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Don't get me wrong

I love these hoes

It's no secret

Everybody knows



The lights flashed on and off, the fog machines going hard. Sammys house looked like a spring break castle. Of course, I helped plan this shit. We hung up black lights all around, we even had a body paint station outside. We had bright neon colors and it was only 5 bucks for me and some other girl to cover people in handprints.

I didn't mind being out here in the fresh air. It beat the smell inside. It was musky with weed, various cigarette smokes, the smell of excessive alcohol, and well vomit also.

"Alright lil mama. Paint me up." Nate approached my side of the table with a smile. He stuffed a 5 in the bucket and stripped off his shirt, putting it over my shoulder. I smirked at him.

"Any particular color?" He shook his head so I dipped a hand in the blue then another in orange. I came closer to him and placed my hands all over his torso, all over his arms and even one on his neck.

He winked. "Thanks." Then he walked inside, leaving me with his shirt. A smile tugged at my lips as I sat back down. After a few minutes of no one, I turned to the girl.

"Wanna paint me and then I'll do you? I'm bored just sitting out here." She looked down at her watch and then nodded. We covered ourselves in paint, then walked inside.

Everything hit us at once. I coughed a few times, getting used to it after a second. I wiggled through the crowd but I couldn't find anyone that I really wanted to hang out with. So I set on a search for Sammy.

I found him with Nate and G surrounded by girls. He was on the outside luckily. I walked over to him and leaned in to his ear.

"Hey do you still keep that extra bud in the bathroom?" He nodded. "I'm gunna be up in your bathroom smoking. Text me if you need anything." Sammy chuckled and nodded. I kissed him on the cheek as in a thanks then left, escaping upstairs to his massive bedroom.

I took off my heels at the door, then proceeded to toss Nates shirt on the bathroom counter. My foot shut the door and I immediately went to the small closet. The very very almost hidden top shelf was where he hid his shit. Of course I needed to grab a chair from his bedroom just to reach it.

The bag half full of weed topped by a package of joint wraps. Sammy always preferred those over smoking a bowl or a even a blunt, thought a blunt and joints are halfway the same.

I spent the next twenty minutes rolling approximately seven joints, slam packed full of this smelly bud. Then I pulled myself onto the granite countertop and rested against the wall, pulling my legs up and grabbing a lighter.


"Knock knock." I jumped and looked over at the door. It was Sammy. I pushed myself up, taking up less of his counters.

"Hi Sammy." A yawn stifled my mouth. It had to be pushing some time in the am. Behind Sammy came Nate. He had a girl on his arm, the same one from earlier. I looked away and hopped down, handing the bag back to Sammy.

"There's two unsmoked joints and uhm, yeah. Thanks Sam." I stepped towards him and grabbed my shoes, then stepped on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek again. Nate locked eyes with me as I did.

While they were left upstairs, I traveled downstairs and went into my car. I sighed once I got in my vehicle. Minutes passed, my mind was a blaze.

Why was the spark of jealousy still around? I didn't have feelings for Nate at all, whatsoever. All I really liked and wanted about him was his body, the way he surprised me every time we had sex. (So cliche sorry)

There was a knock at my passenger window, scaring me for the second time in the past ten minutes. I turned and the man himself was there. The doors unlocked by my shaky finger and he stepped inside, sitting down beside me.

"I'm disgusting and need a shower. Come take one with me." He said softly. He stared at his hands, but then slowly turned to me. I only nodded and started my car, pulling away and going onto the  highway towards Nates.

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