~Chapter Forty-Six~

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Harry's P.O.V.

Not once have I ever been bored to the point where I just enjoy counting the cracks in the ceiling, the number of tiles on the wall, and the number of times I've said "I'm bored." Which honestly, was at the most 100 times already. I didn't know why I was still here, my wound is healing up fine, I'm not lightheaded anymore, I have blood in my body, and I certainly am not dead.

I'll admit though, every time I move to the side it hurts, but ya know that's understandable. I needed to get out of here and I wanted to help Katie. What if something bad happens to her? Then what do I do? I can't be there to protect her, I can't be there to help her whenever she's hurt. I'm stuck in this Hell hole. My family hasn't even come to visit me, but then again. They probably don't even know I'm here.

I groan loudly just thinking about all this bullshit. I close my eyes and place my hands on my face, before sitting up slowly and slinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up, using the bed for help, and head over to the window. I sit down in the chair and look outside. It was dark, but I enjoyed watching the cars zoom by and the number of planes that flew overhead.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now..." I sung softly to myself. I can sing, but I don't like doing it around people. I just felt uncomfortable about my voice. You wouldn't expect a big, bulky, badass looking guy like me to be able to sing.

I turn my back to the window and look at the room I was in. It was depressing. I wanted to go out and explore. I get up, unhooking myself, painfully, from the IV (doing that because I don't need it anymore), and head to the door. I open it and turn left, heading towards the nursery section of the hospital. I watch as patients, doctors, and nurses go back and forth between rooms. A few of them gave me a questioning look, but I just gave them a small side-smirk. I run my hand through my hair and turn right, heading into the nursery. I stand by the window and look in at all of the newborns. They're so cute. I think to myself and smile softly. I head over to the door and knock lightly, getting a midwife to look up and come open the door.

"Are one of these yours?" She asks me, looking at my outfit. I had changed into jeans and a light hoodie, but stayed in my brown slippers. I shake my head and she nods her head. "Then why are you in here, sir?" She asks, walking back towards the child she was messing with. I follow her and look at the newborn baby-girl. She wouldn't stop crying, no matter what the midwife did.

"I just wanted to get a glimpse of my future. It seems like this rose isn't a happy bundle of joy," I chuckle lightly and lean over the baby. She had bright blue eyes with a tint of gold in them, her hair was a light caramel color. I smile at the child and she looks at me, her crying coming to a slow halt. The midwife looks at me and I look at her, raising an eyebrow. "What'd I do?" I ask, worried that I messed up.

The midwife laughs lightly and shakes her head, putting her hand on my back. "You didn't do anything wrong, sir. You made her stop whining," she explains. I look between the woman and the child.

"But how?" I ask and focus on the child fully now. I couldn't get over how pretty her eyes were, they were like Katie's. I smile at the thought of Katie and the babygirl gives me a toothless smile before bringing her hands up to her face and then back down along her sides. I reach my finger down and the baby hooks onto it. I laugh lightly and shake my head. "She's so gorgeous," I speak. My voice was soft and caring.

"She seems to really like you," the midwife tells me and laughs. I smile and laugh again, nodding in agreement.

"I guess she does." I simply say before getting my finger out of her grip. The baby yawns and closes her eyes, causing me to focus back on the midwife.

"You're very good with kids, do you have some of your own?" She asks me, moving to wash her hands. I follow her, washing mine as well. I shake my head and she gives me a surprised look. "Really? You don't say!" She tells me and shakes her head as if she doesn't believe me. "Don't mess with me! You have to have a child or two!" She continues, still not believing me.

I give her a small laugh and shrug, "I don't have any children. I don't even have a fiancée or wife. I have a girlfriend and she's amazing. I couldn't be happier with anyone else. Her smile brightens up my day and her eyes, they're as gorgeous as that newborn baby's eyes." I explain, just getting butterflies at the thought of Katie.

"She sounds like such a lovely girl, and you sound like such a lovely guy," she compliments, smiling. I return the smile and nod my head.

"I still can't believe how lucky I got whenever she said yes to being my girlfriend. I have had feelings for her since secondary school and each and everyday they grow bigger and bigger. She fills me with happiness, she cares about everything and she's one of the most stunning girls I've ever met. I wouldn't ever call her hot or sexy, because that's not the right thing to call a lady." I finally end my speech and apologize for it.

She smiles at me and shakes her head, "I think that you two have a very bright future ahead of you and I know for a fact that you are meant to be together. I've never met her, nor have I met you, but I have that feeling. One day, one of these spots in this room," she pauses and points at the empty spots. "One day, you'll have your own creation in here. That baby is going to have some of the best and most lucky parents. A love like yours is hard to come across and whenever it does come across, you just get that feeling. It'll last, and I know it will. Keep treating her like a queen and she'll treat you like a king. My husband has been showing affection and caring for me since we were 18. I'm now 46 and I couldn't be happier. Many, many years. Many fights and disagreements. Many mistakes, but don't take me wrong. A child is never a mistake." She finishes speaking and I stand there in awe, admiring how she could just speak to me like she's known me all her life.

"Thank you," is all I manage to get out. I get her name and then we part ways. I walk out of the nursery, heading back to my room. I knew what I wanted now with Katie and I couldn't wait for the day where I get down on one knee and spill my heart out to her, asking for her hand in marriage. I couldn't wait for the day she surprises me by saying she's pregnant.

I had a future and I knew who it was to be with. I was meant to be with Katie and I wasn't going to let anything come between the two of us. Who knows what will happen though?

The only thing I know right now is that I want and need to be with Katie. My best friend.


I told you I'd get it done. It's not a very good chapter, but it was cute and I think it was about time we witness, big, badass Harry Styles. He has a soft spot and that's kids and Katie. God they're such goals. I can't even.

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We love you guys!!!

~Double K

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