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I like my kisses down low

Makes me arch my back

When you gave it to me slow

Baby just like that

Nates pov


"hey sammy, what's up?" Sammy smiled and opened the door wider.

"al, G, JJ and I were just finishing up our game of FIFA." my mouth flicked up to return his smile, and I moved closer inside his house.

al and I started taking things serious in that dating matter almost exactly a month ago. my stomach still fills with butterflies when she says my name. no other girl has ever bothered to say my actual name as much as she does.

Sammy and I walked into the living room where G was laying on the floor shirtless, playing furiously, Al laying so her head was hanging off the couch upside down and her body bent with the couch, and JJ on the other side of the couch sitting on the back, leaning forward in concentration.

G saw me first. "hey we'll give your girl back once she's done being beat." al muttered a curse and started pounding the controls harder until someone scored. al jumped up in victory.

"ha! fuck you Jack Finnegan Gilinsky! pay up bitch!" that made me laugh, her and that dirty mouth. I'm not one to say, I'm worse than she is sometimes. mostly when just when I'm drunk though.

Gilinsky groaned loudly and stood up. with her standing on the couch, she was just taller than him. al looked down on him with a smug smirk.

g dug in his wallet and pulled out a fifty dollar bill and so did JJ. looks like both jacks were in on it. but then Sammy did it too. "okay what bet did I miss?" I asked with a smirk. sammy chuckled and handed the fifty to Al.

"they said I couldn't beat their skinny asses in FIFA. fifty bucks each if I did. and they all lost." al exploded, turning to G and sticking her tongue at him. she took the money, folded the fresh 150 in her bra.

"okay Sammy. Imma have Nate take me home." she stretched her arms and gave him little hug. they embraced and then we were on our way to the jeep.

when we were inside, and both settled in, al took my hand and made me face her. she brought my lips down to hers with a swipe of her hand on the nape of my neck. I kissed her passionately, moving our lips in that perfect speed of rhythm.

she pulled away. "baby I know we were taking it slow, but I really want you. I want to spend an actual night, sex and cuddles and breakfast." her forehead rested against mine while her cool hand was against my stubble.

I smiled and felt her breath quicken against my lips. my response was a quick peck to her lips. I raised my hand and entangled our fingers, then pulled away.

"I think our past, what, seven dates would say we earned this." that made her smile. and with that, I drove us home, or at least back to my house. she insisted it was mine. I don't blame her, my bed is bigger.

we got inside and didn't waste any time, just walked up to my bedroom. my foot kicked the door shut and al turned to face me with a grin. a smile lit my lips as I came up to her and wrapped her against me.

"Nate!" she gasped out, grabbing a hold of me and letting my arms pick her up slightly to rest us on the bed. I scooted us to the center and relaxed, putting my hands on either side of her head. I lowered myself into my elbows so my fingers could briefly brush her long soft locks from her beautiful face.

"have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" her cheeks flushed immediately. "your freckles, the way your hair curls, your eyes, your nose." my lips fell softly on the tip of her nose.

I kissed her lips, just the way they should. with love and passion, lust. then I put kisses on her cheeks, her forehead, her neck. she was in easily removable clothes, so I took her shirt off slowly.

her hands fell on my shoulders and pushed me up, running down to grab at the hem of my shirt. we pulled it off together and she put a hand on my rose tattoo. her hands were always cold, and it felt so good counting for how hot I always am. I always felt warm on the outside.

but with Alessandra, I feel warm on the inside too. she makes me feel all warm and tingly.

al trailed her fingers over the rose tattoo, over all the ones on my arm. "I think your tattoos are beautiful," she ran her hands up my sides and pulled my shoulders down. I was hovering over her again. then she kissed my shoulder.

"your eyes are beautiful, your lips, your sexy hair." she lifted her head and kissed my ear, sending shivers down my spine. a soft moan came from my lips. "you're beautiful, Nathan Montgomery Maloley." then she kissed me, her arms holding onto me tight.

we kissed until she started tugging at my jeans, her fingers traced lightly over my skin. I knew she wanted me, but I had to treat her like the princess she was. my lips trailed down to her bra, which I slid off. I kissed her breasts, sending small moans from her lips.

then I worked down to where her leggings started. slowly my fingers pulled them down, leaving her red lace panties I loved so much.

I kissed her stomach, kissed her belly button, and her thick thighs. while I kissed one, I slowly spread them, moving to the inside of her thigh. then I slid down her panties.

I inched closer until my tongue fell against her sex. she instantly moaned out. my
fingers slid slowly up until they curled around the tops of her thighs. as I started flicking and moving my tongue against her clit, al got louder and her body moved slowly with the pleasure.

she picked up her legs and slung them over my shoulders, her fingers holding onto my hair tightly. it was just enough to turn me the fuck on. i didn't think that could make me so horny.

"Nate!" she gasped, throwing her head back and arching her back. I knew she was close. she never lasted long when she was like this, so my fingers dug a little harder on her thighs. "oh my god." she said, before going silent for at least five seconds. then her legs tightened and she came, her moans shattering the air and making my dick rise.

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