~Chapter Five~

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Harry's P.O.V

Next Morning

I awoke at my usual time, 6:00 AM sharp. I yawn and rub my eyes, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I undress and throw my clothes into the dirty laundry, before turning the shower on and showering.

About twenty minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist. I look to my bed and see a beautiful angel sleeping right on it. I smile softly and remember last night, smirking at the thought slightly.

I place a kiss on her head and then change into my usual uniform, grabbing my phone and keys. I walk downstairs and head into the office, grabbing my laptop. I grab my laptop case and slide the laptop into the case, zipping it up and putting it under my arm. I head to my car, unlocking the doors.

Once in the car, I turn the ignition on and head down the road toward the bakery I used to work at as a teenager. I arrive and park my car, turning it off and heading into the building. I go up to the front counter and greet Ms. Darlene, who was my boss. She smiles and rings in my usual. I pay her and then take the things, saying my goodbyes.

I head back out to the car and remember how I was a dick to Katie last night due to... Well, my busy night....

"I'll apologize to her, when she gets there," I mumble to myself and turn the car back on. I head toward the station and arrive, parking in my usual space. I get out and lock the doors, walking into the station, and heading straight for mine and Katie's crammed office. I walk over to the desk and turn the light on, setting my things down.

As I look at the desk, I see a new file on top of everything else and I pick it up. "New case, eh?" I ask myself, flipping through the pages. "I thought Wes and Sarah were on this case," I mumble and scratch my head. I look around and see the Chief.

I carry the file out to him and look at him, asking him a question. "What's this?"

He looks at me and then at the file in my hand. "That's your new case, that Wes and Sarah got kicked off of. Of course Sarah doesn't know, due to her leaving as well. Wes, fucked up and they couldn't solve the case quick enough. There's been 6 murders now, for Christ sake," Chief exclaims and runs a hand over his face.

I chuckle lightly and hit the file off the palm of my hand. "Did Katie convince you?" I ask and tilt my head to the side slightly. The look on Chief's face was priceless. I wish I got a picture.

"She didn't convince me, she annoyed the hell out of me about it and I finally handed it over to you guys. Solve that ASAP," he tells me, patting my shoulder, and then walking off to his office. He practically lived here, no matter the time, he was always here.

I turn on my heels and head back into our office, sitting in the chair and eating the donut. I sip on my coffee and read through some more case files that were on our desk. I put the ones we had completed off to the side and start sorting the new cases in order. I put the new one on top of the others.

I grab a pen and start writing down some notes about each case, before standing up and starting to clean up the office. It was a mess, a big, big mess. We should've gotten the bigger office, but nope. Drew claimed that one right away! I put some finished cases in the file cabinets, leaving the unfinished ones out on the desk.

Shortly after that, I walked out to grab the broom and came across an exhausted looking Katie. "What the hell happened to you?" I ask her and stare at her.

She glares at me and I bite my lip, "What do you think, dumbass!? I stayed here till late last night and got like 3 hours of fucking sleep. What about you? Too busy wanking off to some porn star?" She snaps, her voice ice cold.

Ouch. I flinch at her tone and back into the office. "Don't hurt me," I simply say, joking. I hope it lightened the mood, but I don't think it did. She narrows her eyes at me and slaps me across the face, "Ouch, what was that for, Miss. Sassy-Pants," I ask and bring my hand to my cheek.

"For making me stay here late and don't call me sassy-pants," she replies and shakes her head. She goes around and sits in the desk, looking at the now spacious area. "Were you cleaning?" She asks me and looks at me.

I nod my head and motion to the file, "is that what you needed to talk to me about last night?" I look her in the eyes and she nods her head.

"That's exactly why I needed to talk to you and why you needed to come in as soon as possible this morning. Why were you being a dick? Also, why were you out of breath? Like were you fucking a horse up the ass like some weird hobo named Billy Bob? Or like what the hell?" She fires questions at me.

I chuckle as she speaks about some hobo. "I don't know any hobo's named Billy Bob and I certainly wasn't banging a horse up the ass. Yeah, I was being a naughty lad, but it wasn't with a horse," I tell her, answering her questions. "I didn't mean to be a dick, honestly. I'm so sorry about that..." I apologize and bite my lip.

She nods her head and I smile lightly. "Forgive me?" I ask her and do the cupcake thing I used to do.

"Fine, just this once though," she tells me and rolls her eyes. "Anyways, we needa get on this case!" She starts, picking up the serial killer file.

"So we know this person has dark hair, wears dark clothing, and is a massive serial killer," I start and rub my chin. I look at the ceiling and think about the people who would be like that. "Do we have any clues as to where he is killing these people? Harming them? Kidnapping them from?" I ask and look at her again.

She opens the file and reads the information we had on this person. "I got... 14 Gonavy Lane," she responds and taps the paper with her finger. "Also, I think it's a him. I see here that the killer has been seen multiple times going to and from the one club, downtown," she continues and looks up from the papers.

"That's where we needa hit then," I tell her and lean forward on the desk. "Anywhere, where it mentions the times he has been seen?" I ask and swipe my tongue across my bottom lip. I grip the desk with my hands and tap my fingers on the wood.

She looks at the papers again and scans it with her eyes. Flip, flip, flip. Page after page she was still searching. I watch as her eyes light up and then she looks right at me. "Between 10 PM and 12 AM, he has been seen walking out with a couple of different people. It says here that the one bartender gave him a wine bottle, for free. Then the next day, a person was found with broken glass in their skin," she tells me.

I smile and nod my head, "Then perfect, We've got our locations, we've got a few witnesses and we've got a possible weapon to the killings!" I tell her and put my hand up for a high-five.

Katie looks at me and raises her hand, acts like she's gonna high-five me, but then does the casual swerve thing. "Sorry not sorry, Styles," she simply says and winks playfully at me.

"How rude," I say and roll my eyes at her wink. "Let's bust a couple of guys, gather some more evidence, bust into a house and search around. I think we've got this case in the bag already, and we've just been given it."


Hello, hello! 3 updates in one day? I think so!

Here we have our fifth chapter already! Thank you so much for all your reads and votes! Please, please feel free to share your opinions in the comments and your advice! Don't be afraid to throw our story out anywhere possible and give us some great or even bad feedback!

In the picture for tonight, you have Officer Sarah!

Please continue reading our story, voting for it, and commenting! We try and reply to everyone who comments.

We wanna thank you so, so much for everything you guys have done so far,

We love you guys!

Peace out, girlscouts!

~ Double K (;

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