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I love you, please say

You love me too, these three words

They could change our lives forever

And I promise you that we will always be together

Till the end of time


sex pt. two

I collapsed next to al, sweating like a mother fucker and breathing heavily.

"Nate that was... the best sex I've ever had with you." she rolled over and put an arm on my chest. her head came forward and rested on my shoulder, giving me small kisses.

"that was the best sex we've ever had." shd agreed, putting my arm around her too.

we stayed silent after that. she held me with her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. I had mine slung over her stomach, fiddling with the sheet covering her body.

the sex we just had was amazing. it was slow and full of passion. we took it slow just like a real couple would've.

except, it was sex a couple who loved each other would've had. all of our dates have gone fucking fantastic, I was liking her more and more everyday.

she's not like any girl. she doesn't demand nor ask for sex. she is calm and carefree, yet can be stubborn as fuck. she's so chill yet when her temper goes off, she's intimidating and scary.

she might be short, and thick, and sexy and all I could ever ask for, but she was mine. I like dealing with her sassy attitude, her mood swings and her period blues. the lunch dates we sometimes go on or that once when she took me grocery shopping.

holy shit.

"Alessandra." I said softy. she turned her head slightly but kept her eyes closed, running a finger over my chest. "I-I think I love you."

with that her eyes opened slowly, looking up at me with surprise. "al, before you say something, I just want to explain myself so you can tell me-" her thumb pressed against my lips, shutting me up.

als eyes raised up and stared in mine, flicking from one eye to the other. "shut up. I think I love you too." she cracked a smile and chuckled, moving her thumb from my lips. a sigh of relief fell over me.

she kissed me, pressing her lips on mine. I kissed back instantly, pulling her tighter against me. she pecked my lips and then pulled alway.

"what does this mean? about us." she asked.

"Alessandra Dexter, will you be my official girlfriend?"

her eyes widened. al let out a small chuckle. "yes Nathan Maloley. I will be your official girlfriend." she smiled a cheesy smile and I returned it. her hands slid around my neck and the tips of his fingers slipped into my hair.

then we kissed, really kissed. it was like one of those cheesy movie kisses where everything around them seems to fall into place. except I don't know what all is going around me so...

al pulled away. "can I stay over?" she asked. I nodded and bit my lip. Sammy was supposed to stop by tomorrow, which means I can wake and bake with my babygirl. that sounds like fun. I'd have to take her home so we can eventually head to the studio.

"do you mind Sammy stopping by in the morning? we had plans for him to pick me up and get baked before work." al shrugged and she hugged me.

"I don't mind." a light smile played on my lips as I reached out to turn off the lights. I dipped my head down and started kissing at her neck. al tightened her arms around my body and whimpered.

I lifted my head up and observed the darkness. al was laying on the pillow with her hair scattered around her head. god she was beautiful.

"goodnight princess." I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her.

I won't let you go.

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