~Chapter Sixteen~

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Harry's P.O.V

I couldn't even believe what I just heard from Katie's mouth not even an hour ago. I couldn't believe it... I thought Sarah loved me? Why? Why did she do this? Why am I just now figuring this out?!

I was more than sick. I was broken, hurt, soulless, angry, annoyed, and so many more emotions. My mind was a fucking mess. I couldn't even think properly. I pulled into mine and Sarah's driveway, but I didn't get out. I stayed in the car and bit down hard on my lip as I looked out the windshield.

After a good 20 minutes of just sitting in the police car, I finally got out. I close the door lightly, leaning on the now closed door. I clench my fists together and take a few deep breaths, hoping that it wasn't true.

I walk toward the front door, unlocking it with my key and pushing the door open. A frown was etched on my lips and I just completely wasn't myself. I walk to the kitchen, hearing Sarah humming and what not.

I walk into the kitchen, putting a fake smile on and looking at her. She was in one of my T-shirts and that was all. "Hey, baby," she greets, turning around and smiling at me.

"Hey, can we... Can we ta-" I start saying before she interrupts me.

"Sit down, babe! Eat something!" She speaks, coming over to me and placing some food in front of me. I mumble a quiet thanks and she goes back to cleaning up.

I put my fork down and put my hands on the table. "Sarah, we have to talk," I tell her, looking right at her.

She turns and her hair follows her as she spins. "Talk about what?" She coos and sits down across from me.

"Wesley," I tell her and look away from her. The pain was unbearable. Please say it wasn't true...

She bats her eyelashes at me and a look of confusion spreads across her face. "What about Wesley, Harry?" She asks and sits up straight, folding her hands together. "What's wrong, babe?" She asks, leaning forward and placing her hand on top of mine.

I pull my hands from hers and stand up, not being able to sit anymore. "You know what about Wesley, Sarah," I say and look at her not hiding the hurt and pain on my face anymore. "You know exactly what," I add on and look at the table. I grip the chair and lean forward, having trouble breathing now.

"Harry! Calm down! I have no clue what you're talking about," she tells me and stands up. She rushes over to my side and wraps her arms around my waist. "What are you speaking about?" She asks me and turns my head so I was looking at her.

I remove her arms from around my waist and take a deep breath. "What's all this shit about you giving blow-jobs to him?" I finally ask, my voice cracking.

Just like that, Sarah lost all color to her face and bit down on her lip. Yet, she didn't speak.

"Well?!" I ask her, my voice cracking again.

"Harry... I-I can explain...." She mumbles, looking away from me.

"Then please explain! I would just love to know that what I've been told was the truth!" I yell and bring my hands to my face.

"Harry, don't raise your voice at me!" She commands me and narrows her eyes at me. She steps forward and looks up at me. "What you've been told is true! Alright? Yeah, I'm cheating on you with that fucking sex God Wesley!" She comes out, being completely, brutally honest.

I step backward and look at her. "How long has this been going on?!" I ask her, my voice soft, pathetic and weak now.

"It's been going on ever since he started working there," she tells me.

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