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Sammys Pov (wow what a shocker)

the next morning, holy fuck. my head was pounding, my eyes were sensitive, and I had the urge to vomit. my body dragged up and lunged into the bathroom.

the toilet was full of the too much alcohol I drank. why did they let me do that? when I was finished, I flushed and then rinsed my mouth out. god that was nasty.

I walked back out into the livingroom and Becca was shifting on the couch. "why does it hurt so much." she groaned softly. just soft enough so my head didn't hurt even more.

"you're telling me." i mumbled back, going over to retrieve my phone. it was dead of course. my eyes took this time to scan the living room. didn't we have more people than this? Alessandra and Nate!

last night I told them to go into the closet to make up! ha. with a happy start, I walked to the closet, but no one was in there. oh goody, a scavenger hunt for my friends.

my phone was more important at the moment so I hopped up the stairs and quickly put that on the charger. I'm already up here so might as well start checking rooms.

I checked down the right side and then moved to the left. the last one was a slight hope. my hand pushed it open because it wasn't shut all the way.

on the bed were two bodies. both of them belonging to al and Nate. they were wrapped up in sheets, his arm tucked protectively sound her waist. her face was calm and obviously deep in sleep.

when I looked closer, my eyes immediately picked up the hickeys all over als neck. so they did make up. I smiled at my work and walked back downstairs.

Skeez was still passed out and Becca had migrated to the bean bag chair I was sleeping on. my shirt was thrown under her head as a pillow as she curled up in sleep. a soft smile only filled my lips.

fuck, what time is it? me, myself, and I stumbled into the kitchen in search for the microwave. 2:15 it said. what kinda life are we living. stay up all night and sleep all day apparently.

the real question is who the fuck delivers breakfast at 2 in the afternoon. time for Google! unfortunately nothing.

so I looked in my kitchen and found only cereal. I really need to go food shopping. my milk had just gone into the bowl when the two love birds come tromping down the stairs. not literally, they were actually quiet.

"hey guys." I greeted softly, beginning to eat my Frosted Flakes. al just smiled at me and grabbed the orange juice, pouring herself a glass. Nate just takes a water bottle and headed back up to that room. I think it was because al had his shirt and he was just in boxers.

"nice hickeys. must've got it on." als cheeks flushed a deep red. "you're welcome." I nudge her shoulder as give her a small smile. she only scoffed and laughed, turning around to go back up also.

those damn lovebirds.

"did they finally fuck?" my head turned again and a half naked Becca was walking through my kitchen. she took her shirt off and was now in shorts and a bra. she noticed my look and rolled her eyes. "I was hot. answer my question."

I nodded, setting my bowl in the sink. she only laughed. I stopped her before she left the kitchen. "can I ask you something?" she took a bite of a banana? where did I have bananas? anyways. "are you a full on lesbian or?"

"would you like to find out?"

a/n/ honestly I felt like I had to put this in here just because of the fact that he's like sexually the fetus one of the group. as seen from the never have I ever game from earlier in the book. oki doki :)

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