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I found myself dreaming

In silver and gold

Like a scene from a movie


Nates pov


today's the day me and Al scheduled to be zoo day. I put on black and red shorts plus a white tshirt. my gold necklace hung over that.

I was on my way to pick up babygirl, it being almost eleven and it might get busy. well it is a Wednesday. I ignored that thought and pulled into her driveway. my heart sped up as I approached the door.

when she answered, she had a white California hat over her curly brown hair. a red tshirt and athletic shorts with matching socks. "al you look gorgeous." I complimented, looking at her eye makeup.

mascara on her long eyelashes and perfect winged eyeliner. that's rare to see. she blushed and smiled. "thanks baby." She's finally accepted calling me names other than mine and daddy. I absolutely love it. it's cute to watch her stumble on her words too. she blushes and it makes me wanna kiss her face all over.

"come on let's just get on our way." she smiled and took my hand, taking me over to her jeep. she wanted to drive me for once, and I let her. she put me in the passengers side and then skipped around, a big smile on her face.

she got in and then began on our hour drive to the zoo. I smiled and relaxed in the seat. I took my phone out just to have it, or well mostly to take a bunch of snapchats of her.

she put some drake and lil Wayne plus nicki minaj on the radio and blasted it. we rolled through inner town LA with the top down and the wind blowing our hair around.

Only by those three came on and she smiled. when the beat dropped, I started recording her rapping. she moved and bounced in her seat, driving and looking around the whole time. I laughed, taking one video of each beginning rap. she nailed them all on spot.

when I was done, I grabbed her hand and tangled our fingers. we drove the rest of the way singing along to the music.

we pulled up to the San Diego zoo and got out. she was so excited, I took a small picture. I had no shame about putting her all over my social media. I did like her and it would be fucking grand if it worked out.

"come on, Nathan!" she groaned, taking my hand and pulling me behind her. I chuckled and sped up, resting a hand on her waist and walking up to the admission with her.

she paid us in, I made no fight since she offered to do it with no sign of backing down. might as well not be a pushy asshole. we got our tickets, tickets for the dolphin shows, and then set on our way.

we went though all the exhibits, laughing. I took a picture of her every time she had real passion in her eyes. I got one of her feeding the giraffes with that big grin, and petting a shark when she couldn't nearly sit still. she was so damn beautiful, it was hard to really admire the animals when she was next to you.

"why so many pictures?" she asked, holding my hand on the way out. her left hand had mine but her right weirdly cold one held my bicep. it was cute and felt protective.

"because you make my heart beat fast." she laughed and looked up at me. her white smile made me smile. we walked the parking lot all the way to her jeep. we walked around for nearly three hours, and al was exhausted.

she took one arm and pulled me into a tight hug. she pretty much put all her weight on me. I smiled and kissed her head. "do you want me to drive?" she pulled away.

"no!" then she took the keys and ran to the drivers side. I chuckled and got in after her, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"baby," she said with a focused look, pulling out of the tight parking lot. "let's go out for ice cream. there's a Baskin Robins down the road." when she got to the light she turned to me with a smile. she was asking me if I was okay with it.

"of course, Princess. whatever you want." her cheeks turned pink and she turned on the road towards the ice cream place.

five minute drive easy, and we got there exactly at 4. I held Alessandra's hand as we entered the air conditioned place. the air was sweet and I could see her taking in the smell.

she ordered first. "can I have one scoop cookie dough, second cotton candy and third vanilla?" the lady smiled and nodded, putting her ice cream in a bowl. I just got chocolate, vanilla plus cookies and creme. I paid, smiling at Al with deep dimples. it's one of her weaknesses.

we took our cups and sat in a booth, facing the bright sunny day. we ate but halfway through I needed one last date day picture. I put some icecream on her lips, she giggled. my phone slid in front of us and I took a goofy video.

I licked the icecream but she cringed. I laughed but she smiled and leaned forward. she knew we were recording, and she kissed me, hard.

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