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If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man


He said come over.

So I did. It was late on a Friday night, I was bored and hadn't seen him in a week or two. It was a battling question in my head, dress up? Dress sexy? Dress normal? I couldn't decide.

But after a second I came to a dashing conclusion. A quick dash through my underwear drawer proved that I could definitely sport black lace lingerie. I put some under my skinny jeans and my crop top.

My hair fell down in its natural curls and I only needed my heels and bag now. Once acquiring my belongings, I started up my car and drove off in his direction.

Call Me Maybe was on the speakers and well, it was so catchy. At every stop light, there was me. Dancing and wiggling like a maniac. It was hilarious if you would've seen.

Twenty minutes later I was in his driveway after a detour around a car accident. I couldn't see what car nor what happened but it gave me a bad feeling. But reluctantly I continued towards Nates house with an uneasy stomach.

I pulled up and immediately noticed another car behind Nates. it must've been a drunk Sammy taking an uber home, because he couldn't drive.

but that wasn't Sammys car, I've been in his car, driven his car. my hand brought my phone to my face and looked at the text he sent me. it said come over.. with that in mind I went up to the door and tried the handle.

it was unlocked, so as a pleasant surprise, I slipped inside. quickly my shoes came off and my socks padded down the hallway until I reached the big living room.

soft noises came into hearing range. I frowned. what was Nate doing? me and myself walked around his downstairs, looking for him. nothing, which meant he was upstairs. that's where I went next, the noises now getting significantly louder.

it was a female, obviously. it was in short intervals and that's when I realized it was moans. high pitched moans. I couldn't pinpoint how I felt in that moment.

it all went in slow motion as I approached the door. hesitation filled my limbs as I turned the handle. it was only open a crack before I saw their naked bodies slamming together.

he was mumbling things to her, sweet things that he always tells me.

"god I love your body."

"your skin is so smooth, I could kiss it all day."

"you're going to leave her for me right?" the girl asked. Nate responded with an overly excited yes.

then I walked away. the flame of jealousy was back and it wasn't just small this time. it was a huge forest fire. tears sprang into my eyes as I walked as fast as I could to the door, without a sound of course.

I grabbed my shoes and rushed outside, shutting the door silently and running to my car. the door shut semi quietly behind me and I pulled out, rushing away.

tears still clouded my eyes. at the next empty stop sign, I wiped them all off roughly. seconds later my phone rang. I lunged and grabbed it, lifting it up without even checking caller ID.


"hello miss. is this Alessandra Dexter?" the female voice was stern and stubborn.

"uhm yes. who is this?"

"this is the Los Angeles county Police Department. I'm calling in refer to your friend Samuel Wilkinson. he was in a car accident about twenty minutes ago."


I ran into the hospital, my hair a mess from running my hands through it on the way here. the front desk came into view and I jogged faster, avoiding people.

"Sam Wilkinson! what floor?" the lady checked her computer and told me he was in third floor room 303. I didn't have time for the elevator, I found the stairs and ran up them, sprinting to the third floor, my heels in hand.

I ran to down to where his room was and instantly I saw everyone. Sammys whole family, plus the two jacks. Nate was absent.

Sammys mom found me and rushed over, seeing my worried state. "oh my god is he okay?" I rushed out, my voice cracking and a tear spilling down my cheek.

"I'm so glad your here. he's in a coma, pretty beat up." I choked out a sob and asked if I could see him. she nodded and let me go.

his siblings watched as I passed through and shut the door behind me. Sammy was on a bed, with cuts and bruises, a tube down his throat to help him breath. he was hooked up to machines and he looked rough.

"sammy." I said softly as I went to his side. "oh Sammy." my hand found his unhurt one. tears spilled over my eyes again, looking at his pale body. he was so hurt and I felt so bad.

"I should've stopped, I should've stopped and saw what happened. I could've been here sooner for you Sammy. it would've saved me so much pain and worrying over you." I used my other hand to place it shakily, yet gently on his cheek.

then I dropped it. "I could've been there for you. like I should've." behind me the door opened and shut swiftly.

I was crying, mumbling into myself about how I could've done something. Gilinskys cologne filled my nose and then he took me into a hug. there I cried into his shoulder.

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