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Baby, don't you wanna, dance upon me,

To another time and place

Baby, don't you wanna, dance upon me

Leaving behind my name, my age


The next morning.

Oh god it was excruciating. A pounding headache and bright sun in my eyes. I tossed in the bed and turned over, finding warm body beside mine.

My mind rushed back to last night. The girl! I went home with the girl! When I looked down at us, we were both naked, Becca was curled up beside me.

Her tan skin rested perfectly beside me. When I lifted a hand and put it on her arm, she stirred and turned over to face me.

"Good morning." She said with a smile, leaning forward and kissing my neck.

"Good morning." I replied, a small smile filling my lips as I leaned into her.

"I had a lot of fun last night, Al." Her long nails trailed down my body to grab my ass. I let out a whimper at her touch. I was enjoying this a lot more than I should've.

"It was fun." Then what happened last night filled my brain. I blushed at the thought of the dirty things that happened. "How about I treat you out for breakfast?" Becca giggled and grabbed my butt again.

"That sounds like a great way to start the morning." Becca then got up out of bed and strolled naked to her bathroom. My eyes got wide, what did I get myself into?

I got up and put on my shirt from yesterday, without my bra, and my pants. "Aw baby. You can borrow some of my sweatpants or leggings so you don't have to wear those jeans." She came over in her underwear this time and grabbed a pair of gray leggings, then handed them to me. I winked at her and took them, putting them on.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and put a pair of her fuzzy socks on. "Those look better on you then they do me." I smiled and thanked her.

"My car is parked in the parking garage across from the bar. Wanna take a uber there and I can drive you to breakfast?" Becca smiled and nodded, shoving her feet into some slides. She looked down at the only shoes I had, heels. So she let me borrow a pair of white Birkenstocks.

"Now that you wear my clothes better than I do, I can take my hot date to breakfast." She giggled and lead me out of her apartment, holding my flannel and jeans along with my heels. I had my purse and was digging in it to make sure everything was still there.

I had my keys and phone, plus my money. Damn this girl is legit. When I checked my phone, I had many texts from G and Sammy. Jack sent me all the pictures he took of me and Becca, then spammed my phone about us having sex, him having a three some with us, and then one about a foursome with Sammy.

Sammy just sent me a bunch of emojis representing lesbian sex. They only made me laugh. Becca called an uber and it was there shortly, taking a small drive to find my car.

"Thanks for the ride!" She said as she paid. Then ran back over to me and took my hand in hers. "Come on." She said, jogging up and then crouching under the striped bar. I laughed and followed.

We ran the parking garage until we reached the middle floor, to where we walked to my car. "What sounds good, B?" She smirked and hopped in, scrunching her face in thought.

"Bob Evans?" She asked. I only smiled and nodded, pulling out and racing there.

No line, no wait, and a pleasant smell came from the restaurant. "Table for two." I said to the man, asking for a booth for the two of us. He passed a look at Becca and smiled, trying to catch her eye. It was funny, in response, she grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers then popped up to kiss my cheek.

His look was sad as she shot him down. I laughed as soon as he walked away. "Did you see his face? That was priceless." Becca laughed, holding onto her stomach, flashing her white teeth to the world.

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