area. I shine it in a corner and see something lying there on the ground. I kneel down and poke the thing that was lying there.

To my surprise it was a damn rat. I fall backward onto my bum, landing on my wrist, "Ouch," I mumble to myself. The rat scurries off and I get back up to my kneeling position and start going through some boxes. I come across pictures, a photo album that was empty, a few boxes of cigarettes and some other small things.

I grab the photos and sit down on the floor, looking through them. "Kate, come here," I say and shine the light her way. She turns, her eyes instantly widen and she becomes kind of pale as if she'd seen a ghost or something. I look behind me and see someone standing in the doorway. "Fuck!" I yell, surprised and I instantly stand up, going and standing right in front of Katie protectively.

The figure steps forward before pointing at us, "Who are yo-you?" His voice questions us. He sounded like he was in pain, hurt, and highly annoyed.

"I'm Officer Styles and my partner is Officer Jones," I introduce us, shining the light to the man. I notice him holding his hand behind his back and I move quick, grabbing his wrist and revealing what he had behind his back. All that was on his hand was blood and nothing else.

"H-Help," he tells us, his voice wobbling slightly.

"Sir, are you alright?" Katie's small voice speaks up as she comes up beside me, looking at the man. Her face was full of concern.

He opens his mouth, but then falls to the floor, landing on his stomach. I shine the light and see he had a gun wound to the back. I take my phone out and call for the ambulance. "Sir, what's your name?" I ask him, kneeling down in front of him.

"George Brookes," he manages out. I give the address to the people before hanging up and putting my phone in my shirt pocket.

I tilt Brookes' head up toward me and shine the light in his eyes. His pupils were dilated and his eyes were kind of bloodshot. "Who did this to you?" I ask him, keeping him talking to me while Katie started tending his back as best as she could.

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