~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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Katie's P.O.V

Here I was, standing right in front of him, wanting to say so much. Yet, not a single sound came out. I didn't know what to say, what was there to say? Well, quite a lot, actually. My eyes locked with his, the both of us just standing there. I dropped my bags down beside me before fiddling with my fingers, just trying to think on what to say. I couldn't quite describe his appearance, he just looked so... different. Like he was empty, broken and pained.

"So," I mumbled, finally breaking the deafening silence that surrounded us.

"You didn't answer my question... What the hell are you doing here?" He replied, his tone wasn't snappy or bitter, like it usually would be with me.

"I'm here-" I didn't even get to finish as he interrupted.

"To tell me you think I'm a psychopath? To tell me that I'm a fucked up piece of shit? To tell me I'm a cold-hearted killer? Here to take me back to London and arrest me? Then lock me up and throw away the fucking key? Yeah? Well," he started and expanded his wrists towards me. "here you go. Handcuff me and take me away, let me rot in a goddamn cell for crimes I didn't fucking do. Do it, Katie. Fucking do it. I'm sick of feeling like this, like I'm nothing. Maybe if you arrest me I might actually feel something, feel more pain, perhaps."

My mouth dropped open, just staring at him as he left me speechless.

"Nobody gives a shit about me anyway, Kate. It's always been this way, always will be. What have I ever done to deserve all the shit that happens to me? Maybe I messed around with girls a bit back in Highschool, but I never cheated... I was always so loyal. Maybe that's why girls take advantage of me, I'm too fucking nice. 'Yeah, let's just screw over the nice guy!', 'Oh, Harry Styles? Yeah, he's got no feelings. He's just too nice!' The nice guys always finish last, I've noticed that now. People can only take so much before they finally break, y'know? A fake smile can't be hidden forever." He continues, now beginning to pace up and down the room. "The nice guy is being blamed for something he never even done, I've had enough. Completely."

"Harry, you-" I tried responding, but he just ignored me and proceeded to talk.

"Then the one person who I thought actually gave a damn about me, goes and hurts me the most." He muttered, a frown evident on his lips.

"Yeah, Harry... Sarah isn't worth your hurt or upset. You'll forget about her and move on, you'll find someone better." I told him, sighing softly.

"Are you stupid? I'm not on about Sarah, damn it! I'm on about you, Katie!" He raises his voice, his voice breaking as he looks straight at me.

I stand there, shocked at his words. My body felt numb, like I couldn't move. Where is this rant suddenly coming from?

"... me?" I questioned, my voice timid and quiet.

"Yes, you! You were the one person I thought I could depend on, the one person who has ever shown me any form of emotion, the one person I thought I trusted. Yet, you were one of the first to turn your back on me. You really think I've killed all those innocent people, you think I'm a twisted murderer, just like every other fucker in that corrupted force." He spat, his neck veins now visible as he continued to raise his voice.

He took a few steps back towards me, his much larger frame now hovering over me. I squinted my eyes at him, my arms crossing over my chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry! But who was the one who ran away from everything without even giving me a chance to talk to them? Who was it, Harry?" I paused for a moment. "Ah, yeah. It was you, wasn't it! So get off your high fucking horse and just stop for a second!"

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