Chapter Nine

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Niall's POV:

I paced back in forth I my hotel room as I waited for Demi to come back from shopping. I offered to go with her, but she said she wanted to go alone.

Butterflies fluttered about in my stomach as I waited.

Why am I so nervous?

Well, I need to end our relationship.

Why would I do that?

Because my heart belongs to Alex. I still love her so much. I can't keep living a lie.

But she has a boyfriend...?

I'm aware she has a boyfriend. But maybe... Just maybe... Deep down inside, she could possibly have a small bit of feelings for me? I mean, we were in love... It's kind of hard to fall out of love. Right?

Are you aware you're talking to yourself?


I snapped from my awkward thoughts as Demi came strutting through the door, carrying loads of bags with her.

She dropped them on the bed and sat down.

"Hey... Demi? Can we talk?" I asked nervously.

I could already feel my hands sweating.

"Sure." She patted the seat beside her.

"You know how our relationship was put together for strictly publicity...?" I said slowly, hopping she would catch on.


I really do not know how to break up with someone.

"Yeah..." She nodded her head slowly.

"I think we should just... Not even do that. You see... I still love Alex... A lot..."

Nailed it...!


"Okay." She nodded her head.

"I mean, you're awesome and all but-what?" My jaw dropped.


Just 'okay'?!

"It's fine, Niall. You've gotta go after what your hear desires. I didn't really want to date anyone, that's why I was acting so rude. So maybe I'd drive you away." She smiled.

Smiling? During a break up?

"Well, alrighty then..."

"I'll be taking my car back home though. You'll have to find another way back, Niall." Demi smirked.

I see what she's doing...

Smiling, I pulled her in for a hug.

"I'll see ya later. Bye!" She grabbed her bags and left.


I sat on the bed by myself... Now what?

Text Alex dumb dumb.

Right! That's a good start.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent a quick text to Alex.

To Alex:

Hey, Alex. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over to my hotel room to hang? I think we have a bit of catching up to do, yeah? Starting with how you got that shiner! :) xx - Niall

I sent the message and lied down.

After a few minutes, I heard my phone go off and I checked who it was from.

From Alex:

Sure. Kassity left with the car so I'll have to bus there. Where you at?

I smiled as I sent her a reply. She told me she's hopping on a bus now, so I'll just have to wait at least thirty minutes.

Gosh, I can't wait.

Maybe if we can hang out enough, something will build between us again...

Just maybe...

(A/N): YES ITS SHORT I know IM SORRRRRRRRRY. Once again it is pretty poopy but oh well >:(

I'll try and make the next chapter a bit longer!

Okay dramatic/creepy/weird/deep/private question...

Have any of you self harmed?

If you have, comment a <3 in the comment section and I'll try my best to message all of you. You're not alone. It gets better, I promise. I love you guys so freakin much and I honestly hope there isn't too many people who have.

You're all too beautiful and sweet and kind to have done that to yourselves.

Okay so yeah ;3

Thanks for reading! Means a lot! I'll try and update again soon :)

I love y'all so much! (No stalkero)

- Corrina xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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