Chapter Two

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Alex's POV:

"We're going to get in so much trouble!" I shrieked as Baylor pulled me into the restaurant.

"Who cares?" He snickered.

"I do!" I chuckled, smacking his chest lightly.

"Want a sandwich?" Baylor asked, jumping over the counter.

My eyes widened as I stared at him, dumbfounded.


"Why not? If you aren't going to have one I'll be eating in front of you..." He shrugged.

"Fine. Make me ham sandwich, please?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He smiled warmly, and nodded his head.

As Baylor worked on our food, I walked further into the building.

It was almost pitch black over here, the only light source was by the counter for Baylor to make our food.

"This feels like a scene in a horror movie where someone jumps out of thin air and kills us..." I hollered.

"Why are you talking so loudly?" Baylor asked from right behind me.

I shrieked and backed up, flipping over a stool and landing face down, butt up on the floor.

"Oh, gosh! Sorry, Alex! I didn't mean too startle you!" Baylor apologized, coming to my side.

"It's alright. I'm just a paranoid gal." I sighed, standing up and brushing off my jeans.

"Take a seat, lets try and get to know each other." Baylor suggested, handing me my sandwich.

I nodded my head and took a seat on a couch with him.

"Okay, so... How bout I ask you a question then you ask me one and so on?" Baylor asked.

"Okay. Ask away." I smiled warmly.


"Just turned 20."

"Same." Baylor fist pumped.

I laughed at his goofy behavior, which remind me very much of my father.

"What are you studying?" I asked, taking a giant bite out of my sandwich.

"I'm studying to become a professional twerker." He said with a straight face.

I practically choked on my food, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Seriously?" I chuckled.

Baylor suddenly jumped up and began twerking, particularly well actually.

I burst into a fit of laughter as he stopped and smiled at me.

"I'm kidding. I'm studying to be a doctor." He laughed.

"Cool. I'm studying to be a business owner." I said, taking another bite of my sandwich.

"If I did become a business owner, I wouldn't be a mean one like the d bag who owns this place." I laughed.

"Want to know something?" Baylor said, biting his lip.

"What...?" I asked worriedly.

"I own this place. I run it with my friends Arel and Jack." Baylor chuckled.

My eyes widened and I nearly choked on my food.

"I'm so sorry! I was just-I'm sorry!" I chuckled nervously.

He laughed an patted my shoulder.

"It's fine."

"So, a gal like you must have a boyfriend?" Baylor asked in his Alabama accent.

"Actually... I don't. And 'a gal like me'? What does that mean?" I asked.

"A beautiful, kind girl. Sorry, I just assumed you would."

"It's fine. I actually just recently broke up with my boyfriend of three years. Do you know Niall Horan?" I informed him.

"Yeah. That Blondie from that gay boy band?" Baylor snickered.

"Yah. And their not a 'gay boy band' for your information. My father and best friends are in that band. Yeah, well Niall was the guy." I said sadly.

"Oh gosh... I'm sorry. If you don't mind me asking... Do you still love him?" Baylor asked cautiously.

"Y-Yeah... I do." That's the first time I actually admitted it aloud.

Baylor just nodded his head and stood up.

"I better get you back to your dorm. Class starts tomorrow." Baylor said quickly.

I nodded my head and stood up.

Yawning, I stretched my arms and walked towards the door.

"Want me to carry you?" Baylor asked, chuckling slightly.

"That'd be nice." I yawned again.

Before I knew it I was being lifted off the ground and into Baylor's strong arms.

I rested my head against his chest as he locked the door to his restaurant, and continued walking.

My heart still ached from the thought of Niall. I miss him so much. I missed everything about him.

I miss the way he smiled at me... The way he kissed me goodnight and would hold me close to him and protect me... Mostly, I missed the way he loved me.

I barely noticed the tear that slipped from my eye until I sobbed, capturing Baylor's attention.

He stopped walking and placed me on my feet.

"Alex... What's wrong?" Baylor asked sadly, wiping away my stray tears with my thumb.

I didn't say anything, I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

He understood that I just needed comfort, so he hugged me back.

The worst kind of pain anyone can feel is heartbreak, and unfortunately for me I've been carrying around the pain in my heart for over a month.

I just want Niall to be mine again... But I don't think that'll happen.


"Bye, Baylor. Thanks for the tour!" I waved goodbye, closing the door.

I walked over to my bags, ignoring Harry and Kassity talking over Skype.

Pulling out my blankets, I made my bed and changed into my pjs.

"I can see you, Alex." I heard Harry say over the computer.

Kassity laughed as I fell over behind the bed.

I pulled up my pants and put my shirt on over my head. Then I popped my head out and stood up.

"Could have told me sooner." I mumbled.

"I'm going to the washroom... You two talk." Kass said, leaving the room.

I sat in the office chair and smiled at Harry.

I still can't believe I dated him for one night. Another one of my stupid teenage mistakes.

"Hey, Alex." Harry smiled.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Good. I've been bored since you two left." Harry said sadly.

"We'll be back for Christmas soon." I reassured him.

"I know. I can't wait." Harry chuckled.

"Harry? Who are you talking too?" I heard a familiar voice say in the background.

My breath hitched in my throat as that gorgeous face I haven't seen in a month appeared on screen.

"Alex?" Niall asked, staring at the screen with sad eyes.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice.

Harry looked stunned as Niall's head hung low.

"Alex... I-"

"I'm going to bed. Bye, Harry." I mumbled, cutting Niall off.

I turned the computer to look at the wall as I ran towards my bed, tears streaming down my face.

My heart was throbbing and I couldn't take it. I just felt like screaming and breaking everything, but I couldn't.

I shoved my head in my pillow and screamed, hoping the boys didn't hear.

I heard Kassity come in.

"Oh god... Alex..." She sighed, running to the computer and turning it off.

She came to my side, laying beside me. She pulled me into her side and stroked my hair soothingly.

"Shh, hun. It's okay. Everything's going to get better, I promise." She whispered.

My cries become less frequent as I drifted to sleep.

For some reason, I felt as though Niall and I weren't through... That tonight, seeing him was a sign that something is going to happen between us... I just don't know what to think.

(A/N): I know this isn't my best, I'm truly sorry. I've been stressed this week and I didn't have much time to write!

I promise the actual drama starts next chapter :).

I know Baylor isn't this age in real life but this is fiction so fack it lol.

Omfg has anyone heard 'Cant Let Her Go' yet? It was leaked and might I just say IT'S FREAKING AMAZING! I know it's bad to have listened to it before it was actually released, but it's just so tempting.

This chapter is dedicated to my amazingly talented friend, Hannah. You should follow and read her stories! She's amazing! Her user is @1D_dontknowaboutme !!
Yah.. So.. I'll try and update within a week if possible... I love you guys so much and thanks for everything.

Bye for now.

- Corrina

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