Chapter Eleven

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Alex's POV:

My eyes fluttered open, that all too familiar beeping noise ringing in my ear.

I was in a hospital. Again.

My side was hurting, as was my arm. My head was pounding, but it wasn't so bad.

I looked over at the blonde head resting on my bed, holding tightly to my hand.

Using all my might, I lifted my hand and gently brushed my hand through his hair.

It startled him at first, but when he looked up and saw I was awake the biggest smile formed on his face.

"Oh my god! Thank goodness you're okay!" Niall said, tears forming in his eyes.

I smiled weakly, my voice no where to be found.

"The doctor said when you wake up you may not be able to talk for a while... You had significant damage done to your side." Niall stared at his feet.

"This is all my fault." He let a tear slip from his eye.

I shook my head 'no' as I squeezed his hand.

"Alex!" I heard a familiar female voice call.

Oh, how I missed her.

Eleanor's POV: (claps hands)

"Get your little bum up to bed, missy." I placed a kiss on Lea's head.

"I'll be up to tuck you in soon." Louis smiled at our daughter.

Lea smiled and skipped off, her long mocha brown hair bouncing as she did.

"We have the most beautiful daughters." Louis sighed.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I miss Alex." I sighed.

"Me too. But we'll be seeing her next week for Christmas break." Louis stroked my hair.

"Go put Lea to bed, I'll make us some tea." I dismissed him.

He chuckled lightly then went up stairs to tuck in our precious baby girl.

While the water boiled I grabbed a few tea bags and mugs then sat down.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when the phone went off.

I grabbed the home phone and answered it.


"Hello. Sorry to bother you, Miss Tomlinson, but this is the Willmington Hospital calling." A man said through the phone.

Panic mode activated.

Why is the Willmington hospital calling me!? What happened to Alex!?

"We have your daughter, Alex Tomlinson in our care. She was in a bus accident and has received crucial damage to her head, and is now in critical condition... She has a friend here, but we jut thought you should know."

I nearly dropped the phone.

My daughter is in critical condition?

No. It can't be...

I hung up the phone and tried to calm my breathing.

"Louis!" I shouted.

In a matter of seconds footsteps came barreling down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Louis panicked.

"Alex... She's in the hospital. We need to go there NOW." I managed to say.

I'm a mother, I'm allowed to be worried for my kid.

Louis cursed under his breath as he ran upstairs to get Lea.

He packed us all a small bag and we got in the car.

"Mommy? Daddy? Where are we going? What's happening?" Lea's soft voice spoke from the back seat.

I wasn't able to reply to her. I was just too worried.

"It's okay, honey. Every thing will be okay." Louis said to both of us.

"Lea, sweetheart, try and sleep. Okay?" I finally spoke.

"Can you sit with me, mommy?"

I smiled weakly and climbed into the backseat. Lea rested her head on my lap and I stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

"You should sleep too." Louis said, no taking his eyes off the road.

"Now, there's a good idea." I chuckled lightly.

One week later

"Alex!" I exclaimed, running towards my now awake daughter.

"Oh! Sweetheart, are you okay?"

Alex nodded her head and smiled weakly. I noticed Niall holding her hand.

"Are you two...?" My sentence trailed off.

They both shook their heads quickly.

I laughed to myself and sat beside Niall.

"Guess what?" I smiled.

Alex raised an eyebrow.

"It's Christmas break so you're coming home with us!" I said excitedly.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled, as did Niall.

"It'll be great..." I gave Niall a quick glare.

You see... Niall was living at Demi's house... And he hasn't been able to find a new place to live, so Louis and I kind of agreed to let him stay with us?

I know that's stupid considering Alex and Niall have broken up... But I believe it's a good way for them to repair their relationship.

They were in love, and clearly still are.

So, we're hoping this can help.

"The doctor said you can leave tomorrow. Would you like me to go pack your stuff?" I offered.

Alex nodded her head and I smiled, getting up and as she passed me her keys.

Louis was at our hotel room with Lea.

I left the hospital and got in the car. It was a huge relief knowing Alex was okay.

Alex's POV: (again .-.)

Niall had left my hospital room, leaving me to my thoughts.

I had realized that if my mum was going into my room... She might find the drugs I had hidden.

No, I haven't used them... But I bought them when I was really feeling stressed and depressed, in case I wanted to take them...

I've done drugs in the past, but I stopped when Louis and Eleanor came along.

I was in a bad place then... And I regret it.

But I would never do it again, I just thought I would. I just hope I don't have to explain that to mum...

Niall came marching back into my room, and he had two cups of water with him.

"Here, drink up." He smiled, helping me sit up.

I chugged the cup of water then burped weakly.

Sighing, I rested my head against my pillow.

"So... Looks like I'll be staying with you while you're on break. I'm staying at Louis and El's." Niall smiled.

My head shot in his direction, staring at him as if to say 'are you freaking serious?'.

"Sorry if that's not okay with you... I can stay in a hotel if you prefer."

I immediately shook my head no.

Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I typed a message and showed him. It said;

Honestly, I'd love to have you stay with us. It'll be fun. More time to become friends again.

He read the message and smiled weakly, but I could see in his eyes he was a big upset.

I wonder what for?

I typed him a new message, saying I'm tired and I want to sleep.

He nodded his head, kissing my forehead and sitting in his chair in the corner of the room.

"I'll be here for you. No matter what." I smiled and turned over in bed so I was facing the wall, only giving him a view of my back.

A single tear slipped from my eye as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

After a few minutes, I still couldn't sleep but I just laid there silently.

"I love you, Alex." Niall whispered.

What the hell did he just say!?

(A/N): lawls.

Guuuuys I started a Larry fan fiction. Check it out? It's probably gonna suck but y'know.. It's worth the shot lol.

Oh, and don't forget to check out Alex's life before Elounor in 'Dear Diary' on my profile! :)

Thanks for reading guys.

I love y'all. (No stalkero)

- Corrina the depressed muffin

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